< Mark 7 >

1 Then the Pharisees, and some of the scribes gathered together to him, having come from Jerusalem.
И собрашася к Нему фарисее и нецыи от книжник, пришедшии от Иерусалима:
2 Now when they saw some of his talmidim eating bread with defiled, that is, unwashed, hands, they found fault.
и видевше некиих от ученик Его нечистыми руками, сиречь неумовеными, ядущих хлебы, ругахуся.
3 (For the Pharisees, and all Jewish people, do not eat unless they wash their hands and forearms, holding to the Tradition of the Elders.
Фарисее бо и вси Иудее, аще не трыюще умыют рук, не ядят, держаще предания старец:
4 They do not eat when they come from the marketplace unless they wash. And there are many other things which they have received and hold to, the washing of cups and pitchers and copper vessels and dining couches.)
и от торжища, аще не покуплются, не ядят. И ина многа суть, яже прияша держати: погружения сткляницам и чваном и котлом и одром.
5 The Pharisees and the scribes asked him, "Why do your talmidim not walk according to the Tradition of the Elders, but eat their bread with unwashed hands?"
Потом же вопрошаху Его фарисее и книжницы: почто ученицы Твои не ходят по преданию старец, но неумовеными руками ядят хлеб?
6 He said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
Он же отвещав рече им, яко добре пророчествова Исаиа о вас лицемерех, якоже есть писано: сии людие устнами Мя чтут, сердце же их далече отстоит от Мене,
7 And in vain do they worship me, teaching instructions that are the commandments of humans.'
всуе же чтут Мя, учаще учением, заповедем человеческим:
8 "For you set aside the commandment of God, and hold tightly to human tradition."
оставльше бо заповедь Божию, держите предания человеческая, крещения чваном и сткляницам, и ина подобна такова многа творите.
9 He said to them, "Full well do you reject the commandment of God, that you may establish your tradition.
И глаголаше им: добре отметаете заповедь Божию, да предание ваше соблюдете:
10 For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother;' and, 'Anyone who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.'
Моисей бо рече: чти отца твоего и матерь твою: и иже злословит отца или матерь, смертию да умрет:
11 But you say, 'If anyone tells his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban, that is to say, given to God;"'
вы же глаголете: аще речет человек отцу или матери: корван, еже есть дар, иже аще пользовался еси от мене:
12 then you no longer allow him to do anything for his father or his mother,
и не ктому оставляете его что сотворити отцу своему или матери своей,
13 making void the word of God by your tradition, which you have handed down. You do many things like this."
преступающе слово Божие преданием вашим, еже предасте: и подобна такова многа творите.
14 And he called the crowd to himself again, and said to them, "Hear me, all of you, and understand.
И призвав весь народ, глаголаше им: послушайте Мене вси и разумейте:
15 There is nothing from outside of the person, that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the person are what defile the person."
ничтоже есть внеуду человека входимо в онь, еже может осквернити его: но исходящая от него, та суть сквернящая человека:
аще кто имать ушы слышати, да слышит.
17 When he had entered into a house away from the crowd, his talmidim asked him about the parable.
И егда вниде в дом от народа, вопрошаху Его ученицы Его о притчи.
18 He said to them, "Are you thus without understanding also? Do you not perceive that whatever goes into the person from outside cannot defile him,
И глагола им: тако ли и вы неразумливи есте? Не разумеете ли, яко все, еже извне входимое в человека, не может осквернити его?
19 because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, then into the latrine, cleansing all the foods?"
Яко не входит ему в сердце, но во чрево: и афедроном исходит, истребляя вся брашна.
20 He said, "That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man.
Глаголаше же, яко исходящее от человека, то сквернит человека:
21 For from within, out of a person's heart, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, sexual sins, murders, thefts,
извнутрь бо от сердца человеческа помышления злая исходят, прелюбодеяния, любодеяния, убийства,
22 covetings, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, and foolishness.
татьбы, лихоимства, (обиды, ) лукавствия, лесть, студодеяния, око лукаво, хула, гордыня, безумство:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man."
вся сия злая извнутрь исходят и сквернят человека.
24 From there he arose, and went away into the region of Tyre and Sidon. He entered into a house, and did not want anyone to know it, but he could not escape notice.
И оттуду востав, иде в пределы Тирски и Сидонски: и вшед в дом, ни когоже хотяше, дабы его чул: и не може утаитися.
25 But immediately a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet.
Слышавши бо жена о Нем, еяже дщи имяше духа нечиста, пришедши припаде к ногама Его:
26 Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.
жена же бе еллинска, сирофиникисса родом: и моляше Его, да беса изженет из дщере ея.
27 But he said to her, "Let the children be filled first, for it is not appropriate to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
Иисус же рече ей: остави, да первее насытятся чада: несть бо добро отяти хлеб чадом и поврещи псом.
28 But she answered him, "Yes, Sir. Yet even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."
Она же отвещавши глагола Ему: ей, Господи: ибо и пси под трапезою ядят от крупиц детей.
29 He said to her, "For this saying, go your way. The demon has gone out of your daughter."
И рече ей: за сие слово, иди: изыде бес из дщере твоея.
30 And when she went away to her house, she found the child lying on the bed, the demon having left.
И шедши в дом свой, обрете беса изшедша и дщерь лежащу на одре.
31 Again he departed from the borders of Tyre, and came through Sidon to the Lake of Galil, through the midst of the region of Decapolis.
И паки изшед Иисус от предел Тирских и Сидонских, прииде на море Галилейско, между пределы Декапольски.
32 They brought to him one who was deaf and had a speech difficulty, and they begged Yeshua to lay his hand on him.
И приведоша к Нему глуха и гугнива, и моляху Его, да возложит нань руку.
33 He took him aside from the crowd, privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue.
И поемь его от народа единаго, вложи персты Своя во ушы его и плюнув коснуся языка его:
34 Looking up to heaven, he sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha." that is, "Be opened."
и воззрев на небо, воздохну и глагола ему: еффафа, еже есть разверзися.
35 And his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was released, and he spoke clearly.
И абие разверзостася слуха его, и разрешися уза языка его, и глаголаше право.
36 He commanded them that they should tell no one, but the more he commanded them, so much the more widely they proclaimed it.
И запрети им, да ни комуже поведят: елико же им Той запрещаше, паче излиха проповедаху.
37 They were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well. He makes even the deaf hear, and the mute speak."
И преизлиха дивляхуся, глаголюще: добре все творит: и глухия творит слышати, и немыя глаголати.

< Mark 7 >