< Matthew 16 >
1 The Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing him, asked him to show them a sign from heaven.
Afarisi ndi Asaduki anabwera kwa Yesu ndi kumuyesa pomufunsa kuti awaonetse chizindikiro chochokera kumwamba.
2 But he answered and said to them, "When it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'
Iye anayankha kuti, “Kunja kukamada, inu mumati, kudzakhala nyengo yabwino popeza thambo ndi lofiira.
3 In the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' You know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.
Ndipo mmawa mumati, ‘Lero kudzakhala mvula yamphepo popeza thambo ndi lofiira ndi mitambo ya mvula.’ Inu mumadziwa kutanthauzira maonekedwe a thambo koma simungathe kutanthauzira zizindikiro za nthawi.
4 An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and there will be no sign given to it, except the sign of Jonah." He left them, and departed.
Mʼbado woyipa ndi wachigololo umafuna chizindikiro chodabwitsa koma palibe ngakhale chimodzi chidzapatsidwa kupatula chizindikiro cha Yona.” Pamenepo Yesu anawasiya nachoka.
5 The talmidim came to the other side and had forgotten to take bread.
Koma atawoloka nyanja, ophunzira anayiwala kutenga buledi.
6 Yeshua said to them, "Watch out and guard yourselves against the hametz of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
Yesu anawawuza kuti, “Chenjerani, khalani tcheru ndi yisiti wa Afarisi ndi Asaduki.”
7 They reasoned among themselves, saying, "We brought no bread."
Iwo anakambirana pakati pawo za izi ndipo anati, “Ichi nʼchifukwa chakuti sitinatenge buledi aliyense.”
8 But Yeshua, becoming aware of this, said, "You of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves about having no bread?
Yesu atadziwa zokambirana zawo, anawafunsa kuti, “Chifukwa chiyani mukukambirana zakuti, ‘mulibe buledi?’ Inu achikhulupiriro chochepa.
9 Do you still not understand? Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up?
Kodi inu simukumvetsetsabe? Kodi simukukumbukira za buledi musanu amene anadya anthu 5,000 ndi madengu amene munadzaza?
10 Nor the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many baskets you took up?
Kapena buledi musanu ndi muwiri amene anadya anthu 4,000, nanga ndi madengu angati amene munadzaza?
11 Why is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread? But beware of the hametz of the Pharisees and Sadducees."
Zitheka bwanji kuti inu simukumvetsetsa kuti Ine sindinkayankhula nanu za buledi? Koma inu chenjerani ndi yisiti wa Afarisi ndi Asaduki.”
12 Then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the yeast of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Kenaka iwo anazindikira kuti Iye samawawuza kuti achenjere ndi yisiti wa buledi koma ndi chiphunzitso cha Afarisi ndi Asaduki.
13 Now when Yeshua came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his talmidim, saying, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
Yesu atafika ku chigawo cha Kaisareya Filipo, Iye anafunsa ophunzira ake kuti, “Kodi anthu amati Mwana wa Munthu ndi ndani?”
14 They said, "Some say John the Immerser, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."
Iwo anayankha kuti, “Ena amati ndi Yohane Mʼbatizi; ena amati ndi Eliya; komanso ena amati Yeremiya kapena mmodzi wa aneneri.”
15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Iye anafunsa kuti, “Nanga inuyo mumati ndine yani?”
16 Shim'on Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
Simoni Petro anayankha kuti, “Inu ndinu Khristu, Mwana wa Mulungu wamoyo.”
17 And Yeshua answered him, "Blessed are you, Shim'on Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.
Yesu anati kwa iye, “Ndiwe wodala Simoni mwana wa Yona, popeza si munthu amene anakuwululira izi koma Atate anga akumwamba.
18 I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build my congregation, and the gates of Sheol will not prevail against it. (Hadēs )
Ndipo Ine ndikuwuza iwe kuti ndiwe Petro ndipo pa thanthwe ili Ine ndidzamangapo mpingo wanga ndipo makomo a ku gehena sadzawugonjetsa. (Hadēs )
19 I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Ine ndidzakupatsa makiyi a Ufumu wakumwamba, ndipo chilichonse chimene iwe udzachimanga pansi pano chidzamangidwanso kumwamba.”
20 Then he commanded the talmidim that they should tell no one that he is the Messiah.
Pamenepo Iye anachenjeza ophunzira ake kuti asawuze wina aliyense kuti ndi Khristu.
21 From that time, Yeshua began to show his talmidim that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders, chief cohanim, and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up.
Kuyambira nthawi imeneyo Yesu anayamba kuwafotokozera ophunzira ake kuti Iye ayenera kupita ku Yerusalemu ndi kukazunzidwa kwambiri mʼmanja mwa akulu a ansembe ndi aphunzitsi amalamulo kuti ayenera kuphedwa, ndi kuti tsiku lachitatu adzaukitsidwa.
22 Peter took him aside, and began to rebuke him, saying, "Far be it from you, Lord. This will never be done to you."
Petro anamutengera Iye pambali nayamba kumudzudzula kuti, “Dzichitireni chifundo Ambuye, sizingachitike kwa Inu ayi.”
23 But he turned, and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan. You are a stumbling block to me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of humans."
Yesu anatembenuka nati kwa Petro, “Choka pamaso panga Satana! Iwe ndi chokhumudwitsa kwa Ine; iwe suganizira zinthu za Mulungu koma zinthu za anthu.”
24 Then Yeshua said to his talmidim, "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Pamenepo Yesu anati kwa ophunzira ake, “Ngati wina aliyense abwera pambuyo panga ayenera kudzikana ndi kutenga mtanda wake ndi kunditsata Ine.
25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it.
Pakuti aliyense amene afuna kupulumutsa moyo wake adzawutaya koma aliyense amene ataya moyo wake chifukwa cha Ine adzawupeza.
26 For what will it profit a person, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his life? Or what will a person give in exchange for his life?
Kodi munthu adzapindula chiyani ngati atapeza zonse za dziko lapansi nataya moyo wake? Kapena munthu angapereke chiyani chosinthana ndi moyo wake?
27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will render to everyone according to his deeds.
Pakuti Mwana wa Munthu adzabwera mu ulemerero wa Atate ake ndi angelo ake ndipo pamenepo Iye adzapereka mphotho kwa munthu mofanana ndi zimene anachita.
28 Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will in no way taste of death, until they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom."
“Ine ndikuwuzani inu choonadi, ena amene akuyimirira pano sadzalawa imfa asanaone Mwana wa Munthu akudza mu ufumu.”