< 2 Peter 3 >

1 This is now, beloved, the second letter that I have written to you; and in both of them I stir up your sincere mind by reminding you;
E NA mea aloha, ke palapala aku nei au i keia palapala lua; ma keia mau mea a'u e hoala nei i ko oukou naau huali ma ka hoomanao ana:
2 that you should remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your emissaries:
I hoomanao oukou i na olelo i oleloia'i mamua, e ka poe kaula hemolele, a me ke kauoha a makou, a na lunaolelo a ka Haku, ka Hoola.
3 knowing this first, that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking and walking after their own lusts,
E ike mua oukou i keia; i na la mahope. e hiki mai ana no ka poe hoowahawaha, hilahila ole, a e hele ana no hoi lakou mamuli o ko lakou kuko iho.
4 and saying, "Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."
Me ka olelo mai, Auhea ka olelo oiaio no kona hiki ana mai? No ka mea, mai ka wa mai o ka hiamoe ana o na kupuna, ua waiho wale ia no na mea a pau, e like me ka wa i kinohi o ka honua nei.
5 For this they willfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the word of God;
No ka mea, ua hoonaaupo lakou i keia, no ko lakou makemake iho; eia, no ka olelo ana mai o ke Akua, mai ka wa kahiko loa mai na lani, a me ka honua e ku mai ana, mai ka wai mai, a ma ka wai hoi:
6 by which means the world that then was, being deluged with water, was destroyed.
Ma ia mea no i make ai kela ao mamua, ma ka poipu ana o ka wai.
7 But the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly people.
Aka, o ka lani, a me ka honua o keia manawa, ma ia olelo hookahi no, ua hoana e ia no ke ahi, ua malamaia hoi, no ka la hookolokolo a me ka make o na kanaka aia.
8 But do not forget this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
E na pokii, mai hoonaaupo oukou i keia mea hookahi; a, i ka Haku, ua like ka la hookahi, me na makahiki hookahi tausani, a o ke tausani raakahiki hoi, me ka la hookahi.
9 The Lord is not slow concerning his promise, as some count slowness; but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Aole e hookaulua ka Haku ma ka mea ana i olelo mai ai, e like me ka kekahi poe i manao mai ai i ka lohi; aka, ua ahonui mai oia ia kakou; aole makemake oia e make kekahi, aka, e hoi mai na kanaka a pau i ka mihi.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works on it will not be found.
Aka, e hiki mai auanei ka la o ka Haku, me he aihue la i ka po; alaila e lilo no ka lani me ka halulu nui, a e wela hoi na kumu mua, a hehee wale, a e pau no ka honua nei i ke ahi, a me na mea a pau i hanaia maluna iho.
11 Therefore since all these things will be destroyed like this, what kind of people ought you to be in holy living and godliness,
A no ka lilo ana o keia mau mea a pau, heaha ke ano pono no oukou e noho hemolele ana, a me ka haipule,
12 looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
Me ka manao aku, a me ka makemake loa i ka hiki ana mai o ka la o ke Akua, ka manawa e wela'i na lani i ke ahi, a hehee wale, a e kakake mai no hoi na kumu mua i ka wela loa o ke ahi?
13 But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.
Aka, e like me ka olelo mua ana mai, ke kakali aku nei kakou i ka lani hou, a me ka honua hou, i kahi e noho ai o ka maikai.
14 Therefore, beloved, seeing that you look for these things, be diligent to be found in peace, without blemish and blameless in his sight.
Nolaila, e na pokii e, no ko oukou manao ana i keia mau mea, e hooikaika oukou, i loaa oukou ia ia me ka maluhia, a me ke kina ole, a me ka hala ole.
15 Regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you;
E hoomaopopo hoi, o ke ahonui o ko kakou Haku, o ke ola ia; o like me ka Paulo, ko kakou hoahanau aloha, i palapala mai ai ia oukou, ma ka naauao i haawiia mai nona.
16 as also in all of his letters, speaking in them of these things. In those, there are some things that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsettled twist, as they also do to the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
No ka mea, ma ia mau palapala a pau, ua olelo no ia i keia mau mea; he pohihihi no hoi kekahi mau mea ma ia palapala, ua kapae hoi ka poe hoonaaupo a me ka poe ka kapekepeke, ia olelo e like me ka lakou hana aua i ka olelo hemolele a paut i mea e make ai lakou.
17 You therefore, beloved, knowing these things beforehand, beware, lest being carried away with the error of the wicked, you fall from your own steadfastness.
No ia mea la, ea, e na pokii, no ko oukou ao mua ia'ku, e ao oukou, o alakai hewa ia'ku oukou, e ka wahahee o ka poe aia, a haule mai ko oukou ku paa ana.
18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. To him be the glory both now and forever. (aiōn g165)
E hooikaika oukou, i mahuahua ke alohaia mai, a me ko oukou ike ana aku i ko kakou Haku a Hoola hoi ia Iesu Kristo. Ia ia no ka hoonaniia'ku, ano no, a mau loa aku. Amene. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Peter 3 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water