< Amos 5 >

1 Listen to this word which I take up for a lamentation over you, O house of Israel.
Chikuru itu un dhood Israel mondo uwinjie wende ywak ma asechuogonu:
2 "The virgin of Israel has fallen; She shall rise no more. She is cast down on her land; there is no one to raise her up."
“Israel ma en nyako ngili koro osepodho, kendo ok nochak oa malo, nimar osepodho e pinye owuon maonge ngʼama nyalo chunge.”
3 For thus says the LORD: "The city that went forth a thousand shall have a hundred left, and that which went forth one hundred shall have ten left to the house of Israel."
Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho niya, “Dala maduongʼ mane ooro joge mag lweny alufu achiel mondo oked ne jo-Israel, mia achiel kende ema biro duogo, to mano mooro joge mag lweny mia achiel, apar kende ema biro duogo.”
4 For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel: "Seek me, and you will live;
Jehova Nyasaye wacho ni dhood Israel niya, “Dwarauru eka unubed mangima,
5 but do not seek Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and do not pass to Beersheba: for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nothing.
kik udhi Bethel, kendo kik udhi Gilgal, to bende kik ukadhi nyaka Bersheba, nimar jo-Gilgal duto ibiro daro matergi e twech, kendo Bethel biro mana lal nono.”
6 Seek the LORD, and you will live; lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and it devour, and there be no one to quench it in Bethel.
Dwaruru Jehova Nyasaye eka unubed mangima, nono to obiro tieko joka Josef ka mach mawengʼo, en mach mabiro wangʼo jo-Bethel maonge ngʼama nyalo nego.
7 You who turn justice to wormwood, and cast down righteousness to the earth:
Mano en wach manade ka uloko bura makare bedo lit, kendo utuono joga gik monego giyudi.
8 seek him who made Kimah and Kesil, and turns the shadow of death into the morning, and makes the day dark with night; who calls for the waters of the sea, and pours them out on the surface of the earth, the LORD is his name,
Jehova Nyasaye ema nochweyo Yugni gi Ratego, en ema omiyo piny ru, kendo yuso, en bende ema oluongo pi nam mondo obi, kendo ologi e piny, nyinge iluongo ni Jehova Nyasaye.
9 who brings sudden destruction on the strong, so that destruction comes on the fortress.
En ema oketho mier mochiel motegno kendo omuko ohinga mag dala.
10 They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks blamelessly.
Un umon gi ngʼama odonjo ni jaketho, kendo usin gi ngʼat mawacho adiera.
11 Forasmuch therefore as you trample on the poor, and take taxes from him of wheat: You have built houses of cut stone, but you will not dwell in them. You have planted pleasant vineyards, but you shall not drink their wine.
Usethiro joma odhier ma kata cham matin magin godo usechunogi ma gimiyou kaka asoya. Kuom mano, usegero udi mabeyo mag kidi, to ok unudagie, to bende ok unumadhi divai mag mzabibu mabeyo musepidho,
12 For I know how many your offenses, and how great are your sins—you who afflict the just, who take a bribe, and who turn aside the needy in the courts.
nikech aneno ka un kod ketho mangʼeny kendo richou sani okadho akwana, nikech usando joma ungʼeyo ni onge gi ketho, kendo uchamo asoya, to kata mana joma odhier manie dieru bende utamo mondo kik yud bura makare.
13 Therefore a prudent person keeps silent in such a time, for it is an evil time.
Emomiyo ngʼat mariek lingʼ alingʼa e kinde ma kama nikech gin kinde mag richo.
14 Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you, as you say.
Dwaruru ber, to ok rach, mondo ubed mangima, eka Jehova Nyasaye, ma en Nyasaye Maratego nobed kodu mana kaka uparono.
15 Hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the courts. It may be that the LORD, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph."
Beduru mamon gi timbe maricho, to heruru timbe mabeyo; ngʼaduru bura makare e ute buche. Ka utimo kamano, to dipo ka Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasaye Maratego nyalo timo ngʼwono ni joka Josef mane otony oa e twech.
16 Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of hosts: "Wailing will be in all the broad ways; and they will say in all the streets, 'Alas. Alas.' and they will call the farmer to mourning, and those who are skillful in lamentation to wailing.
Kuom mano, Ruoth Nyasaye, ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego wacho niya, “Ywak biro winjore e yore duto mag dala, kendo ji magoyo nduru ibiro winjo kuonde mag chokruok; jopur bende noluong mondo oywagi kaachiel gi joma olony e ywak.
17 In all vineyards there will be wailing; for I will pass through the midst of you," says the LORD.
E puothe duto mag mzabibu ywak nobedie, nikech abiro biro mondo amiu kum,” Jehova Nyasaye owacho.
18 "Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD. Why do you long for the day of the LORD? It is darkness, and not light.
Yaye unune malit un joma gombo mondo odiechieng Jehova Nyasaye ochopi! En angʼo momiyo ugombo odiechiengno mar Jehova Nyasaye mondo ochopi? Enobed chiengʼ mudho to ok chiengʼ ler!
19 As if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him; Or he went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
Chiengʼno nochal mana gi ngʼat ma sibuor lawo, to oromo gi ondiek, kata nochal gi ngʼat modonjo e ot, moyiengo lwete e kor ot, mi thuol okaye!
20 Won't the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it?
Donge odiechiengno mar Jehova Nyasaye nobed odiechieng mudho mandiwa, molil maonge chiengʼ ler, kendo ma chiengʼ ok norienyie?
21 I hate, I despise your feasts, and I can't stand your solemn assemblies.
“Asin kendo amon gi sewni mutimona, bende ok amor gi chokruok mau ma ulosona.
22 Yes, though you offer me your burnt offerings and meal offerings, I will not accept them; neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat animals.
Kata obedo ni ukelona misengini miwangʼo pep kod misengini mag cham, to ok anayiego; bende kata obedo ni ukelona misengini mag lalruok to ok abi yiego.
23 Take away from me the noise of your songs. I will not listen to the music of your harps.
Weuru baro wiya gi wendeu mag pak, nikech ok adwar winjo thumbe mugoyogo.
24 But let justice roll on like rivers, and righteousness like a mighty stream.
Weuru mondo bura makare ema mondo omol ka pi aora, kendo tim makare ema omol ka aora ma ok dwon.
25 "Did you bring to me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, house of Israel?
“Yaye jo-Israel, bende ne ukelona misengini kata chiwo moro amora kuom higni piero angʼwen mane un e thim?
26 You took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship them.
Ne utingʼo kuonde lemo mag ruodhu malo, ne utingʼo nyiseche manono, mag sulwe ma Sakuth gi Kaiwan, mane uloso ni un uwegi,
27 Therefore I will exile you beyond Babylon," says the LORD, whose name is the God of hosts.
omiyo abiro darou mi ateru e piny twech mabor mayombo Damaski,” Jehova Nyasaye, ma nyinge en Nyasaye Maratego, ema owacho.

< Amos 5 >