< Psalms 32 >
1 [By David. A contemplative psalm.] Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Davidov. Poučna pjesma. Blažen onaj kome je grijeh otpušten, kome je zločin pokriven!
2 Happy is the one to whom Jehovah does not charge with sin, in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Blago čovjeku kome Jahve ne ubraja krivnju i u čijemu duhu nema prijevare!
3 When I kept silence, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.
Prešutjet' sam htio, al' kosti mi klonuše od neprestana jecanja.
4 For day and night your hand was heavy on me to my destruction in the heat of summer. (Selah)
Danju i noću ruka me tvoja tištala, snaga mi se trošila k'o za ljetnih žega.
5 I acknowledged my sin to you. I did not hide my iniquity. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah," and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. (Selah)
Tad grijeh svoj tebi priznah i krivnju svoju više ne skrivah. Rekoh: “Priznat ću Jahvi prijestup svoj”, i ti si mi krivnju grijeha oprostio.
6 For this, let everyone who is faithful pray to you in a time when you may be found. Surely when the great waters overflow, they shall not reach to him.
Zato nek' ti se moli pobožnik svaki u času nevolje. Kad bujice silne navale, njega neće stići.
7 You are my hiding place. You will preserve me from trouble. You will surround me with songs of deliverance. (Selah)
Utočište ti si moje, od tjeskobe ti ćeš me sačuvat', odjenut' me radošću spasenja.
8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go. I will counsel you with my eye on you.
Učit ću te, put ti kazat' kojim ti je ići, svjetovat ću te, oko će moje bdjeti nad tobom.
9 Do not be like the horse, or like the mule, which have no understanding, who are controlled by bit and bridle, or else they will not come near to you.
Ne budite kao konj ili mazga bez razuma: divljinu im krotiš vođicama i uzdom, inače im se ne primiči!
10 Many sorrows come to the wicked, but loving kindness shall surround him who trusts in Jehovah.
Bezbožnika taru mnoge nevolje, a tko se uzda u Jahvu, njega okružuje milost.
11 Be glad in Jehovah, and rejoice, you righteous. Shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.
Radujte se Jahvi i kličite, pravedni, kličite svi koji ste srca čestita!