< Psalms 129 >

1 [A Song of Ascents.] Many times they have afflicted me from my youth up. Let Israel now say,
2 many times they have afflicted me from my youth up, yet they have not prevailed against me.
かれらはしばしば我をわかきときより惱めたり されどわれに勝ことを得ざりき
3 The plowers plowed on my back. They made their furrows long.
4 Jehovah is righteous. He has cut apart the cords of the wicked.
ヱホバは義し あしきものの繩をたちたまへり
5 Let them be disappointed and turned backward, all those who hate Zion.
6 Let them be as the grass on the housetops, which withers before it grows up;
7 with which the reaper doesn't fill his hand, nor he who binds sheaves, his bosom.
これを刈るものはその手にみたず 之をつかぬるものはその束ふところに盈ざるなり
8 Neither do those who go by say, "The blessing of Jehovah be on you. We bless you in the name of Jehovah."
かたはらを過るものはヱホバの惠なんぢの上にあれといはず われらヱホバの名によりてなんぢらを祝すといはず

< Psalms 129 >