< 1 Samuel 19 >

1 Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, that they should kill David. But Saul's son Jonathan liked David very much.
Şaulee cune duxayk'le Yonatanık'leyiy cune hiqiy-allanbışik'le Davud gik'eva eyhe. Yonatanısmee, Davud geer ıkkan ıxha.
2 So Jonathan told David, saying, "Saul seeks to kill you. Please take care of yourself in the morning, and keep hidden in a secret place.
Yonatanee Davudulqa xabar g'uxoole: – Yizde dekkıs Şaulus ğu gik'asır ıkkan. Həşdiyle, hucoon ixhes, ğucar ğu g'iyqa miç'eer havace. Sa ciga t'abal hı'ı, çolee dyugulyxhe.
3 I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are, and I will talk with my father about you; and if I see anything, I will tell you."
Zınar dekkıkasana çoleeqa, ğu dyugulyxhayne cigaysqa, ayres. Mang'uka yiğne hək'ee yuşan ha'as, mang'vee hucooyiy uvhu zı valqa hixhar ha'asın.
4 Jonathan spoke good of David to Saul his father, and said to him, "Do not let the king sin against his servant, against David; because he has not sinned against you, and because his works have been very good toward you;
Yonatanee dekkıs Şaulus, Davudne hək'ee yugun karbı yuşan hı'ı, eyhen: – Paççahee, cune nukarıs Davudus pisvalla hımaa'acen. Mang'vee vas mısacab pisvalla hav'u deş. Mang'vee hı'iyn gırgın işbıd, yiğne yugvalinemee ıxha.
5 for he put his life in his hand, and struck the Philistine, and Jehovah worked a great victory for all Israel. You saw it, and rejoiced. Why then will you sin against innocent blood, to kill David without a cause?"
Mang'vee, qik'uyle qı'dərq'ı'n Filiştinğançena Golyat gik'u, Rəbbeeyib İzrail g'attivxhan hav'u. Ğunar man g'acu, şadxhana. Nya'a ğu nişilycar-alla taxsir deşda Davud gik'u, q'ərane cigeeqa eb k'yaavak'an hav'u, vasda bınah haa'as?
6 Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan, and Saul swore, "As Jehovah lives, he shall not be put to death."
Şaulee Yonatanne cuvabıl k'ırı alixhxhı, «Zı mana gik'as deşva» uvhu, Vorne Rəbbine hək'ee k'ın g'iysar.
7 Jonathan called David, and Jonathan showed him all those things. Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as before.
Yonatanee Davud qort'ul, co yuşan hı'iyn gırgın mang'us yuşan ha'a. Qiyğar, Davud Şaulusqa ıkkekka. Davudur şenkiyn xhinne, Şaulusnee axva.
8 There was war again. David went out, and fought with the Philistines, and killed them with a great slaughter; and they fled before him.
Meeb dəv'ə giviyğal. Davudur oza qıxha ayk'anna Filiştinaaşika saç'ikkvas. Davud manbı ootal-ooxhal hav'u, ğamexhena, manbı Davudne ögiyle heebaxanbı.
9 A harmful spirit from Jehovah was on Saul, as he sat in his house with his spear in his hand; and David was playing with his hand.
Yiğbışde sa yiğıl Şaul xaa'ar xıle nizeyka gyu'uringa, mang'ulqa Rəbbee g'axuvuyn pisın rı'hı'd qadı gexa. Davudee mane gahıl lira ı'lyviyxə vooxhe.
10 Saul sought to pin David even to the wall with the spear; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he stuck the spear into the wall. David fled, and escaped that night.
Şaulus Davud nizeyka barugus at'iq'an ha'as ıkkiykan. Davud mang'une ögiyle hexvana, mang'vee avhuyn nized qadı barugeeqa k'exa. Mane xəmde Davud hixu g'ittiyxhanna.
11 Saul sent messengers to David's house, to watch him, and to kill him in the morning. Mikal, David's wife, told him, saying, "If you do not save your life tonight, tomorrow you will be killed."
Şaulee Davudne xaaqa insanar g'ıxoole, mana nyaariyva ats'axhxha, miç'eer g'ik'ecenva. Davudne xhunaşşee Mikalee, mang'us xabar huvu eyhen: – G'iyna xəmde vasse, hixu dyugulyxhes dəxeene, g'iyqa miç'eer ğu g'ik'asda.
12 So Mikal let David down through the window. He went, fled, and escaped.
Qiyğa Mikalee Davud g'uleençe gyaqqa, manar hixu g'ittiyxhanna.
13 Mikal took the teraphim, and laid it in the bed, and put a pillow of goats' hair at its head, and covered it with the clothes.
Mikalee xaana byuty alyapt'ı tyuleeqa giviyxhe, vuk'lelqad ç'ərnan ts'e'ın g'ekva qali'ı, ooqad tanalinbı adaççe.
14 When Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, "He is sick."
Şaulee, Davud aqqasva g'axuvuyn insanar abımee, Mikalee «Mana ık'ar vorva» eyhe.
15 Then he sent the messengers to see David, saying, "Bring him up to me in the bed, that I may kill him."
Şaulee mebın insanar g'axuvu, eyhen: – Mana tyulyunukacar zasqa ayre, zı mana gik'as.
16 When the messengers came in, look, the teraphim was in the bed, with the pillow of goats' hair at its head.
Man insanar aqa ikkeepç'ımee g'ecen, tyuleeqa, vuk'lelqa ts'e'ın g'ekva qali'ıyn byutud hotku.
17 Saul said to Mikal, "Why have you deceived me thus, and let my enemy go, so that he is escaped?" Mikal answered Saul, "He said, 'Let me go. Why should I kill you?'"
Şaulee Mikalık'le eyhen: – Nya'a zas horbı hı'ı? Yizda duşman g'aykkı, manar hixu g'attirxhınna. Mikalee Şaulus alidghıniy qele: – Davudee zak'le uvhuyn, g'aykke zı əlyhəəs! Deşxheene, zı ğu giyk'as!
18 Now David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and lived in the dwellings.
Davud hixu g'attirxhınmee, Ramayeeqa Şamuelyne k'anyaqa qarı, Şaulee cuk hı'iyn gırgın mang'us yuşan ha'an. Mançile qiyğa mana Şamuelika sacigee Nayot eyhene şahareeqa ark'ın, maa aaxva.
19 And it was told to Saul, saying, "Look, David is in the dwellings at Ramah."
Şaulus «Davud Ramayeene Nayoturva» xabar qabayle.
20 And Saul sent messengers to capture David. But when they saw a company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as head over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they prophesied.
Şaulee mana aqqasva, maqa insanar g'ıxoole. İnsanaaşik'le, Şamuel q'oma ulyorzulyne peyğambaraaşine desteyn peyğambariyvalla haa'a g'ooce. Man g'acumee, Şaulee g'axuvuyne insanaaşilqad Allahın Rı'h geç'e. Manbışeb peyğambariyvalla haa'a giviyğal.
21 When it was told to Saul, he sent other messengers, and they also prophesied. Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they also prophesied.
Man ıxhaynbı Şaululqa hixhar hı'ımee, mang'vee mebın insanar g'ıxoole. Manbışeb peyğambariyvalla haa'a. Şaulee, xhebe'es insanar g'uxoole, manbışeb peyğambariyvalla haa'a.
22 And Saul became very angry, and he himself also went to Ramah, and came to the cistern of the threshing floor that is on the bare hill. And he asked, "Where are Samuel and David?" And one said, "Look, they are in the dwellings at Ramah."
Nekke qiyğa vuccar Ramayeeqa arı, Seku eyhene cigayne k'anene, xənne kahrızısqa qarı, maane insanaaşike qiyghanan: – Şamueliy Davud nyaane vob? Maane neng'veemee, «İnyaa'ab, Ramayeene Nayotee vobva» eyhe.
23 So he went to the dwellings at Ramah. Then the Spirit of God came on him also, and he went on, and prophesied, until he came to the dwellings in Ramah.
Şaul Ramayeene Nayotqa əlyhəəmee, mana Allahne Rı'hı'n aqqaqqa. Qıyğar insanaaşe Şaul Ramayeene Nayotulqa qıkkeka. Mang'veeyib peyğambariyvalla haa'a vuxha.
24 And he stripped off his clothes and prophesied before them, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Thus it is said, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"
Qiyğa mang'vee tanalinbı qakki'ı, Şamuelyne ögil peyğambariyvalla haa'a. Mana bıkırne yiğnayiy xəmna ts'eler qukyork'ul axva. Mançil-alla insanaaşe eyhe: «Şaulıkerne peyğambar ıxha?»

< 1 Samuel 19 >