< Psalms 68 >
1 [For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. A song.] Let God arise. Let his enemies be scattered, and let them who hate him flee before him.
Untuk pemimpin kor. Mazmur Daud. Allah bangkit menceraiberaikan musuh-Nya, orang yang membenci Dia lari dari hadapan-Nya.
2 As smoke is driven away, so drive them away. As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.
Allah mengusir mereka pergi, seperti asap yang ditiup dan menghilang. Seperti lilin meleleh di dalam api, begitulah orang jahat lenyap dari hadapan Allah.
3 But let the righteous be glad. Let them rejoice before God. Yes, let them rejoice with gladness.
Tetapi orang saleh bersukacita dan riang gembira, mereka bersorak-sorak kesukaan di hadapan Allah.
4 Sing to God. Sing praises to his name. Extol him who rides on the clouds: to the LORD, his name. Rejoice before him.
Bernyanyilah bagi Allah, pujilah nama-Nya, siapkanlah jalan raya bagi Dia yang mengendarai awan. Nama-Nya TUHAN--bersenang-senangla di hadapan-Nya!
5 A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.
Allah yang tinggal di Rumah-Nya yang suci adalah bapak anak yatim dan pembela para janda.
6 God sets the lonely in families. He brings out the prisoners with singing, but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.
Allah memberi tempat tinggal kepada orang yang kesepian; Ia membebaskan orang tahanan sehingga mereka bahagia. Tetapi orang-orang yang melawan TUHAN harus tinggal di tanah yang gersang.
7 God, when you went forth before your people, when you marched through the wilderness... (Selah)
Ya Allah, ketika Engkau membimbing umat-Mu berjalan melewati padang yang kering,
8 The earth trembled. The sky also poured down rain at the presence of the God of Sinai—at the presence of God, the God of Israel.
bumi bergetar, hujan tercurah di hadapan-Mu, karena kedatangan Allah Sinai, Allah Israel.
9 You, God, sent a plentiful rain. You confirmed your inheritance, when it was weary.
Dengan limpah Engkau menurunkan hujan, dan memulihkan tanah-Mu yang gersang.
10 Your congregation lived in it. You, God, prepared your goodness for the poor.
Lalu umat-Mu berdiam di sana; dalam kebaikan-Mu, ya Allah, Engkau memelihara orang miskin.
11 The LORD announced the word; a great company of women proclaim the good news.
TUHAN memberi perintah, lalu para wanita membawa berita:
12 "Kings of armies flee. They flee." She who waits at home divides the spoil,
"Raja-raja dan pasukannya sudah lari!" Mereka lari seperti merpati yang terbang pergi. Para wanita di rumah membagi-bagikan, perak dan emas yang ditinggalkan. Sekalipun banyak yang tidak ikut berperang, umat Allah telah memperoleh kemenangan.
13 while you sleep among the campfires, the wings of a dove sheathed with silver, her feathers with shining gold.
14 When Shaddai scattered kings in her, it snowed on Zalmon.
Ketika Yang Mahakuasa menyerakkan raja-raja di sana, turunlah salju dari Gunung Salmon.
15 The mountains of Bashan are majestic mountains. The mountains of Bashan are rugged.
Gunung Basan adalah gunung yang hebat, gunung yang berpuncak banyak.
16 Why do you look in envy, you rugged mountains, at the mountain where God chooses to reign? Yes, the LORD will dwell there forever.
Mengapa dari puncakmu yang banyak itu engkau memandang dengan cemburu kepada Bukit Sion yang dipilih Allah untuk kediaman-Nya? TUHAN akan tinggal di sana untuk selama-lamanya.
17 The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands. The LORD is among them, from Sinai, in holiness.
Dengan puluhan ribu kereta kuat Allah tampil di antara mereka dalam keagungan-Nya.
18 You have ascended on high. You have taken captivity captive. And you gave gifts to people; but the rebellious will not dwell in the presence of God.
TUHAN naik ke tempat yang tinggi; banyak tawanan dibawa-Nya serta. Ia menerima persembahan dari antara manusia bahkan dari antara kaum pemberontak; supaya mereka berdiam bersama TUHAN Allah.
19 Blessed be the LORD, who daily bears our burdens, even the God who is our salvation. (Selah)
Pujilah TUHAN, sebab Dialah Allah yang menyelamatkan kita; dari hari ke hari Ia memikul beban kita.
20 God is to us a God of deliverance. To the LORD belongs escape from death.
Allah kita adalah TUHAN yang menyelamatkan, Ia membebaskan kita dari kematian.
21 But God will strike through the head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of such a one as still continues in his guiltiness.
Allah pasti akan meremukkan kepala musuh-Nya, orang-orang yang terus hidup dalam dosa.
22 The LORD said, "I will bring you again from Bashan, I will bring you again from the depths of the sea;
Kata TUHAN, "Hai umat-Ku, Kubawa musuhmu dari Basan Kubawa mereka kembali dari dasar lautan,
23 That you may crush them, dipping your foot in blood, that the tongues of your dogs may have their portion from your enemies."
supaya kamu membasuh kakimu dengan darah mereka, dan anjing-anjingmu menjilatnya sepuas-puasnya."
24 They have seen your processions, God, even the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.
Semua melihat pawai kemenangan-Mu, ya Allah, Allahku, Rajaku, diarak ke tempat kediaman-Nya.
25 The singers went before, the minstrels followed after, in the midst of the ladies playing with tambourines,
Di depan berjalan para penyanyi, di belakang para pemain kecapi; di tengah para gadis pemukul rebana; beginilah nyanyian mereka:
26 "Bless God in the congregations, even the LORD from the fountain of Israel."
"Pujilah Allah di tengah himpunan umat-Nya, pujilah TUHAN, hai semua keturunan Yakub!"
27 There is little Benjamin, their ruler, the princes of Judah, their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali.
Benyamin, suku yang paling kecil, berjalan di depan, lalu berbondong-bondong para pemuka Yehuda di belakangnya para pemuka Zebulon dan Naftali.
28 Your God has commanded your strength. Strengthen, God, that which you have done for us.
Allahmu menuntut kekuatanmu; ya Allah, teguhkanlah apa yang telah Kaulakukan bagi kami.
29 Because of your temple at Jerusalem, kings shall bring presents to you.
Raja-raja membawa persembahan kepada-Mu di Rumah-Mu di Yerusalem.
30 Rebuke the wild animal of the reeds, the multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the peoples. Being humbled, may it bring bars of silver. Scatter the nations that delight in war.
Hardiklah Mesir, binatang buas itu di tengah gelagah. Tegurlah bangsa-bangsa, kawanan banteng itu dengan anak-anaknya, yang saling menginjak-injak untuk mendapat perak. Allah menceraiberaikan bangsa-bangsa yang suka berperang.
31 Envoys shall come out of Egypt. Ethiopia shall hurry to stretch out her hands to God.
Pembesar-pembesar Mesir datang membawa tembaga; orang Sudan bergegas-gegas membawa upeti kepada Allah.
32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth. Sing praises to the LORD. (Selah)
Bernyanyilah bagi Allah, hai semua kerajaan, nyanyikanlah puji-pujian bagi TUHAN,
33 To him who rides on the heaven of heavens, which are of old; look, he utters his voice, a mighty voice.
bagi dia yang melintasi angkasa purbakala. Dengar! TUHAN berbicara, suara-Nya menggelegar dengan dahsyat.
34 Ascribe strength to God. His excellency is over Israel, his strength is in the skies.
Akuilah kuasa Allah yang berdaulat atas Israel, kuasa-Nya sampai di langit.
35 You are awesome, God, in your sanctuaries. The God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. Praise be to God.
Sungguh mengagumkan Allah kita waktu Ia keluar dari tempat kediaman-Nya. Allah Israel memberi kuasa dan kekuatan kepada umat-Nya. Terpujilah Allah!