< Psalms 119 >
1 ALEPH. Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.
2 Blessed are those who keep his decrees, who seek him with their whole heart.
ヱホバのもろもろの證詞をまもり 心をつくしてヱホバを尋求むるものは福ひなり
3 Yes, they do nothing wrong. They walk in his ways.
4 You have commanded your precepts, that we should fully obey them.
5 Oh that my ways were steadfast to obey your statutes.
6 Then I wouldn't be disappointed, when I consider all of your commandments.
7 I will give thanks to you with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments.
われ汝のただしき審判をまなばば 直き心をもてなんぢに感謝せん
8 I will observe your statutes. Do not utterly forsake me.
われは律法をまもらん われを棄はてたまふなかれ
9 BET. How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
わかき人はなにによりてかその道をきよめん 聖言にしたがひて愼むのほかぞなき
10 With my whole heart, I have sought you. Do not let me wander from your commandments.
われ心をつくして汝をたづねもとめたり 願くはなんぢの誡命より迷ひいださしめ給ふなかれ
11 In my heart I have hidden your word, that I might not sin against you.
12 Blessed are you, LORD. Teach me your statutes.
13 With my lips, I have declared all the ordinances of your mouth.
14 I have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies, as much as in all riches.
15 I will meditate on your precepts, and consider your ways.
16 I will delight myself in your statutes. I will not forget your word.
17 GIMEL. Deal bountifully with your servant, that I may live and keep your word.
ねがはくは汝のしもべを豊にあしらひて存へしめたまへ さらばわれ聖言をまもらん
18 Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of your Law.
なんぢわが眼をひらき なんぢの法のうちなる奇しきことを我にみせたまへ
19 I am a stranger on the earth. Do not hide your commandments from me.
われは世にある旅客なり 我になんぢの誡命をかくしたまふなかれ
20 My soul is consumed with longing for your ordinances at all times.
21 You have rebuked the proud who are cursed, who wander from your commandments.
汝はたかぶる者をせめたまへり なんぢの誡命よりまよひづる者はのろはる
22 Take reproach and contempt away from me, for I have kept your statutes.
我なんぢの證詞をまもりたり 我より謗とあなどりとを取去たまへ
23 Though princes sit and slander me, your servant will meditate on your statutes.
又もろもろの侯は坐して相語りわれをそこなはんとせり 然はあれど汝のしもべは律法をふかく思へり
24 Indeed your statutes are my delight, and my counselors.
25 DALET. My soul is laid low in the dust. Revive me according to your word.
わが霊魂は塵につきぬ なんぢの言にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ
26 I declared my ways, and you answered me. Teach me your statutes.
我わがふめる道をあらはししかば汝こたへを我になしたまへり なんぢの律法をわれに敎へたまへ
27 Let me understand the teaching of your precepts. Then I will meditate on your wondrous works.
なんぢの訓諭のみちを我にわきまへしめたまへ われ汝のくすしき事跡をふかく思はん
28 My soul is weary with sorrow: strengthen me according to your word.
わがたましひ痛めるによりてとけゆく ねがはくは聖言にしたがひて我にちからを予へたまへ
29 Keep me from the way of deceit. Grant me your Law graciously.
願くはいつはりの道をわれより遠ざけ なんぢの法をもて我をめぐみたまへ
30 I have chosen the way of truth. I have set your ordinances before me.
われは眞實のみちをえらび 恒になんぢのもろもろの審判をわが前におけり
31 I cling to your statutes, LORD. Do not let me be put to shame.
我なんぢの證詞をしたひて離れず ヱホバよねがはくは我をはづかしめ給ふなかれ
32 I run in the path of your commandments, for you have set my heart free.
われ汝のいましめの道をはしらん その時なんぢわが心をひろく爲たまふべし
33 HEY. Teach me, LORD, the way of your statutes. I will keep them to the end.
ヱホバよ願くはなんぢの律法のみちを我にをしへたまへ われ終にいたるまで之をまもらん
34 Give me understanding, and I will keep your Law. Yes, I will obey it with my whole heart.
われに智慧をあたへ給へ さらば我なんぢの法をまもり心をつくして之にしたがはん
35 Direct me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in them.
われに汝のいましめの道をふましめたまへ われその道をたのしめばなり
36 Turn my heart toward your statutes, not toward selfish gain.
わが心をなんぢの證詞にかたぶかしめて 貪利にかたぶかしめ給ふなかれ
37 Turn my eyes away from looking at worthless things. Revive me in your ways.
わが眼をほかにむけて虚しきことを見ざらしめ 我をなんぢの途にて活し給へ
38 Fulfill your promise to your servant, that you may be feared.
ひたすらに汝をおそるる汝のしもべに 聖言をかたくしたまへ
39 Take away my disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good.
わがおそるる謗をのぞきたまへ そはなんぢの審判はきはめて善し
40 Look, I long for your precepts. Revive me in your righteousness.
我なんぢの訓諭をしたへり 願くはなんぢの義をもて我をいかしたまへ
41 VAV. Let your loving kindness also come to me, LORD, your salvation, according to your word.
42 So I will have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in your word.
さらば我われを謗るものに答ふることをえん われ聖言によりたのめばなり
43 Do not snatch the word of truth out of my mouth, for I put my hope in your ordinances.
又わが口より眞理のことばをことごとく除き給ふなかれ われなんぢの審判をのぞみたればなり
44 So I will obey your Law continually, forever and ever.
45 I will walk in liberty, for I have sought your precepts.
46 I will also speak of your statutes before kings, and will not be ashamed.
47 I will delight myself in your commandments, because I love them.
48 I reach out my hands for your commandments, which I love. I will meditate on your statutes.
われ手をわがあいする汝のいましめに擧げ なんぢの律法をふかく思はん
49 ZAYIN. Remember your word to your servant, because you gave me hope.
ねがはくは汝のしもべに宣ひたる聖言をおもひいだしたまへ 汝われに之をのぞましめ給へり
50 This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has revived me.
なんぢの聖言はわれを活ししがゆゑに 今もなほわが艱難のときの安慰なり
51 The arrogant mock me excessively, but I do not swerve from your Law.
高ぶる者おほいに我をあざわらへり されど我なんぢの法をはなれざりき
52 I remember your ordinances of old, LORD, and have comforted myself.
53 Indignation has taken hold on me, because of the wicked who forsake your Law.
なんぢの法をすつる惡者のゆゑによりて 我はげしき怒をおこしたり
54 Your statutes have been my songs, in the house where I live.
55 I have remembered your name, LORD, in the night, and I obey your Law.
ヱホバよわれ夜間になんぢの名をおもひいだして なんぢの法をまもれり
56 This is my way, that I keep your precepts.
57 HET. The LORD is my portion. I promised to obey your words.
ヱホバはわがうくべき有なり われ汝のもろもろの言をまもらんといへり
58 I sought your favor with my whole heart. Be merciful to me according to your word.
われ心をつくして汝のめぐみを請求めたり ねがはくは聖言にしたがひて我をあはれみたまへ
59 I considered my ways, and turned my steps to your statutes.
我わがすべての途をおもひ 足をかへしてなんぢの證詞にむけたり
60 I will hurry, and not delay, to obey your commandments.
61 The ropes of the wicked bind me, but I won't forget your Law.
惡きものの繩われに纏ひたれども 我なんぢの法をわすれざりき
62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks to you, because of your righteous ordinances.
我なんぢのただしき審判のゆゑに 夜半におきてなんぢに感謝せん
63 I am a friend of all those who fear you, of those who observe your precepts.
われは汝をおそるる者 またなんぢの訓諭をまもるものの侶なり
64 The earth is full of your loving kindness, LORD. Teach me your statutes.
ヱホバよ汝のあはれみは地にみちたり 願くはなんぢの律法をわれにをしへたまへ
65 TET. Do good to your servant, according to your word, LORD.
66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments.
われ汝のいましめを信ず ねがはくはわれに聡明と智識とををしへたまへ
67 Before I was afflicted, I went astray; but now I observe your word.
われ苦しまざる前にはまよひいでぬ されど今はわれ聖言をまもる
68 You are good, and do good. Teach me your statutes.
なんぢは善にして善をおこなひたまふ ねがはくは汝のおきてを我にをしへたまへ
69 The proud have smeared a lie upon me. With my whole heart, I will keep your precepts.
高ぶるもの虚偽をくはだてて我にさからへり われ心をつくしてなんぢの訓諭をまもらん
70 Their heart is as callous as the fat, but I delight in your Law.
かれらの心はこえふとりて脂のごとし されど我はなんぢの法をたのしむ
71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes.
困苦にあひたりしは我によきことなり 此によりて我なんぢの律法をまなびえたり
72 The Law you have spoken is better to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
73 YOD. Your hands have made me and formed me. Give me understanding, that I may learn your commandments.
なんぢの手はわれを造りわれを形づくれり ねがはくは智慧をあたへて我になんぢの誡命をまなばしめたまへ
74 Those who fear you will see me and be glad, because I have put my hope in your word.
なんぢを畏るるものは我をみて喜ばん われ聖言によりて望をいたきたればなり
75 LORD, I know that your judgments are righteous, that in faithfulness you have humbled me.
76 Please let your loving kindness be for my comfort, according to your word to your servant.
ねがはくは汝のしもべに宣ひたる聖言にしたがひて 汝の仁慈をわが安慰となしたまへ
77 Let your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; for your Law is my delight.
なんぢの憐憫をわれに臨ませたまへ さらばわれ生ん なんぢの法はわが樂しめるところなり
78 Let the proud be disappointed, for they have overthrown me wrongfully. I will meditate on your precepts.
高ぶるものに恥をかうぷらせたまへ かれらは虚偽をもて我をくつがへしたればなり されど我なんぢの訓諭をふかくおもはん
79 Let those who fear you turn to me. They will know your statutes.
80 Let my heart be blameless toward your decrees, that I may not be put to shame.
わがこころを全くして汝のおきてを守らしめたまへ さらばわれ恥をかうぶらじ
81 KAPH. My soul faints for your salvation. I hope in your word.
わが霊魂はなんぢの救をしたひてたえいるばかりなり 然どわれなほ聖言によりて望をいだく
82 My eyes fail for your word. I say, "When will you comfort me?"
なんぢ何のとき我をなぐさむるやといひつつ 我みことばを慕ふによりて眼おとろふ
83 For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke. I do not forget your statutes.
我は煙のなかの革嚢のごとくなりぬれども 尚なんぢの律法をわすれず
84 How many are the days of your servant? When will you execute judgment on those who persecute me?
汝のしもべの日は幾何ありや 汝いづれのとき我をせむるものに審判をおこなひたまふや
85 The proud have dug pits for me, contrary to your Law.
たかぶる者われを害はんとて阱をほれり かれらはなんぢの法にしたがはず
86 All of your commandments are faithful. They persecute me wrongfully. Help me.
なんぢの誡命はみな眞實なり かれらは虚偽をもて我をせむ ねがはくは我をたすけたまへ
87 They had almost wiped me from the earth, but I did not forsake your precepts.
かれらは地にてほとんど我をほろぼせり されど我はなんぢの訓諭をすてざりき
88 Preserve my life according to your loving kindness, so I will obey the statutes of your mouth.
願くはなんぢの仁慈にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ 然ばわれ御口よりいづる證詞をまもらん
89 LAMED. LORD, your word is settled in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness is to all generations. You have established the earth, and it remains.
なんぢの眞實はよろづ世におよぶ なんぢ地をかたく立たまへば地はつねにあり
91 Your laws remain to this day, for all things serve you.
これらのものはなんぢの命令にしたがひ 恒にありて今日にいたる 萬のものは皆なんぢの僕なればなり
92 Unless your Law had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts, for with them, you have revived me.
われ恒になんぢの訓諭をわすれじ 汝これをもて我をいかしたまへばなり
94 I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.
我はなんぢの有なりねがはくは我をすくひたまへ われ汝のさとしを求めたり
95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me. I will consider your statutes.
惡きものは我をほろぼさんとして窺ひぬ われは唯なんぢのもろもろの證詞をおもはん
96 I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commands are boundless.
我もろもろの純全に限あるをみたり されど汝のいましめはいと廣し
97 MEM. How I love your Law. It is my meditation all day.
われなんぢの法をいつくしむこといかばかりぞや われ終日これを深くおもふ
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for your commandments are always with me.
なんぢの誡命はつねに我とともにありて 我をわが仇にまさりて慧からしむ
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my (meditation)
我はなんぢの證詞をふかくおもふが故に わがすべての師にまさりて智慧おほし
100 I understand more than the aged, because I have kept your precepts.
我はなんぢの訓諭をまもるがゆゑに 老たる者にまさりて事をわきまふるなり
101 I have kept my feet from every evil way, that I might observe your word.
われ聖言をまもらんために わが足をとどめてもろもろのあしき途にゆかしめず
102 I have not turned aside from your ordinances, for you have taught me.
なんぢ我ををしへたまひしによりて 我なんぢの審判をはなれざりき
103 How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth.
みことばの滋味はわが腭にあまきこといかばかりぞや 蜜のわが口に甘きにまされり
104 Through your precepts, I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.
我なんぢの訓諭によりて智慧をえたり このゆゑに虚偽のすべての途をにくむ
105 NUN. Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path.
106 I have sworn, and have confirmed it, that I will obey your righteous ordinances.
107 I am afflicted very much. Revive me, LORD, according to your word.
われ甚いたく苦しめり ヱホバよねがはくは聖言にしたがひて我をいかしたまヘ
108 Please accept the freewill offerings of my mouth, LORD, and teach me your ordinances.
ヱホバよねがはくは誠意よりするわが口の献物をうけて なんぢの審判ををしへたまへ
109 My soul is continually in my hand, yet I won't forget your Law.
わが霊魂はつねに危険ををかす されど我なんぢの法をわすれず
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me, yet I haven't gone astray from your precepts.
あしき者わがために羂をまうけたり されどわれ汝のさとしより迷ひいでざりき
111 I have taken your testimonies as a heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart.
われ汝のもろもろの證詞をとこしへにわが嗣業とせり これらの證詞はわが心をよろこばしむ
112 I have set my heart to perform your statutes forever, even to the end.
113 SAMEKH. I hate double-minded men, but I love your Law.
114 You are my hiding place and my shield. I hope in your word.
なんぢはわが匿るべき所わが盾なり われ聖言によりて望をいだく
115 Depart from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God.
惡きをなすものよ我をはなれされ われわが神のいましめを守らん
116 Uphold me according to your word, that I may live. Let me not be ashamed of my hope.
聖言にしたがひ我をささへて生存しめたまへ わが望につきて恥なからしめたまへ
117 Hold me up, and I will be safe, and will have respect for your statutes continually.
われを支へたまへ さらばわれ安けかるべし われ恒になんぢの律法にこころをそそがん
118 You reject all those who stray from your statutes, for their deceit is in vain.
すべて律法よりまよひいづるものを汝かろしめたまへり かれらの欺詐はむなしければなり
119 You put away all the wicked of the earth like dross. Therefore I love your testimonies.
なんぢは地のすべての惡きものを渣滓のごとく除きさりたまふ この故にわれ汝のあかしを愛す
120 My flesh trembles for fear of you. I am afraid of your judgments.
わが肉體なんぢを懼るるによりてふるふ 我はなんぢの審判をおそる
121 AYIN. I have done what is just and righteous. Do not leave me to my oppressors.
われは審判と公義とをおこなふ 我をすてて虐ぐるものに委ねたまふなかれ
122 Ensure your servant's well-being. Do not let the proud oppress me.
汝のしもべの中保となりて福祉をえしめたまへ 高ぶるものの我をしへたぐるを容したまふなかれ
123 My eyes fail looking for your salvation, for your righteous word.
124 Deal with your servant according to your loving kindness. Teach me your statutes.
ねがはくはなんぢの憐憫にしたがひてなんぢの僕をあしらひ 我になんぢの律法ををしへたまへ
125 I am your servant. Give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies.
我はなんぢの僕なり われに智慧をあたへてなんぢの證詞をしらしめたまへ
126 It is time to act, LORD, for they break your Law.
彼等はなんぢの法をすてたり 今はヱホバのはたらきたまふべき時なり
127 Therefore I love your commandments more than gold, yes, more than pure gold.
128 Therefore I consider all of your precepts to be right. I hate every false way.
この故にもろもろのことに係るなんぢの一切のさとしを正しとおもふ 我すべてのいつはりの途をにくむ
129 PEY. Your testimonies are wonderful, therefore my soul keeps them.
汝のあかしは妙なり かかるが故にわが霊魂これをまもる
130 The entrance of your words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple.
聖言うちひらくれば光をはなちて 愚かなるものをさとからしむ
131 I opened my mouth wide and panted, for I longed for your commandments.
我なんぢの誡命をしたふが故に わが口をひろくあけて喘ぎもとめたり
132 Turn to me, and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name.
133 Establish my footsteps in your word. Do not let any iniquity have dominion over me.
聖言をもてわが歩履をととのへ もろもろの邪曲をわれに主たらしめたまふなかれ
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, so I will observe your precepts.
われを人のしへたげより贖ひたまへ さらばわれ訓諭をまもらん
135 Make your face shine on your servant. Teach me your statutes.
ねがはくは聖顔をなんぢの僕のうへにてらし 汝のおきてを我にをしへ給へ
136 Streams of tears run down my eyes, because they do not observe your Law.
人なんぢの法をまもらざるによりて わが眼のなみだ河のごとくに流る
137 TZADE. You are righteous, LORD. Your judgments are upright.
138 You have commanded your statutes in righteousness. They are fully trustworthy.
汝ただしきと此上なき眞實とをもて その證詞を命じ給へり
139 My zeal wears me out, because my enemies ignore your words.
わが敵なんぢの聖言をわすれたるをもて わが熱心われをほろぼせり
140 Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.
なんぢの聖言はいときよし 此故になんぢの僕はこれを愛す
141 I am small and despised. I do not forget your precepts.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness. Your Law is truth.
143 Trouble and anguish have taken hold of me. Your commandments are my delight.
われ患難と憂とにかかれども 汝のいましめはわが喜樂なり
144 Your testimonies are righteous forever. Give me understanding, that I may live.
なんぢの證詞はとこしへに義し ねがはくはわれに智慧をたまへ 我ながらふることを得ん
145 QOPH. I have called with my whole heart. Answer me, LORD. I will keep your statutes.
われ心をつくしてよばはれり ヱホバよ我にこたへたまへ 我なんぢの律法をまもらん
146 I have called to you. Save me. I will obey your statutes.
われ汝をよばはれり ねがはくはわれを救ひ給へ 我なんぢの證詞をまもらん
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help. I put my hope in your words.
われ詰朝おきいでて呼はれり われ聖言によりて望をいだけり
148 My eyes stay open through the night watches, that I might meditate on your word.
夜の更のきたらぬに先だち わが眼はさめて汝のみことばを深くおもふ
149 Hear my voice according to your loving kindness. Revive me, LORD, according to your ordinances.
ねがはくはなんぢの仁慈にしたがひてわが聲をききたまへ ヱホバよなんぢの審判にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ
150 They draw near who follow after wickedness. They are far from your Law.
惡をおひもとむるものは我にちかづけり 彼等はなんぢの法にとほくはなる
151 You are near, LORD. All your commandments are truth.
ヱホバよ汝はわれに近くましませり なんぢのすべての誡命はまことなり
152 Of old I have known from your testimonies, that you have founded them forever.
153 RESH. Consider my affliction, and deliver me, for I do not forget your Law.
ねがはくはわが患難をみて我をすくひたまへ 我なんぢの法をわすれざればなり
154 Plead my cause, and redeem me. Revive me according to your promise.
ねがはくはわが訟をあげつらひて我をあがなひ 聖言にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ
155 Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek your statutes.
すくひは惡きものより遠くはなる かれらはなんぢの律法をもとめざればなり
156 Great are your tender mercies, LORD. Revive me according to your ordinances.
ヱホバよなんぢの憐憫はおほいなり 願くはなんぢの審判にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ
157 Many are my persecutors and my adversaries. I haven't swerved from your testimonies.
我をせむる者われに敵するものおほし 我なんぢの證詞をはなるることなかりき
158 I look at the faithless with loathing, because they do not observe your word.
虚偽をおこなふもの汝のみことばを守らざるにより 我かれらを見てうれへたり
159 Consider how I love your precepts. Revive me, LORD, according to your loving kindness.
ねがはくはわが汝のさとしを愛すること幾何なるをかへりみたまへ ヱホバよなんぢの仁慈にしたがひて我をいかしたまへ
160 All of your words are truth. Every one of your righteous ordinances endures forever.
なんぢのみことばの總計はまことなり 汝のただしき審判はとこしへにいたるまで皆たゆることなし
161 SIN and SHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause, but my heart stands in awe of your words.
もろもろの侯はゆゑなくして我をせむ 然どわが心はただ汝のみことばを畏る
162 I rejoice at your word, as one who finds great spoil.
われ人のおほいなる掠物をえたるごとくに 汝のみことばをよろこぶ
163 I hate and abhor falsehood. I love your Law.
われ虚偽をにくみ之をいみきらへども 汝ののりを愛す
164 Seven times a day, I praise you, because of your righteous ordinances.
われ汝のただしき審判のゆゑをもて 一日に七次なんぢを讃稱ふ
165 Those who love your Law have great peace. Nothing causes them to stumble.
なんぢの法をあいするものには大なる平安あり かれらには躓礙をあたふる者なし
166 I have hoped for your salvation, LORD. I have done your commandments.
167 My soul has observed your testimonies. I love them exceedingly.
わが霊魂はなんぢの證詞をまもれり 我はいたく之をあいす
168 I have obeyed your precepts and your testimonies, for all my ways are before you.
われなんぢの訓諭となんぢの證詞とをまもりぬ わがすべての道はみまへにあればなり
169 TAV. Let my cry come before you, LORD. Give me understanding according to your word.
ヱホバよ願くはわがよぶ聲をみまへにちかづけ 聖言にしたがひて我にちゑをあたへたまへ
170 Let my petition come before you. Deliver me according to your word.
わが願をみまへにいたらせ 聖言にしたがひて我をたすけたまへ
171 Let my lips utter praise, for you teach me your statutes.
わがくちびるは讃美をいだすべし 汝われに律法ををしへ給へばなり
172 Let my tongue sing of your word, for all your commandments are righteousness.
わが舌はみことばを謳ふべし なんぢの一切のいましめは義なればなり
173 Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.
なんぢの手をつねにわが助となしたまへ われなんぢの訓諭をえらび用ゐたればなり
174 I have longed for your salvation, LORD. Your Law is my delight.
ヱホバよ我なんぢの救をしたへり なんぢの法はわがたのしみなり
175 Let my soul live, that I may praise you. Let your ordinances help me.
願くはわが霊魂をながらへしめたまへ さらば汝をほめたたへん 汝のさばきの我をたすけんことを
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.
われは亡はれたる羊のごとく迷ひいでぬ なんぢの僕をたづねたまへ われ汝のいましめを忘れざればなり