< Habakkuk 1 >
1 The oracle which Habakkuk the prophet saw.
Breme, ki ga je videl prerok Habakúk.
2 LORD, how long will I cry, and you will not hear? I cry out to you "Violence." and will you not save?
Oh Gospod, doklej bom klical in ne boš slišal! Celó klical k tebi o nasilju in ne boš rešil!
3 Why do you show me iniquity, and look at perversity? For destruction and violence are before me. There is strife, and contention rises up.
Zakaj mi kažeš krivičnost in mi povzročaš, da gledam gorje? Kajti plenjenje in nasilje sta pred menoj in tam so takšni, ki vzdigujejo spor in prepir.
4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth; for the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted.
Zatorej je postava ohlapna in sodba nikoli ne gre naprej, kajti zlobni obdaja pravičnega, zato izhaja napačna sodba.
5 "Look, you scoffers, and watch, and be utterly amazed, and perish; for I am working a work in your days which you will not believe, though it is told you.
Poglejte med pogane in preudarite in se silno čudite, kajti jaz bom naredil delo, delo v vaših dneh, ki ga ne boste verjeli, čeprav bi vam bilo povedano.
6 For, look, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, that march through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places not his own.
Kajti glejte, vzdignil bom Kaldejce, ki so zagrenjen in nagel narod, ki bo korakal skozi širino dežele, da vzame v last prebivališča, ki niso njihova.
7 He is feared and dreaded. His judgment will be from himself, and his authority will come from himself.
Strašni so in grozni. Njihova sodba in njihovo dostojanstvo bo izšlo iz njih samih.
8 His horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves. And their horsemen press proudly on, and, their horsemen come from afar. They fly as an eagle that hurries to devour.
Tudi njihovi konji so hitrejši kakor leopardi in bolj kruti kakor večerni volkovi. Njihovi konjeniki se bodo razprostrli in njihovi konjeniki bodo prišli od daleč. Leteli bodo kakor orel, ki hiti, da žre.
9 All of them come for violence. Their hordes face the desert. He gathers prisoners like sand.
Vsi bodo prišli zaradi nasilja. Njihovi obrazi bodo izpiti kakor vzhodnik in ujetništva bodo zbrali kakor peska.
10 And he will scoff at kings and deride rulers. He laughs at every stronghold, for he builds up an earthen ramp, and takes it.
Norčevali se bodo iz kraljev in princi jim bodo prezir. Zasmehovali bodo vsako oporišče, kajti nagrmadili bodo prah in ga zavzeli.
11 Then he sweeps by like the wind, and goes on. He is indeed guilty, whose strength is his god."
Potem se bo njegov um spremenil, šel bo mimo in se pohujšal, prištevajoč to svojo moč svojemu bogu.
12 Aren't you from everlasting, LORD my God, my Holy One? We will not die. LORD, you have appointed him for judgment. You, Rock, have established him to punish.
Mar nisi ti od večnosti, oh Gospod, moj Bog, moj Sveti? Ne bomo umrli. Oh Gospod, za sodbo si jih odredil. Oh mogočni Bog, utrdil si jih za grajanje.
13 You who have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he,
Tvoje oči so preveč čiste, da bi gledal zlo in ne moreš gledati na krivičnost. Zakaj torej gledaš na tiste, ki postopajo zahrbtno in zadržuješ svoj jezik, ko zlobni požira človeka, ki je pravičnejši kakor on?
14 and make men like the fish of the sea, like the crawling creatures, that have no ruler over them?
In ljudi delaš kakor ribe morja, kakor plazeče stvari, ki nimajo nobenega vladarja nad seboj?
15 He takes up all of them with the hook, and he catches them in his net and gathers them in his dragnet. Therefore he rejoices and is glad.
Vse izmed njih privlečejo s trnkom, lovijo jih v svojo mrežo in jih zbirajo v svojo vlako; zato se veselijo in so veseli.
16 Therefore he sacrifices to his net, and burns incense to his dragnet, because by them his life is luxurious, and his food is good.
Zato darujejo svoji mreži in svoji vrši zažigajo kadilo, ker po njima je njihov delež obilen in njihova hrana obilna.
17 Will he therefore continually empty his net, killing the nations without mercy?
Ali bodo zato praznili svojo mrežo in ne bodo nenehno prizanašali pobijanju narodov?