< Genesis 44 >

1 Then he instructed the manager of his house, saying, "Fill the men's sacks with as much food as they can carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack.
Yousefe da ea hawa: hamosu hina dunuma amane sia: i, “Di da amo dunu ilia esa, ilia gasa gaguli masunu defele, nabama. Amola, dunu hisu hisu ilia muni i, amo bu ilia esa ganodini salima.
2 Put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, along with the silver for his grain." So he did according to the word that Joseph had told him.
Na silifa faigelei amo ufi mano amo ea esa ganodini ea muni amola salima.” Hawa: hamosu dunu da Yousefe ea sia: defele hamoi.
3 As soon as the morning dawned, the men were sent off along with their donkeys.
Hahabedafa, ilia da amo olalali amola ilia dougi, ilia soge buhagimusa: asunasi.
4 When they were far from the city, Joseph said to his manager, "Up, go after the men, and when you overtake them, ask them, 'Why have you repaid evil for good?
Ilia da fonobahadi logoga asili, Yousefe da ea diasu hawa: hamosu hina dunuma amane sia: i, “Hedolo! Ilima fa: no bobogema! Ilima doaga: sea, amane adole ba: ma, “Dilia da abuli hou ida: iwane amoga dabe agoane wadela: i hou hamosala: ?
5 Why have you stolen my silver cup? Isn't it from this that my lord drinks and by which he indeed uses for divination? You have done evil in doing this.'"
Dilia da abuli na hina ea silifa faigelei amo wamolabala? E da amoga waini naha amola amoga ba: la: lusu hou hamosa. Dilia da wadela: i bagade hamoi dagoi.”
6 And he caught up with them and spoke these words to them.
Yousefe ea hawa: hamosu dunu da yolalali ilima fa: no bobogele, madelala heda: i. E da Yousefe ea sia: ilima bu sia: i.
7 But they said to him, "Why does my lord speak such words as these? Far be it from your servants that they should do such a thing.
Ilia da ema bu adole i, “Ada! Adi baiga di da ninima agoane sia: sala: ? Ninia agoane hou da hamedafa hamosa.
8 Look, the money that we found in the mouths of our sacks we brought back to you from the land of Canaan. How then could we steal silver or gold from your lord's house?
Di dawa: Muni amo ninia esa ganodini dialebe ba: i, amo ninia Ga: ina: ne sogega bu gaguli misi. Ninia da dia hina diasuga silifa amola gouli, abuli wamolama: bela: ?
9 With whomever of your servants it is found, he must die, and we also will be my lord's slaves."
Ada! Ninia dunu afae da amo faigelei wamolai ba: sea, amo medole legema. Amai ba: sea, ninia eno huluane da dia udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu.”
10 And he said, "Very well, then, it will be as you say. The one with whom it is found will be my slave, but you will be blameless."
E bu adole i, “Defea! Be faigelei wamolasu dunu, hi fawane da udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu. Dilia eno huluane da ahoanumu.”
11 Then they hurried, and each man lowered his sack to the ground, and each man opened his sack.
Amaiba: le, ilia da esa huluane osoboga ligisili, ilia huluane da esa hisu hisu doalegele, esa lafi ifalesisi.
12 And he searched, beginning with the oldest, and ending at the youngest. And the cup was found in Benjamin's sack.
Yousefe hawa: hamosu dunu da esa huluane hogoi helei. E da degabo magobo mano ea esa hogole, asili huluane hogole, ufi mano Bediamini ema doaga: i. Ilia da Bediamini ea esa ganodini silifa faigelei dialebe ba: i.
13 Then they tore their clothes, and each man loaded his donkey and returned to the city.
Olalali da se nababeba: le, ilia abula gadelale, ilia liligi amo dougi baligiga ligisili, Yousefe ea diasuga buhagi.
14 So Judah and his brothers came to Joseph's house, and he was still there, and they fell to the ground before him.
Amoga doaga: loba, Yousefe esalebe ba: i. Ilia da ema begudui.
15 And Joseph said to them, "What is this deed that you have done? Didn't you know that a man like me can indeed practice divination?"
Yousefe da ilima amane sia: i, “Dilia da adi hamobela: ? Na da ba: la: lusu hou hamobeba: le, amo hou hedolo dawa: i. Amo dilia hame dawa: bela: ?”
16 Then Judah said, "What can we say to my lord? What can we speak? And how can we clear ourselves? God has uncovered the guilt of your servants. Look, we are my lord's slaves, both we, and the one in whose possession the cup was found."
Yuda da bu adole i, “Ada! Ninia da adi sia: ma: bela: ? Ninia hou dodofemu da hamedei. Gode da ninia wadela: i hou dedeboi amo hadigiga gaguli misi. Afae amo faigelei ea esa ganodini ba: i amo fawane hame, be ninia huluane da dia udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu.”
17 But he said, "Far be it from me that I should do so. The man in whose possession the cup was found, he will be my slave. But as for you, go up to your father in peace."
Be Yousefe da amane sia: i, “Hame mabu! Na da agoane hamedafa hamomu. Faigelei gagui hi fawane da na udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu. Dilia eno huluane da hahawane dilia eda ea diasuga bu masunu.”
18 Then Judah approached him, and said, "My lord, please allow your servant to speak a word in the ears of my lord, and do not become angry with your servant, for you are like Pharaoh himself.
Yuda da Yousefema misini, amane sia: i, “Ada! Na da dima sia: sa: imu galebe! Nama mae ougima! Na da di Idibidi hina bagade amo defele ba: sa.
19 My lord asked his servants, saying, 'Do you have a father or a brother?'
Di da ninima adole ba: i, ‘Dilia da ada o olalali eno esalabala?’
20 And we said to my lord, 'We have a father, an old man, and a child born when he was old, a little one, and his brother is dead, and he is his mother's only child, and his father loves him.'
Ninia da bu adole i, ‘Ninia da ada da: i hamoi esala amola eya amo da ada ea da: i hamoi esoga lalelegei, e amola da esala. Amo goi ea ola da bogoi amola wali hi fawane da ea ame ea mano afadafa esala. Ea ada da ema bagade asigisa.’
21 Then you said to your servants, 'Bring him down to me, so that I can see him myself.'
Ada! Di da amo goi nini guiguda: di ba: ma: ne, oule misa: ne sia: i.
22 And we said to my lord, 'The boy can't leave his father: for if he should leave his father, his father would die.'
Amola ninia da amo goi da ea ada yolesimu da hamedei sia: i. Amai ganiaba, ea ada da bogola: loba.
23 But you said to your servants, 'Unless your youngest brother comes down with you, you will not see my face again.'
Amalalu di da amane sia: i, ‘Dilia eyadafa da dilia amola sigi hame masea, dilia da na odagi hame ba: mu.’
24 And it happened when we came up to your servant my father, we told him the words of my lord.
Nini da ninia adama bu asili, dia sia: ema adoi.
25 But our father said, 'Go again, buy us a little food.'
Amanoba, e da ninima ha: i manu fonobahadi bidi lamusa: bu masa: ne sia: i.
26 We said, 'We can't go down. If our youngest brother is with us, then we will go down, for we cannot see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us.'
Ninia da ema bu adole i, ‘Ninia bu masunu da hamedei. Ninia eyadafa amo hame oule ahoasea, amo dunu ea odagi hame ba: mu. Ninia eya sigi ahoasea fawane masunu gala.’
27 Then your servant my father said to us, 'You know that my wife bore me two sons.
Ninia ada ninima amane sia: i, ‘Dilia dawa: Na uda La: isele da nama dunu mano aduna fawane lai.
28 And the one disappeared from me, and I said, "Surely he is torn in pieces." And I haven't seen him since.
Afadafa da fisi dagoi. E da gasonasu ohe fi amoga medole legebela: ? E da asi amola amo na da bu hame ba: i.
29 If you take this one also from me, and harm happens to him, you will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
Na da ufi mano afae fawane esala. Be amo dilia oule ahoasea, e da se nabasea, na da: i hamoiba: le, se bagade dili nama i amo nababeba: le, bogomu.’ (Sheol h7585)
30 So now, when I come to your servant my father and the boy is not with us, since his life is bound up in the boy's life,
Amaiba: le, ada! Na amo goi fisili adama bu asili, e da goi hame oule misi amo ba: sea, bogomu. Ea esalusu amola amo goi ea esalusu da gilisili lala: gi agoane diala. E da: idafa hamoiba: le, ninia da amo se nabasu ema iasea, e da bogomu. (Sheol h7585)
31 it will happen, when he sees that the boy is not with us, that he will die. Your servants will bring down the gray hairs of your servant our father with sorrow to Sheol. (Sheol h7585)
32 For your servant became collateral for the boy to my father, saying, 'If I do not bring him to you, then I will bear the blame to my father forever.'
Na amola da na esalusu fisima: ne, dafawanedafa amo goi bu oule misa: ne sia: i. Na amo goi hame oule masea, eso huluane ni fawane da wadela: le hamoi, amo e da sia: mu da defea, ema adoi dagoi.
33 So now, please let your servant remain instead of the boy, a slave to my lord, and let the boy go up with his brothers.
Wali ada! Na da amo goi ea sogebi lale, ni fawane da dia udigili hawa: hamosu dunu esalumu. E amola ea olalali, ilia buhagimu da defea.
34 For how will I go up to my father if the boy isn't with me? I could not bear to see the misery that would come on my father."
Na amola amo goi ani mae asili, nisu na adama masunu da hamedei. Na ada da amo se nabimu, na da hamedafa ba: mu!” Yuda e amane sia: i.

< Genesis 44 >