< Psalms 9 >

1 [For the choir director; according to Muth-labben. A Psalm by David.] I will give thanks to Jehovah with my whole heart. I will tell of all your marvelous works.
大卫的诗,交与伶长。调用慕拉便。 我要一心称谢耶和华; 我要传扬你一切奇妙的作为。
2 I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
我要因你欢喜快乐; 至高者啊,我要歌颂你的名!
3 When my enemies turn back, they stumble and perish in your presence.
我的仇敌转身退去的时候, 他们一见你的面就跌倒灭亡。
4 For you have upheld my just cause. You sit on the throne judging righteously.
因你已经为我伸冤,为我辨屈; 你坐在宝座上,按公义审判。
5 You have rebuked the nations. You have destroyed the wicked. You have blotted out their name forever and ever.
你曾斥责外邦,你曾灭绝恶人; 你曾涂抹他们的名,直到永永远远。
6 The enemy is overtaken by endless ruin; and the very memory of the cities which you have overthrown has perished.
仇敌到了尽头; 他们被毁坏,直到永远。 你拆毁他们的城邑, 连他们的名号都归于无有。
7 But Jehovah reigns forever. He has prepared his throne for judgment.
惟耶和华坐着为王,直到永远; 他已经为审判设摆他的宝座。
8 And he will judge the world in righteousness. He will judge the peoples with equity.
他要按公义审判世界, 按正直判断万民。
9 Jehovah will also be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
耶和华又要给受欺压的人作高台, 在患难的时候作高台。
10 And those who know your name will put their trust in you, for you, Jehovah, have not forsaken those who seek you.
耶和华啊,认识你名的人要倚靠你, 因你没有离弃寻求你的人。
11 Sing praises to Jehovah, who dwells in Zion, and declare among the people what he has done.
应当歌颂居锡安的耶和华, 将他所行的传扬在众民中。
12 For he who takes revenge against murderers remembers them. He doesn't forget the cry of the afflicted.
因为那追讨流人血之罪的—他记念受屈的人, 不忘记困苦人的哀求。
13 Have mercy on me, Jehovah. See my affliction by those who hate me. You lift me up from the gates of death,
耶和华啊,你是从死门把我提拔起来的; 求你怜恤我,看那恨我的人所加给我的苦难,
14 so that I may tell all your praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion. I will rejoice in your salvation.
好叫我述说你一切的美德; 我必在锡安城的门因你的救恩欢乐。
15 The nations have fallen into the pit they had made. In the net which they hid, their feet are caught.
外邦人陷在自己所掘的坑中; 他们的脚在自己暗设的网罗里缠住了。
16 Jehovah has made himself known. He has executed judgment. The wicked is snared by the work of his own hands. (Higgaion, Selah)
耶和华已将自己显明了,他已施行审判; 恶人被自己手所做的缠住了。 (细拉)
17 The wicked shall be turned back to Sheol, even all the nations that forget God. (Sheol h7585)
恶人,就是忘记 神的外邦人, 都必归到阴间。 (Sheol h7585)
18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten; the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.
穷乏人必不永久被忘; 困苦人的指望必不永远落空。
19 Arise, Jehovah. Do not let man prevail. Let the nations be judged in your presence.
耶和华啊,求你起来,不容人得胜! 愿外邦人在你面前受审判!
20 Terrify them, Jehovah. Let the nations know that they are only human. (Selah)
耶和华啊,求你使外邦人恐惧; 愿他们知道自己不过是人。 (细拉)

< Psalms 9 >