< Mark 13 >

1 As he went out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Teacher, see what kind of stones and what kind of buildings."
اَنَنْتَرَں مَنْدِرادْ بَہِرْگَمَنَکالے تَسْیَ شِشْیانامیکَسْتَں وْیاہرِتَوانْ ہے گُرو پَشْیَتُ کِیدرِشاح پاشاناح کِیدرِکْ چَ نِچَیَنَں۔
2 And Yeshua said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone on another, which will not be thrown down."
تَدا یِیشُسْتَمْ اَوَدَتْ تْوَں کِمیتَدْ برِہَنِّچَیَنَں پَشْیَسِ؟ اَسْیَیکَپاشانوپِ دْوِتِییَپاشانوپَرِ نَ سْتھاسْیَتِ سَرْوّے دھَحکْشیپْسْیَنْتے۔
3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Kipha, Yaquv, Yukhanan, and Andreus asked him privately,
اَتھَ یَسْمِنْ کالے جَیتُنْگِرَو مَنْدِرَسْیَ سَمُّکھے سَ سَمُپَوِشْٹَسْتَسْمِنْ کالے پِتَرو یاکُوبْ یوہَنْ آنْدْرِیَشْچَیتے تَں رَہَسِ پَپْرَچّھُح،
4 "Tell us, when will these things be? What is the sign that these things are all about to be fulfilled?"
ایتا گھَٹَناح کَدا بھَوِشْیَنْتِ؟ تَتھَیتَتْسَرْوّاساں سِدّھیُپَکْرَمَسْیَ وا کِں چِہْنَں؟ تَدَسْمَبھْیَں کَتھَیَتُ بھَوانْ۔
5 And Yeshua began to say to them, "Be careful that no one leads you astray.
تَتو یاشُسْتانْ وَکْتُماریبھے، کوپِ یَتھا یُشْمانْ نَ بھْرامَیَتِ تَتھاتْرَ یُویَں ساوَدھانا بھَوَتَ۔
6 Many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he.' and will lead many astray.
یَتَح کھْرِیشْٹوہَمِتِ کَتھَیِتْوا مَمَ نامْنانیکے سَماگَتْیَ لوکاناں بھْرَمَں جَنَیِشْیَنْتِ؛
7 "When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled. Such things must happen, but the end is not yet.
کِنْتُ یُویَں رَنَسْیَ وارْتّاں رَناڈَمْبَرَنْچَ شْرُتْوا ما وْیاکُلا بھَوَتَ، گھَٹَنا ایتا اَوَشْیَمّاوِنْیَح؛ کِنْتْواپاتَتو نَ یُگانْتو بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines. These things are the beginning of birth pains.
دیشَسْیَ وِپَکْشَتَیا دیشو راجْیَسْیَ وِپَکْشَتَیا چَ راجْیَمُتّھاسْیَتِ، تَتھا سْتھانے سْتھانے بھُومِکَمْپو دُرْبھِکْشَں مَہاکْلیشاشْچَ سَمُپَسْتھاسْیَنْتِ، سَرْوَّ ایتے دُحکھَسْیارَمْبھاح۔
9 But watch yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils. You will be beaten in synagogues. You will stand before rulers and kings for my sake, as a testimony to them.
کِنْتُ یُویَمْ آتْمارْتھے ساوَدھاناسْتِشْٹھَتَ، یَتو لوکا راجَسَبھایاں یُشْمانْ سَمَرْپَیِشْیَنْتِ، تَتھا بھَجَنَگرِہے پْرَہَرِشْیَنْتِ؛ یُویَں مَدَرْتھے دیشادھِپانْ بھُوپاںشْچَ پْرَتِ ساکْشْیَدانایَ تیشاں سَمُّکھے اُپَسْتھاپَیِشْیَدھْوے۔
10 The Good News must first be preached to all the nations.
شیشِیبھَوَناتْ پُورْوَّں سَرْوّانْ دیشِییانْ پْرَتِ سُسَںوادَح پْرَچارَیِشْیَتے۔
11 When they lead you away and deliver you up, do not be anxious beforehand, or premeditate what you will say, but say whatever will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Rukha d'Qudsha.
کِنْتُ یَدا تے یُشْمانْ دھرِتْوا سَمَرْپَیِشْیَنْتِ تَدا یُویَں یَدْیَدْ اُتَّرَں داسْیَتھَ، تَدَگْرَ تَسْیَ وِویچَنَں ما کُرُتَ تَدَرْتھَں کِنْچِدَپِ ما چِنْتَیَتَ چَ، تَدانِیں یُشْماکَں مَنَحسُ یَدْیَدْ واکْیَمْ اُپَسْتھاپَیِشْیَتے تَدیوَ وَدِشْیَتھَ، یَتو یُویَں نَ تَدْوَکْتارَح کِنْتُ پَوِتْرَ آتْما تَسْیَ وَکْتا۔
12 "Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. Children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death.
تَدا بھْراتا بھْراتَرَں پِتا پُتْرَں گھاتَنارْتھَں پَرَہَسْتیشُ سَمَرْپَیِشْیَتے، تَتھا پَتْیانِ ماتاپِتْرو رْوِپَکْشَتَیا تَو گھاتَیِشْیَنْتِ۔
13 And you will be hated by everyone because of my name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.
مَمَ نامَہیتوح سَرْوّیشاں سَوِدھے یُویَں جُگُپْسِتا بھَوِشْیَتھَ، کِنْتُ یَح کَشْچِتْ شیشَپَرْیَّنْتَں دھَیرْیَّمْ آلَمْبِشْیَتے سَایوَ پَرِتْراسْیَتے۔
14 But when you see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Yehuda flee to the mountains,
دانِییلْبھَوِشْیَدْوادِنا پْروکْتَں سَرْوَّناشِ جُگُپْسِتَنْچَ وَسْتُ یَدا تْوَیوگْیَسْتھانے وِدْیَمانَں دْرَکْشَتھَ (یو جَنَح پَٹھَتِ سَ بُدھْیَتاں) تَدا یے یِہُودِییَدیشے تِشْٹھَنْتِ تے مَہِیدھْرَں پْرَتِ پَلایَنْتاں؛
15 and let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter in, to take anything out of his house.
تَتھا یو نَرو گرِہوپَرِ تِشْٹھَتِ سَ گرِہَمَدھْیَں ناوَروہَتُ، تَتھا کِمَپِ وَسْتُ گْرَہِیتُں مَدھْییگرِہَں نَ پْرَوِشَتُ؛
16 Let him who is in the field not return back to take his coat.
تَتھا چَ یو نَرَح کْشیتْرے تِشْٹھَتِ سوپِ سْوَوَسْتْرَں گْرَہِیتُں پَراورِتْیَ نَ وْرَجَتُ۔
17 But woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse babies in those days.
تَدانِیں گَرْبّھَوَتِیناں سْتَنْیَداتْرِینانْچَ یوشِتاں دُرْگَتِ رْبھَوِشْیَتِ۔
18 And pray that it won't be in the winter.
یُشْماکَں پَلایَنَں شِیتَکالے یَتھا نَ بھَوَتِ تَدَرْتھَں پْرارْتھَیَدھْوَں۔
19 For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.
یَتَسْتَدا یادرِشِی دُرْگھَٹَنا گھَٹِشْیَتے تادرِشِی دُرْگھَٹَنا اِیشْوَرَسرِشْٹیح پْرَتھَمَمارَبھْیادْیَ یاوَتْ کَداپِ نَ جاتا نَ جَنِشْیَتے چَ۔
20 Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the chosen ones, whom he picked out, he shortened the days.
اَپَرَنْچَ پَرَمیشْوَرو یَدِ تَسْیَ سَمَیَسْیَ سَںکْشیپَں نَ کَروتِ تَرْہِ کَسْیاپِ پْرانَبھرِتو رَکْشا بھَوِتُں نَ شَکْشْیَتِ، کِنْتُ یانْ جَنانْ مَنونِیتانْ اَکَروتْ تیشاں سْوَمَنونِیتاناں ہیتوح سَ تَدَنیہَسَں سَںکْشیپْسْیَتِ۔
21 Then if anyone tells you, 'Look, here is the Meshikha.' or, 'Look, there.' do not believe it.
اَنْیَچَّ پَشْیَتَ کھْرِیشْٹوتْرَ سْتھانے وا تَتْرَ سْتھانے وِدْیَتے، تَسْمِنْکالے یَدِ کَشْچِدْ یُشْمانْ ایتادرِشَں واکْیَں وْیاہَرَتِ، تَرْہِ تَسْمِنْ واکْیے بھَیوَ وِشْوَسِتَ۔
22 For there will arise false meshikhas and false prophets, and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, the chosen ones.
یَتونیکے مِتھْیاکھْرِیشْٹا مِتھْیابھَوِشْیَدْوادِنَشْچَ سَمُپَسْتھایَ بَہُونِ چِہْنانْیَدْبھُتانِ کَرْمّانِ چَ دَرْشَیِشْیَنْتِ؛ تَتھا یَدِ سَمْبھَوَتِ تَرْہِ مَنونِیتَلوکانامَپِ مِتھْیامَتِں جَنَیِشْیَنْتِ۔
23 But you watch. "I have told you all things beforehand.
پَشْیَتَ گھَٹَناتَح پُورْوَّں سَرْوَّکارْیَّسْیَ وارْتّاں یُشْمَبھْیَمَدامْ، یُویَں ساوَدھاناسْتِشْٹھَتَ۔
24 But in those days, after that oppression, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light,
اَپَرَنْچَ تَسْیَ کْلیشَکالَسْیاوْیَوَہِتے پَرَکالے بھاسْکَرَح سانْدھَکارو بھَوِشْیَتِ تَتھَیوَ چَنْدْرَشْچَنْدْرِکاں نَ داسْیَتِ۔
25 the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.
نَبھَحسْتھانِ نَکْشَتْرانِ پَتِشْیَنْتِ، وْیومَمَنْڈَلَسْتھا گْرَہاشْچَ وِچَلِشْیَنْتِ۔
26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
تَدانِیں مَہاپَراکْرَمینَ مَہَیشْوَرْیّینَ چَ میگھَمارُہْیَ سَمایانْتَں مانَوَسُتَں مانَواح سَمِیکْشِشْیَنْتے۔
27 Then he will send out his angels, and will gather together his chosen ones from the four winds, from the farthest part of the earth to the farthest part of the sky.
اَنْیَچَّ سَ نِجَدُوتانْ پْرَہِتْیَ نَبھوبھُومْیوح سِیماں یاوَدْ جَگَتَشْچَتُرْدِگْبھْیَح سْوَمَنونِیتَلوکانْ سَںگْرَہِیشْیَتِ۔
28 "Now from the fig tree, learn this parable. When the branch has now become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that the summer is near;
اُڈُمْبَرَتَرو رْدرِشْٹانْتَں شِکْشَدھْوَں یَدوڈُمْبَرَسْیَ تَرو رْنَوِیناح شاکھا جایَنْتے پَلَّوادِینِ چَ رْنِگَچّھَنْتِ، تَدا نِداگھَکالَح سَوِدھو بھَوَتِیتِ یُویَں جْناتُں شَکْنُتھَ۔
29 even so you also, when you see these things coming to pass, know that it is near, at the doors.
تَدْوَدْ ایتا گھَٹَنا درِشْٹْوا سَ کالو دْوارْیُّپَسْتھِتَ اِتِ جانِیتَ۔
30 Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen.
یُشْمانَہَں یَتھارْتھَں وَدامِ، آدھُنِکَلوکاناں گَمَناتْ پُورْوَّں تانِ سَرْوّانِ گھَٹِشْیَنْتے۔
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
دْیاواپرِتھِوْیو رْوِچَلِتَیوح سَتْیو رْمَدِییا وانِی نَ وِچَلِشْیَتِ۔
32 But of that day or the hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
اَپَرَنْچَ سْوَرْگَسْتھَدُوتَگَنو وا پُتْرو وا تاتادَنْیَح کوپِ تَں دِوَسَں تَں دَنْڈَں وا نَ جْناپَیَتِ۔
33 Watch, keep alert, and pray; for you do not know when the time is.
اَتَح سَ سَمَیَح کَدا بھَوِشْیَتِ، ایتَجّنانابھاوادْ یُویَں ساوَدھاناسْتِشْٹھَتَ، سَتَرْکاشْچَ بھُوتْوا پْرارْتھَیَدھْوَں؛
34 "It is like a man, traveling to another country, having left his house, and given authority to his servants, and to each one his work, and also commanded the doorkeeper to keep watch.
یَدْوَتْ کَشْچِتْ پُمانْ سْوَنِویشَنادْ دُورَدیشَں پْرَتِ یاتْراکَرَنَکالے داسیشُ سْوَکارْیَّسْیَ بھارَمَرْپَیِتْوا سَرْوّانْ سْوے سْوے کَرْمَّنِ نِیوجَیَتِ؛ اَپَرَں دَووارِکَں جاگَرِتُں سَمادِشْیَ یاتِ، تَدْوَنْ نَرَپُتْرَح۔
35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the lord of the house is coming—at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;
گرِہَپَتِح سایَںکالے نِشِیتھے وا ترِتِییَیامے وا پْراتَحکالے وا کَداگَمِشْیَتِ تَدْ یُویَں نَ جانِیتھَ؛
36 lest coming suddenly he might find you sleeping.
سَ ہَٹھاداگَتْیَ یَتھا یُشْمانْ نِدْرِتانْ نَ پَشْیَتِ، تَدَرْتھَں جاگَرِتاسْتِشْٹھَتَ۔
37 What I tell you, I tell all: Watch."
یُشْمانَہَں یَدْ وَدامِ تَدیوَ سَرْوّانْ وَدامِ، جاگَرِتاسْتِشْٹھَتیتِ۔

< Mark 13 >