< Psalms 80 >

1 [For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "The Lilies of the Covenant." A Psalm by Asaph.] Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock, you who sit above the cherubim, shine forth.
In finem, Pro iis, qui commutabuntur, testimonium Asaph, Psalmus. Qui regis Israel, intende: qui deducis velut ovem Ioseph. Qui sedes super cherubim, manifestare
2 Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up your might. Come to save us.
coram Ephraim, Beniamin, et Manasse. Excita potentiam tuam, et veni, ut salvos facias nos.
3 Restore us, God. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.
Deus converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam, et salvi erimus.
4 LORD God of hosts, How long will you be angry against the prayer of your people?
Domine Deus virtutum, quousque irasceris super orationem servi tui?
5 You have fed them with the bread of tears, and given them tears to drink in large measure.
Cibabis nos pane lacrymarum: et potum dabis nobis in lacrymis in mensura?
6 You make us a source of contention to our neighbors. Our enemies have mocked us.
Posuisti nos in contradictionem vicinis nostris: et inimici nostri subsannaverunt nos.
7 Restore us, God of hosts. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.
Deus virtutum converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam: et salvi erimus.
8 You brought a vine out of Egypt. You drove out the nations, and planted it.
Vineam de Ægypto transtulisti: eiecisti Gentes, et plantasti eam.
9 You cleared the ground for it. It took deep root, and filled the land.
Dux itineris fuisti in conspectu eius: plantasti radices eius, et implevit terram.
10 The mountains were covered with its shadow. Its boughs were like God's cedars.
Operuit montes umbra eius: et arbusta eius cedros Dei.
11 It sent out its branches to the sea, Its shoots to the River.
Extendit palmites suos usque ad mare: et usque ad flumen propagines eius.
12 Why have you broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?
Ut quid destruxisti maceriam eius: et vindemiant eam omnes, qui prætergrediuntur viam?
13 The boar out of the wood ravages it. The wild animals of the field feed on it.
Exterminavit eam aper de silva: et singularis ferus depastus est eam.
14 Return, we beg you, God of hosts. Look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vine,
Deus virtutum convertere: respice de cælo, et vide, et visita vineam istam.
15 the stock which your right hand planted, the branch that you made strong for yourself.
Et perfice eam, quam plantavit dextera tua: et super filium hominis, quem confirmasti tibi.
16 It's burned with fire. It's cut down. They perish at your rebuke.
Incensa igni, et suffossa ab increpatione vultus tui peribunt.
17 Let your hand be on the man of your right hand, on the son of man whom you made strong for yourself.
Fiat manus tua super virum dexteræ tuæ: et super filium hominis, quem confirmasti tibi.
18 So we will not turn away from you. Revive us, and we will call on your name.
Et non discedimus a te, vivificabis nos: et nomen tuum invocabimus.
19 Restore us, LORD God of hosts. Cause your face to shine, and we will be saved.
Domine Deus virtutum converte nos: et ostende faciem tuam, et salvi erimus.

< Psalms 80 >