< Jeremiah 7 >

1 The word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,
Ndị a bụ okwu nke sị nʼebe Onyenwe anyị nọ bịakwute Jeremaya.
2 "Stand in the gate of the LORD's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, 'Hear the word of the LORD, all you of Judah, who enter in at these gates to worship the LORD.
“Guzo nʼọnụ ụzọ ama nke ụlọ Onyenwe anyị kwusaa ozi a nʼebe ahụ, “‘Nụrụnụ okwu Onyenwe anyị, unu ndị Juda niile, ndị na-esi nʼọnụ ụzọ a niile na-abata ife Onyenwe anyị ofufe.
3 Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.
Ihe ndị a bụ ihe Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, bụ Chineke Izrel na-ekwu. Mezienụ ụzọ unu na omume unu niile, m ga-ekwe ka unu biri nʼebe a.
4 Do not trust in lying words, saying, "The LORD's temple, The LORD's temple, The LORD's temple, are these."
Unu atụkwasịla uche unu nʼokwu aghụghọ niile a na-agwa unu na-asị, “Nke a bụ ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị, ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị, ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị!”
5 For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if you thoroughly execute justice between a man and his neighbor;
Ọ bụrụ na unu emee ka ụzọ unu na omume unu guzozie, ọ bụrụ na unu emesoo ibe unu mmeso nʼụzọ ikpe ziri ezi,
6 if you do not oppress the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your own hurt:
ọ bụrụ na unu ahapụ imegbu ndị ọbịa, na ndị na-enweghị nna, maọbụ nwanyị di ya nwụrụ; ọ bụrụ na unu ajụ iwufu ọbara onye aka ya dị ọcha nʼebe a, ọ bụrụkwa na unu ajụ ịgbaso chi ndị ọzọ nke na-ewetara unu nsogbu,
7 then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, from of old even forevermore.
mgbe ahụ, aga m ekwere ka unu biri nʼebe a, nʼala a m nyere nna nna unu ha, ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
8 Look, you trust in lying words, that can't profit.
Ma lee, ihe unu na-eme ugbu a bụ ịtụkwasị uche unu nʼokwu aghụghọ nke na-enweghị isi.
9 Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods that you have not known,
“‘Unu ga-aga nʼihu na-ezu ohi, na-egbu mmadụ ibe unu, na-akwa iko, ma na-eji chi ndị ọzọ na-aṅụ iyi? Unu ga-anọgide na-achụ aja ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ nye Baal, ma na-agbaso chi ndị ọzọ unu na-amaghị?
10 and come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, "We are delivered"; that you may do all these abominations?
Unu ga-emecha bịa guzo nʼihu m nʼụlọnsọ a, nke a kpọkwasịrị aha m, na-asị, “Anyị nọ na nchekwa,” ọ bụ ịnọ na nchekwa maka ime ihe arụ niile ndị a?
11 Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Look, I, even I, have seen it, says the LORD.
Ọ pụtara na ụlọ a, nke a kpọkwasịrị aha m aghọọla ogige nye ndị ohi? Ma anọkwa m ya na-ele unu anya, ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara.
12 But go now to my place which was in Shiloh, where I caused my name to dwell at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel.
“‘Otu ọ dị, biko, Jeruonụ ebe ahụ dị na Shaịlo, ebe ahụ m buru ụzọ mee ka ọ bụrụ ebe a kpọkwasịrị aha m, ka unu chọpụta ihe m mere ya nʼihi ajọ omume ndị m, ụmụ Izrel.
13 Now, because you have done all these works, says the LORD, and I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you did not hear; and I called you, but you did not answer:
Mgbe unu nọ na-eme ihe ndị a niile, ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara, agwara m unu okwu mgbe mgbe, ma unu jụrụ ige ntị. Akpọrọ m unu oku, ma unu jụrụ ịza.
14 therefore I will do to the house which is called by my name, in which you trust, and to the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I did to Shiloh.
Nʼihi ya, ihe ahụ m mere na Shaịlo ka m ga-emekwa ọzọ megide ụlọ ahụ a kpọkwasịrị aha m. E, aga m eme ya megide ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ unu na-atụkwasị obi unu nʼime ya, ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ m nyere unu na nna nna unu ha.
15 I will cast you out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brothers, all the descendants of Ephraim.
A ga-esite nʼihu m wezuga unu, tufuo unu, dịka m wezugara ma tufukwaa ụmụnna unu, bụ ndị Ifrem.’
16 Therefore do not pray for this people, neither lift up a cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me; for I will not hear you.
“Ya mere, unu ekperela m ekpere nʼihi ndị a; unu atụfula oge unu ịrịọ m arịrịọ nʼihi ha. Agaghị m ege ntị nʼekpere na arịrịọ unu.
17 Do you not see what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Ọ bụ na unu adịghị ahụ ihe na-eme nʼobodo niile nke Juda, na ihe ha na-eme nʼokporoụzọ niile nke Jerusalem?
18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.
Ụmụ na-achịkọta nkụ nke nna ha ji emenye ọkụ, ebe nne ha na-eghe achịcha ha na-eche nʼihu Eze nwanyị mbara Eluigwe. Ha na-awụpụrụ chi ndị ọzọ mmanya nʼihi ịkpasu m iwe.
19 Do they provoke me to anger?" says the LORD. "Do they not provoke themselves, to the confusion of their own faces?"
Ọ bụ m ka ha na-akpasu iwe? Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara. Ọ bụghị onwe ha ka ha na-emesi ike, ka ihe ihere mee ha?
20 Therefore thus says the LORD: "Look, my anger and my wrath shall be poured out on this place, on man, and on animal, and on the trees of the field, and on the fruit of the ground; and it shall burn, and shall not be quenched."
“‘Ya mere, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ Onyenwe anyị sịrị: Iwe m na ọnụma m ka a ga-awụkwasị nʼebe a, nʼelu ndị mmadụ, na anụmanụ, na osisi dị nʼọhịa, na mkpụrụ nke ala ubi. Ọ ga-ere ọkụ ma agaghị emenyụ ya.
21 Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat meat.
“‘Ihe ndị a ka Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, bụ Chineke Izrel kwuru, Gaanụ nʼihu, tụkwasịnụ aja nsure ọkụ unu nʼelu aja unu ndị ọzọ niile. Riekwanụ anụ ndị a nʼonwe unu.
22 For I did not speak to your fathers, nor command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:
Nʼihi na mgbe m si nʼala Ijipt kpọpụta nna nna unu ha, gwa ha okwu, e nyeghị ha naanị iwu maọbụ gwa ha okwu banyere ịchụ aja nsure ọkụ na aja ndị ọzọ.
23 but this thing I commanded them, saying, 'Listen to my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people; and walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.'
Ma iwu m nyere ha bụ nke a, ruberenụ m isi, aga m abụ Chineke unu, unu ga-abụkwa ndị nke m. Bienụ ndụ nʼiwu niile m nyere unu, ka ihe gaara unu nke ọma.
24 But they did not listen nor turn their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.
Ma ha jụrụ ige ntị, jụkwa ilezi anya ime ihe ndị ahụ m nyere nʼiwu. Kama ha gbasoro ọchịchọ ọjọọ nke obi rụrụ arụ ha. Kama ịga nʼihu, ha daghachiri azụ.
25 Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have sent to you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:
Site na mgbe nna nna unu ha hapụrụ ala Ijipt, esepụbeghị m aka izitere unu ndị amụma bụ ndị ohu m.
26 yet they did not listen to me, nor inclined their ear, but made their neck stiff: they did worse than their fathers."
Ma ha jụrụ ige ntị, jụkwa ilezi anya ime ihe m nyere nʼiwu. Ha bụ ndị ntị ike, ndị nọgidere na-eme ihe ọjọọ karịrị nke nna nna ha mere.’
27 "You shall speak all these words to them; but they will not listen to you: you shall also call to them; but they will not answer you.
“Mgbe ị gwara ha ihe ndị a niile, ha agaghị ege ntị. Ọ bụrụkwa na ị kpọọ ha oku ha agaghị aza.
28 You shall tell them, 'This is the nation that has not listened to the voice of the LORD their God, nor received instruction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.
Ya mere, ihe ndị a ka ị ga-agwa ha, ‘Nke a bụ mba na-enwebeghị oge ha ji rubere Onyenwe anyị Chineke ha isi. O nwebekwaghị oge ọbụla ha ji nabata ịdọ aka na ntị ya. Eziokwu ọbụla adịghịkwa; okwu ọnụ ha bụ naanị ụgha ụgha.
29 Cut off your hair, and throw it away, and take up a lamentation on the bare heights; for the LORD has rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.'"
“‘Kpụchaanụ agịrị isi unu, tufuo ya, nọọnụ nʼebe dị elu nke tọgbọrọ nʼefu bulie abụ akwa, nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị esitela nʼoke ọnụma ya jụ ọgbọ a. Ọ gbakụtala ha azụ bụ ọgbọ nke a iwe ya na-adakwasị.
30 "For the people of Judah have done that which is evil in my sight," says the LORD: "they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to defile it.
“‘Onyenwe anyị kwupụtara sị, ndị Juda emeela ihe ọjọọ dị iche iche nʼihu m. Ha akpụọla arụsị rụrụ arụ nke ha tinyere nʼime ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ a kpọkwasịrị aha m. Ha emerụọla ya.
31 They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.
Ha ewuolara onwe ha ebe ịchụ aja dị elu na Tofet, nke dị na Ndagwurugwu nke Ben Hinom. Ebe ahụ ka ha na-anọ na-esure ụmụ ha ndị ikom na ndị inyom ọkụ. Ihe dị otu a abụkwaghị ụdị ihe m nyere ha nʼiwu ka ha mee. O nwekwaghị oge ihe dị otu a batara m nʼobi.
32 Therefore look, the days come," says the LORD, "that it shall no more be called Topheth, nor The Valley of Ben Hinnom, but The Valley of Slaughter: for they shall bury in Topheth, until there is no place to bury.
Ya mere, kpacharanụ anya, nʼihi na otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, ụbọchị ndị ahụ na-abịa, mgbe ndị mmadụ na-agaghị akpọkwa ebe ahụ Tofet maọbụ Ndagwurugwu nke Ben Hinom. Kama ha ga-akpọ ya ndagwurugwu ogbugbu mmadụ, nʼihi na ha ga-eli ọtụtụ ndị ha na Tofet ruo mgbe ha na-agaghị ahụkwa ebe ha ga-eli ndị fọdụrụ.
33 The dead bodies of this people shall be food for the birds of the sky, and for the animals of the earth; and none shall frighten them away.
Mgbe ahụ, ozu ndị mmadụ ndị a ga-aghọrọ ụmụ anụ ufe na anụ ọhịa ihe oriri. O nwekwaghị onye ga-anọ menye ha egwu chụpụ ha.
34 Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for the land shall become a waste."
Mgbe ahụ, aga m eme ka ụzụ ọṅụ na obi ụtọ, na olu ndị ikom na ndị inyom na-alụ di na nwunye nʼobodo niile nke Juda, na nʼokporoụzọ Jerusalem kwụsị. Ala ahụ ga-aghọkwa ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu.

< Jeremiah 7 >