< John 4 >

1 Therefore when Yeshua knew that the Pharisees had heard, "Yeshua is making and baptizing more disciples than Yukhanan"
Phariseengei han John nêkin Jisua ruoisi atam uol, ama'n tui leh mi a baptis a min tam uol ti an riet zoia.
2 (although Yeshua himself did not baptize, but his disciples),
(Adikin, Jisua'n chu tute baptis maka; a ruoisingei vaiin ke mi an baptis ngâi ani.)
3 he left Yehuda, and departed again into Galila.
Masikin Jisua'n ha anga an ti hah a rietin chu Judea ram a mâka Galilee tieng a kîr nôka;
4 He needed to pass through Samaria.
a se tieng Samaria ram palin a se rang anâng ani.
5 So he came to a city of Samaria, called Shekar, near the parcel of ground that Yaquv gave to his son, Yauseph.
Samaria ram sûnga han khopui inkhat Sychar an ti han a hong tunga, Jacob'n a nâi Joseph mun a pêkna kôl hah ani.
6 Yaquv's well was there. Yeshua therefore, being tired from his journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
Jacob tuikuong khom mahan aoma, Jisua'n a lam lônna a sôl sikin ha tuikuong kôla han ânsung raka, ma hah sûnchimripa ani.
7 A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Yeshua said to her, "Give me a drink."
Samaria nupang inkhat tuithâl rangin a honga, male Jisua'n a kôm, “Tui nêk rang mi pêk roh,” a tipea.
8 For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.
(A ruoisingei chu sâkruo rochôk rangin khopui sûnga an sea).
9 The Samaritan woman therefore said to him, "How can you, being a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
Nupangnu han a kôm, “Nangma Juda mi ni nia, keima Samaria nupang ki nia, kho-angin mo tui nêk rang mi ni zong hi?” (Judangei han khuri mo, khuriâi mo, Samaria mingeiin an mangna chu mang ngâi khâi mak ngei.)
10 Yeshua answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water."
Hanchu Jisua'n a thuona, “Pathien neinunpêk le buong rang mi pêk roh tipu hi ni riet nisenla chu, nangman keng a kôm zong na ta; hanchu, ama'n ringna-tui nang a pêk rang ani,” a tia.
11 The woman said to him, "Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. From where do you get that living water?
Nupangnu han a kôm, “Pu, tui thâlna laka ite dôn mak chea, tuikuong lak ânthûk zana. Khotieng mo ringna-tui na man rang?
12 Are you greater than our father, Yaquv, who gave us the well, and drank of it himself, as did his children, and his livestock?"
Kin pu Jacob'n hi tuikuong hih mi pêka; ama le a nâingei le a sâ vâi ngei murdi khom ma renga hih an lei nêk ngâi ani. Kin pu Jacob nêkin no roiinpui uol mo?”
13 Yeshua answered her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again,
Jisua'n a thuona, “Tutu khom hi tui nêk ngei chu an tui lân râl nôk a ta,
14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to everlasting life." (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Hannirese, tukhom an kôma tui ke pêk rang a nêk ngei kai chu an tui inrâl nôk tet khâi no nih. Keiman tui ke pêk rang chu, an sûnga tuinâr hong chang a ta, tuinâr han ringna-tui le kumtuong ringna pêk atih,” a tia. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
15 The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I do not get thirsty, neither come all the way here to draw."
Nupangnu han a kôm, “Pu, ma tui hah ni pêk roh! ku tui ânrâl khâi loina rang le hi tena lâ tuithâl ko hong khâi loina rangin,” a tia.
16 He said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here."
Jisua'n ha nu kôm han, “Sênla, no lômpa va koi inla, hong nôk roh,” a tipea.
17 The woman answered and said to him, "I have no husband." Yeshua said to her, "You said well, 'I have no husband,'
Nupangnu'n a kôm, “Lômpa la dôn mu-ung,” tiin amanu han a thuona. Jisua'n chong a melea, “Lômpa dôn mu-ung, ni ti hih, ni ti mindik ani.
18 for you have had five husbands; and he whom you now have is not your husband. This you have said truly."
Pasal rangnga in ne neipui zoia, male atûna no ompuipa khom hih no lômpa tatak nimak. Chongdiktak ni ni ril ani,” a tia.
19 The woman said to him, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.
Nupangnu han a tia, “Pu, dêipu ni ni ti ki riet.”
20 Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you say that in Urishlim is the place where people ought to worship."
“Kin Samari richibulngeiin chu hi tânga hin Pathien chubai an mûk ngâi, aniatachu, nangni Judangeiin chu Jerusalema Pathien chubai kin mûk ngâi ani, nin ti ngâi.”
21 Yeshua said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor in Urishlim, will you worship the Father.
Jisua'n, nupangnu kôm han a tipea, “Nupangnu, keima mi iem roh, hi tâng le Jerusalem ngêt ni loi khomin mingeiin Pa chubai an mûk zora la tung atih.
22 You worship that which you do not know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews.
Nangni Samari mingeiin chu nin riet loi chubai nin mûk ngâi; aniatachu keini Judangeiin chu kin riet ke chubai kin mûk ngâi ani, sanminringna hih Judangei renga hong suok kêng ani sikin.
23 But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshippers.
Hannirese azora atung rang ani zoi, male atûn khom atung tir ani zoi, ma tikin chu Pathien chubaimûk ngeiin Ratha le Chongtakin Pa chubaimûk an tih, Pa'n ma anga mingei ha ama chubaimûk rangin a nuom ngâi ani.
24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
Pathien chu Ratha ania, ama chubai mûk ngeiin Ratha le chongtakin chubai an mûk rang ani,” a tia.
25 The woman said to him, "I know that Meshikha comes," (he who is called Meshikha). "When he has come, he will declare to us all things."
Nupangnu han a kôm, “Messiah la juong atih, ti ki riet, a juong tikin chu neinunngei murdi mi ril atih,” a tia.
26 Yeshua said to her, "I am he, the one who speaks to you."
Jisua'n a thuona, “Keima nang chongpuipa hih, ama hah ki ni,” a tia.
27 At this, his disciples came. They were surprised that he was speaking with a woman; yet no one said, "What are you looking for?" or, "Why do you speak with her?"
Ma lâitak han a ruoisingei an hong kîr nôka, nupang leh an chong an mua an kamâm sabaka. Aniatachu, tutên ha nu kôm han, “Imo no zong?” aninônchu ama kôm, “Ithomo nupang no chongpuia?” tiin khom ite rekel mak ngei.
28 So the woman left her water pot, and went away into the city, and said to the people,
Hanchu nupangnu hah a tuibêl mâkrakin khopui sûnga a kîra, male mingei kôm,
29 "Come, see a man who told me everything that I did. Can this be the Meshikha?"
“Ki sin lei tho ngei murdi a ril thei let mi inkhat a oma, hong en ta u, Messiah ni thei ni mo?” a tia.
30 They went out of the city, and were coming to him.
Masikin khopui renga an honga Jisua kôm an va se zoi.
31 In the meanwhile, the disciples urged him, saying, "Rabbi, eat."
Ma zoratak han ruoisingeiin, “Minchupu, sâk-sâk bak hi roh!” tiin an lei ngêna.
32 But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you do not know about."
Nikhomsenla Jisua'n, “Nin riet loi bu nêk rang ko dôn,” tiin a thuona.
33 The disciples therefore said one to another, "Has anyone brought him something to eat?"
Masikin ruoisingei han anni leh anni anin rekela, “Mîn bu an hong chôi pe mini?” an tia.
34 Yeshua said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work.
Jisua'n an kôm, “Mi tîrpu lungdo sin le a sin zoi rang hi ku bu tuitak ani, a tipe ngeia.
35 Do you not say, 'There are yet four months until the harvest?' Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes and see the fields, that they are white for harvest already.
Nangnin chu, ‘Bu âtna rang tha minli ala om nin tia.’ Aniatachu nangni ki ril, loingei so en sabak ta u; atûn renga ât rangin bungei an min zoi!
36 He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit to everlasting life; that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. (aiōnios g166)
A âtpu'n chu rathaman a man ngâia, kumtuong ringna dêna om rangin amara a mintûp ngâi; masikin a lingpu le a âtpu an râisân ânruol theina rangin. (aiōnios g166)
37 For in this the saying is true, 'One sows, and another reaps.'
‘Mi inkhatin a linga, mi dangin a ât ngâi,’ ti hi adik ani.
38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor."
Nin sin loina muna nangni ki tîr; mi dangin an sina, an sin sai hah nin ât ani,” a tia.
39 From that city many of the Samaritans believed in him because of the word of the woman, who testified, "He told me everything that I did."
Nupangnu han, “Ki sin lei tho ngei murdi ni ril let,” tiin a thurchi a misîr pe ngei sikin Samari khopui mingei, mi tamtakin Jisua an iem zoi.
40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them. He stayed there two days.
Masikin, Samari mingei ha Jisua kôm an honga, an kôm om rangin an ngêna, male Jisua'n ha khopui han sûnnik a châm zoi.
41 Many more believed because of his word.
Midang tamtakin khom a thurchi misîr sikin an iem sa zoia,
42 They said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of your speaking; for we have heard for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Savior of the world."
male anni ngei han nupangnu kôm, “Atûn chu mi ni misîr pe sika ni loiin keini lelên a thurchi misîr kin rieta, hi mi hih rammuol sanminringpu ani khet ti kin riet zoi,” an tia.
43 After the two days he departed from there to Galila.
Ma khopui han sûnnik a châm suole chu a mâka Galilee rama a se zoi.
44 For Yeshua himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.
Jisua'n ama rang nanâk ân tia, “Dêipungei chu an ram nanâka chu miritin om ngâi mak ngei,” tiin.
45 So when he came into Galila, the Galilaye received him, having seen all the things that he did in Urishlim at the feast, for they also went to the feast.
Galilee rama a tungin chu mipuingeiin an lei phâm tataka, Jerusalema Kalkân Kût han inchelin Jisua sintho ngei murdi ha an mu sikin.
46 Yeshua came therefore again to Qatne of Galila, where he made the water into wine. There was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Kepharnakhum.
Hanchu, Jisua ha Galilee rama Cana khuoa tui uain a min changna han a hong nôka, sorkâr ulien inkhat a oma, a nâipasal Capernaum khuoa dam loiin a om ani.
47 When he heard that Yeshua had come out of Yehuda into Galila, he went to him, and pleaded with him that he would come down and heal his son, for he was close to death.
Jisua Judea ram renga Galilee rama a hong ti a riet lehan a kôm a sea, Capernaum khuoa sea, a nâipasal juong mindam rangin Jisua a ngêna, a nâipasal hah a thi vang zoi ani.
48 Yeshua therefore said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe."
Jisua'n an kôm, “Sininkhêlngei le neinun kamâmomngei nin mu nônchu tutên iem no tu nui,” a tipe ngeia.
49 The nobleman said to him, "Sir, come down before my child dies."
Sorkâr ulien han, “Pu, ka nâipasal a thi mân ni juong pe roh,” tiin a thuona.
50 Yeshua said to him, "Go your way. Your son lives." The man believed the word that Yeshua spoke to him, and he went his way.
Jisua'n a kôm, “Se nôk ta roh, na nâipasal a dam zoi!” a tipea. Ha mi han Jisua chongngei ha iem pumin a se zoi.
51 As he was now going down, his servants met him, saying that his son was alive.
Hanchu a in a pan lâiin lampuia a tîrlâmngei leh annin tonga, “Na nâipasal a dam zoi!” an tipea.
52 So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better. They said therefore to him, "Yesterday at one in the afternoon, the fever left him."
Ama'n an kôm, a nâipasal lei dam zora tak hah a rekel ngeia, annin a kôm, “Mazan chonûktieng dârkhat inring han a mintun a lei mathân zoi,” an tipea.
53 So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Yeshua said to him, "Your son lives." He believed, as did his whole house.
Hanchu, a pa han Jisua'n a kôm, “Na nâipasal a dam zoi,” a tipe zora tak hah ani ti a riet zoi. Masikin ama le a inmingei anrêngin an iem zoi ani.
54 This is again the second sign that Yeshua did, having come out of Yehuda into Galila.
Ma hah Jisua'n Judea ram renga Galilee rama a hong suo nûka a sininkhêl sin avoinikna ani.

< John 4 >