< Ezekiel 42 >

1 Then he brought me forth into the outer court, the way toward the north: and he brought me into the room that was over against the separate place, and which was over against the building toward the north.
Derpå førte han mig ud i den indre forgård i nordlig retning, og han førte mig til Kamrene, som lå ud imod den afspærrede Plads og Bagbygningen, nogle på den ene Side, andre på den anden.
2 The length of the front at the north entrance was one hundred seventy-two feet three inches, and the breadth was eighty-six feet two inches.
Længden var hundrede Alen og Bredden halvtredsindstyve.
3 Facing the inner court of thirty-four feet five inches, and facing the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was gallery facing gallery in three stories.
Over for Portene, som hørte til den indre Forgård, og over for Stenbroen, som hørte til den ydre Forgård, var der Gang over for Gang i tre Stokværk.
4 Before the rooms was a walk of seventeen feet three inches breadth inward, a way of one hundred seventy-two feet three inches; and their doors were toward the north.
Foran Kamrene var der en Forgang, ti Alen bred og hundrede Alen lang, og deres Døre vendte mod Nord.
5 Now the upper rooms were shorter; for the galleries took away from these, more than from the lower and the middle, in the building.
De øvre Kamre var de snævreste, thi Gangen tog noget af deres Plads, så at de var mindre end de nederste og mellemste.
6 For they were in three stories, and they didn't have pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore the uppermost was straitened more than the lowest and the middle from the ground.
Thi de havde tre Stokværk og ingen Søjler svarende til den ydre Forgårds; derfor var de øverste snævrere end de nederste og mellemste.
7 The wall that was outside by the side of the rooms, toward the outer court before the rooms, its length was eighty-six feet two inches.
Der løb en Mur udenfor langs Kamrene i Retning af den ydre Forgård; foran Kamrene var dens Længde halvtredsindstyve Alen;
8 For the length of the rooms that were in the outer court was eighty-six feet two inches: and look, before the temple were one hundred seventy-two feet three inches.
thi Kamrene, som lå ved den ydre Forgård, havde en samlet Længde af halvtredsindstyve Alen, og de lå over for hine, i alt hundrede Alen.
9 From under these rooms was the entry on the east side, as one goes into them from the outer court.
Neden for disse Kamre var indgangen på Østsiden, når man gik ind i dem fra den ydre Forgård,
10 In the thickness of the wall of the court toward the south, before the separate place, and before the building, there were rooms.
ved Begyndelsen af den ydre Mur. Derpå førte han mig mod Syd; og der var også Kamre ud imod den afspærrede Plads og Bagbygningen
11 The way before them was like the appearance of the way of the rooms which were toward the north; according to their length so was their breadth: and all their exits were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.
med en Gang foran; de så ud som Kamrene mod Nord; havde samme Længde og Bredde, og alle Udgange var her som hist, ligesom de var indrettet på samme Måde.
12 According to the doors of the rooms that were toward the south was a door at the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one enters into them.
Men deres Døre vendte mod Syd..."
13 Then he said to me, "The north rooms and the south rooms, which are before the separate place, they are the holy rooms, where the cohanim who are near to the LORD shall eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the meal offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy.
Og han sagde til mig: "Kamrene mod Nord og Syd, som ligger ud mod den afspærrede Plads, er de hellige Kamre, hvor Præsterne, der nærmer sig HERREN, skal spise det højhellige; der skal de gemme det højhellige, Afgrødeofrene, Syndofrene og Skyldofrene, thi Stedet er helligt;
14 When the cohanim enter in, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the outer court, but there they shall lay their garments in which they minister; for they are holy: and they shall put on other garments, and shall approach to that which pertains to the people."
og når Præsterne træder ind - de må ikke fra Helligdommen træde ud i den ydre Forgård - skal de der nedlægge deres Klæder, som de gør Tjeneste i, da de er hellige, og iføre sig andre Klæder; da først må de nærme sig det, der hører Folket til."
15 Now when he had made an end of measuring the inner house, he brought me forth by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east, and measured it all around.
Da han var til Ende med at udmåle Templets Indre, førte han mig hen til den Port, hvis Forside vendte mod Øst, og målte til alle Sider;
16 He measured on the east side with the measuring reed eight hundred sixty-one feet three inches, with the measuring reed all around.
han målte med Målestangen Østsiden; den var efter Målestangen 500 Alen; så vendte han sig og
17 The ledge shall be twenty-four feet one inch long by twenty-four feet one inch broad in the four sides of it; and the border about it shall be ten and a half inches; and its bottom shall be twenty-one inches around; and its steps shall look toward the east."
målte med Målestangen Nordsiden til 500 Alen;
18 He measured on the south side eight hundred sixty-one feet three inches with the measuring reed.
så vendte han sig og målte med Målestangen Sydsiden til 500 Alen;
19 He turned about to the west side, and measured eight hundred sixty-one feet three inches with the measuring reed.
og han vendte sig og målte med Målestangen Vestsiden til 500 Alen.
20 He measured it on the four sides: it had a wall around it, the length eight hundred sixty-one feet three inches, and the breadth eight hundred sixty-one feet three inches, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.
Til alle fire Sider målte han Pladsen; og der var en Mur rundt om, 500 Alen lang og 500 Alen bred, til at sætte Skel mellem det, som er helligt, og det, som ikke er helligt.

< Ezekiel 42 >