< Job 6 >

1 Then Job answered,
Yobu n’ayanukula ng’agamba nti,
2 "Oh that my anguish were weighed, and all my calamity laid in the balances.
“Singa okweraliikirira kwange, n’okubonaabona kwange bipimibwa ne biteekebwa ku minzaani!
3 For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas, therefore have my words been rash.
Weewaawo byandisinze omusenyu gw’ennyanja okuzitowa; ebigambo byange kyenvudde mbyanguyiriza.
4 For the arrows of Shaddai are within me. My spirit drinks up their poison. The terrors of God set themselves in array against me.
Obusaale bwa Ayinzabyonna buli mu nze n’omwoyo gwange gunywedde obusagwa bwabwo: entiisa ya Katonda erwana nange.
5 Does the wild donkey bray when he has grass? Or does the ox low over his fodder?
Entulege ekaaba awali omuddo, oba ente ennume eŋŋooŋŋa awali emmere yaayo?
6 Can that which has no flavor be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
Emmere etaliimu nsa eriika omutali munnyo, oba amazzi g’eggi okubaamu akawoomerera?
7 My soul refuses to touch them. They are as loathsome food to me.
Omutima gwange tegusikirizibwa kubikombako, biri ng’emmere etangasa.
8 "Oh that I might have my request, that God would grant the thing that I long for,
“Singa Katonda ampa kye nsaba, n’ampa kye nsuubira,
9 even that it would please God to crush me; that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off.
yandisiimye okumbetenta ne mmalibwawo omukono gwe.
10 Be it still my consolation, yes, let me exult in pain that doesn't spare, that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.
Kino kyandikkakkanyizza obulumi obutakoma kubanga sigaanye bigambo bya Mutukuvu.
11 What is my strength, that I should wait? What is my end, that I should be patient?
Amaanyi ngaggya wa, ndyoke mbe n’essuubi? Era enkomerero yange, eruwa ndyoke ngumiikirize?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Or is my flesh of bronze?
Amaanyi gange ga mayinja oba omubiri gwange gwa kikomo?
13 Isn't it that I have no help in me, That wisdom is driven quite from me?
Mu mazima sirina maanyi n’obusobozi bwanzigwako.
14 "To the despairing, kindness should be shown from his friend; even to him who forsakes the fear of Shaddai.
Oyo agaana ebyekisa okuva eri mukwano gwe tafaayo kutya Ayinzabyonna.
15 My brothers have dealt deceitfully as a brook, as the channel of brooks that pass away;
Baganda bange tebeesigika, bali ng’akagga akabooga ate ne kakalira,
16 Which are black by reason of the ice, in which the snow hides itself.
akaddugalirira buli lwe kakwata, ng’omuzira,
17 In the dry season, they vanish. When it is hot, they are consumed out of their place.
ate ne kaggwaawo buli lwe wabaawo ebbugumu.
18 The caravans that travel beside them turn aside. They go up into the waste, and perish.
Ebibinja by’abatambuze we biviira ku mugendo ne biraga mu ddungu ne bizikirira.
19 The caravans of Tema looked. The companies of Sheba waited for them.
Abatambuze b’e Teema banoonya, bo ab’e Seeba ne balindirira n’essuubi.
20 They were distressed because they were confident. They came there, and were confounded.
Baalina essuubi naye bwe baatuukayo ne banyolwa nnyo.
21 For now you are nothing. You see a terror, and are afraid.
Kaakano bwe mundabye ne mutya ne mukakasizza ddala nga temuliiko kye muyinza kukola.
22 Did I say, 'Give to me?' or, 'Offer a present for me from your substance?'
Nnali mbagambye nti, ‘Mumpe ekirabo,’ oba nti, ‘Mumpeereyo ekintu ku by’obugagga bwammwe,
23 or, 'Deliver me from the adversary's hand?' or, 'Redeem me from the hand of the oppressors?'
okumponya nve mu mukono gw’omulabe, n’okumpeerayo ekintu mpone emitego gy’abakambwe’?
24 "Teach me, and I will hold my peace. Cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
“Njigiriza nange n’aba musirise; ndaga we nsobezza.
25 How forcible are words of uprightness. But your reproof, what does it reprove?
Ebigambo eby’amazima nga bya bulumi! Naye okuwakana kwammwe kukakasa ki?
26 Do you intend to reprove words, seeing that the speeches of one who is desperate are as wind?
Mugezaako okugolola ebigambo byange, ne mufuula ebigambo by’omuntu ali obubi okuba ng’empewo?
27 Yes, you would even cast lots for the fatherless, and make merchandise of your friend.
Mukubira ne bamulekwa akalulu ate ne mukubira ne mukwano gwammwe.
28 Now therefore be pleased to look at me, for surely I shall not lie to your face.
“Naye kaakano mubeere ba kisa muntunuulire. Ndabika ng’omulimba?
29 Please return. Let there be no injustice. Yes, return again. My cause is righteous.
Mufumiitirize, temusuula bwenkanya; Mukirowoozeeko, kubanga obujulirwa bwange buli ku kalebwerebwe.
30 Is there injustice on my tongue? Can't my taste discern mischievous things?
Emimwa gyange girabika ng’egirimba? Emimwa gyange tegisobola kutegeera ttima?”

< Job 6 >