< Acts 13 >
1 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were some prophets and teachers: Bar-Naba, Shimon who was called Niger, Luqius of Qurini, Manayeil the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Shaul.
Sia kota Antiokia, atahori hetar ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus ena. Ruma dadꞌi Lamatualain mana ola-ola Na, ma ruma fai ranori atahori ra. Nara nara: Barnabas Simeon atahori roꞌe e rae, ‘Tou nggeoꞌ’. Lukius (mia kota Kirene) Menahem (ara raꞌaboi e eniꞌ a aꞌana na naꞌabꞌue no mane Herodes.) ma Saulus.
2 As they served the Lord and fasted, the Rukha d'Qudsha said, "Separate Bar-Naba and Shaul for me, for the work to which I have called them."
Faiꞌ sa, ara puasa ma raꞌabꞌue koa-kio Lamatualain. Dula-dale Meumare Na nafadꞌe se nae, “Tengga mala Barnabas no Saulus. Te Au ue-tatao Ngga naeꞌ. De ara musi tao ues fo Au ae feeꞌ a.”
3 Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.
Ara puasa ma hule-oꞌe basa ma, ndae lima nara neu Barnabas no Saulus langga nara, de tabis se. Boe ma denu ruꞌa se reu ue-tao Lamatualain tatao Na.
4 So, being sent out by the Rukha d'Qudsha, they went down to Seleucia. From there they sailed to Cyprus.
Lamatuaꞌ Dula-dale Meumare Na parenda Barnabas no Saulus, fo lao ndule nusaꞌ. Fefeu na, ara risiꞌ kota esa sia tasi suu na, nara na Seleukia. Yohanis (fo roꞌe rae Markus), tungga no se boe. Losa naa ma, ara sae ofaꞌ de lao pulu Siprus reu. Basa ma, ara onda mia kota esa, nara na Salamis. Sia naa, ara hii reu risiꞌ atahori Yahudi ra ume hule-oꞌe na fo ranori Lamatualain Dedꞌea-oꞌola Na.
5 When they were at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues. They had also Yukhanan as their attendant.
6 When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a certain man, a magician, a Jewish false prophet whose name was Bar-Yeshua,
Basa ma, ara lao tuli kambo-kamboꞌ, de losa kota sa sia pulu a bobꞌoa na, naran Pafos. Hofernor, naran, Sergius Paulus, leo sia naa. Mahine na seli. Ana rena Barnabas se reu sia naa ma, ana denu atahori reu roꞌe se, huu rala na hii rena Lamatualain nenori Na. Sia naa, hambu atahori Yahudi sa, naran Bar Yesus (nara feaꞌ na sia dedꞌea Yunani oi ‘Elimas’). Eni ia, atahori mana suanggiꞌ! Ana hii pepeko-lelekoꞌ atahori oi eni, Lamatualain mana ola-ola Na. Ana maloleꞌ no hofernor. Dadꞌi Barnabas se rema ma, ana ira hofernor fo afiꞌ simbo se. Te ana nda nau hofernor namahere Yesus sa.
7 who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding. This man summoned Bar-Naba and Shaul, and sought to hear the word of God.
8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.
9 But Shaul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Rukha d'Qudsha, fastened his eyes on him,
Te Lamatuaꞌ Dula-dale Meumare Na fee koasa neu Saulus (fo ara o roꞌe rae Paulus), de ana mete naꞌateteeꞌ tou manasuanggiꞌ a. Ana olaꞌ oi,
10 and said, "Full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
“He! Elimas! Ho ana nituꞌ! Mana pepeko-lelekoꞌ! Losa fai hiraꞌ ho tipu-laka atahori! Ho labꞌan basa maloleꞌ ra. Huu naa, hai mihine ho tungga nitu malanggaꞌ a. Afiꞌ tao taꞌo naa fai! Ho afiꞌ sobꞌa-sobꞌa tatana Lamatuaꞌ dala ndoo-tetu Na fai!
11 Now, look, the hand of the Lord is on you, and you will be blind, unable to see the sun for a time." Immediately a mist and darkness fell on him. He went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand.
Rena e! Dei fo Lamatuaꞌ huku-doki nggo. Mata ma poke, ma nda mita saa saꞌ boe, losa faiꞌ baꞌu bee.” Paulus olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, atahori naa mata na poke boe. Ana lao nafaroroe sangga atahori toꞌu lima na, fo ro e lao.
12 Then the proconsul, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.
Hofernor nita naa no mata na ma rena Barnabas se ranori soꞌal Yesus ma, Ana titindindi. Basa ma namahere Yesus.
13 Now Paul and his company set sail from Paphos, and came to Perga in Pamphylia, and Yukhanan departed from them and returned to Urishlim.
Basa naa ma, Paulus se sae ofaꞌ mia kota Pafos lao hela pulu Siprus, de risiꞌ kota esa sia propinsi Pamfilia, naran Perga. Losa naa ma, ara onda ma Yohanis Markus lao hela se de baliꞌ Yerusalem neu.
14 But they, passing on from Perga, came to Antioch of Pisidia. They went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and sat down.
Basa naa, ara laoꞌ a mia Perga risiꞌ kota Antiokia sia nusa Pisidia. Losa naa, ma nandaa no atahori Yahudi ra fai hahae ao na, ara reu tungga hule-oꞌe sia atahori Yahudi ra ume hule-oꞌe na.
15 After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them, saying, "Brothers, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, speak."
Malangga ra baca mia baꞌi Musa susuran ma mia Lamatualain mana ola-ola feaꞌ Nara susura nara. Boe ma ara roꞌe Paulus se rae, “Ama nggare. Mete ma mae mifadꞌe hai saa, na, hai moꞌe fo olaꞌ fee hai rala mara manggatee.”
16 Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, "Men of Israyel, and you who fear God, listen.
Basa ma, Paulus fela mataꞌ neu. Ana botiꞌ lima na noꞌe se nenee. De olaꞌ nae, “Toronoo atahori Israꞌel re. Ma toronoo feaꞌ re. Hei masoꞌ agama Yahudi huu hei o hii atahori Israꞌel ra Lamatualain na. Au oꞌe basa nggi pasa ndiki mara fo rena!
17 The God of this people Israyel chose our fathers, and exalted the people when they stayed as foreigners in the land of Egypt, and with an uplifted arm, he led them out of it.
Lamatualain tengga basa hita atahori Israꞌel bei-bai nara mia dalahulun neu. Ara reu leo sia rae Masir, fo nda sira nusan sa. Sia naa Lamatualain fee se leo no sodꞌa-moleꞌ, de tititi-nonosi nara boe ramaheta. Boe ma, Lamatualain pake koasa manaseli Na fo no se lao hela Masir.
18 For a period of about forty years he put up with them in the wilderness.
Ara rasodꞌa lali-laliꞌ mia mamana rouꞌ losa too haa nulu. Mae ara langga-fatu rakandoo, te Lamatualain naꞌatataaꞌ no se rakandooꞌ a.
19 When he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance.
Basa naa ma, Lamatualain tao sea-saranggaa leo hitu sia rae Kanaꞌan. De Ana babꞌanggi rae a, fee hita bei-baꞌi nara, fo dadꞌi rae pusaka nara.
20 All this took about four hundred and fifty years. And after these things he gave them judges, until Shemuyel the prophet.
Ara rasodꞌa onaꞌ naa, losa too natun haa lima nulu. Basa de, Lamatualain soꞌu fee se mana maꞌetuꞌ dedꞌeat nara, fo ralalao se, losa Lamatualain soꞌu mana ola-ola Na esa, naran Samuel.
21 Afterward they asked for a king, and God gave to them Shaul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benyamin, for forty years.
Leleꞌ Samuel dadꞌi mana ola-ola Na, hita bei-bai nara nauꞌ a hambu maneꞌ sa. De Lamatualain soꞌu Kis ana na, naran Saul, mia leo Benyamin. Saul toꞌu parendaꞌ too haa nulu.
22 When he had removed him, he raised up Dawid to be their king, to whom he also testified, 'I have found Dawid the son of Ishai, a man after my heart, who will do all my will.'
Boe ma Lamatualain naꞌondaꞌ e. Ana soꞌu Isai ana na Daud, fo nggati Saul, dadꞌi mane feuꞌ. Lamatualain nahine tebꞌe Daud rala na nae, “Isai ana na Daud ia, ndaa no Au rala Ngga. Dei fo ana tao tungga Au hihii Nggara.’
23 From this man's offspring, according to his promise, God has brought to Israyel a Savior, Yeshua,
Leleꞌ naa, Lamatualain helu nae haitua Daud tititi-nonosin esa, fo fee ambon neu atahori Israꞌel ra sala-kilu nara ma fee masodꞌaꞌ neu se. Dadꞌi au ae ufadꞌe toronooꞌ ra taꞌo ia: Daud tititi-nonosin fo Lamatualain heluꞌ a, naeni Yesus.”
24 before his coming, when Yukhanan had first preached the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israyel.
Paulus olaꞌ nakandoo nae, “Lamatuaꞌ Yesus nda feꞌe soꞌu ue-tataon sa, te atahori sa, naran Yohanis, nafadꞌe atahori Israꞌel ra, nae ara musi hahae tao salaꞌ. Ma ara musi sarani fo dadꞌi bukti sira malole ro Lamatualain ena.
25 As Yukhanan was fulfilling his course, he said, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. But look, one comes after me the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'
Te leleꞌ Yohanis ue-tao na naeꞌ a basa, ana nafadꞌe atahori ra nae, ‘Hei afiꞌ duꞌa mae au ia, atahori Lamatualain helu nae haituaꞌ a. Misinedꞌa malole! Hei musi mihani Atahori sa, nae nema. Ana manaseliꞌ lenaꞌ au. Onaꞌ mae dadꞌi mana dedenuꞌ na o, au nda undaa sa.’
26 Brothers, children of the stock of Avraham, and those among you who fear God, the word of this salvation is sent out to us.
Toronoo nggare! Hei ruma baꞌi Abraham tititi-nonosi na, ma hei ruma atahori feaꞌ, te rala mara hii neu Lamatualain. Rena au dei! Lamatualain nafadꞌe ia neu hita fo tahine Dala Masodꞌaꞌ Na. Ana mboꞌi hita mia sala-kiluꞌ tara.
27 For those who dwell in Urishlim, and their rulers, because they did not know him, nor the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.
Mia dalahulu na, Lamatualain pake mana ola-ola Nara fo suraꞌ rafadꞌe atahori soꞌal Atahori fo Ana helu nae fee nema. Hita malangga agama nara, ro atahori feaꞌ sia Yerusalem, baca rasafafali saa fo mana ola-olaꞌ ra suraꞌ hela. Tungga fai hahae aoꞌ, ara risiꞌ ume hule-oꞌe rala, fo baca Lamatualain Susura Meumare Na. Te ara nda rahine rae atahori fo Lamatualain helu nae feeꞌ naa, naeni Yesus sa. Ara sangga dalaꞌ de hukun risa e. Te dalaꞌ ia ndaa no saa fo mana ola-olaꞌ ra suraꞌ hela ena.
28 Though they found no cause for death, they still asked Pilate to have him killed.
Ara tao-taoꞌ a dedꞌeat ro Yesus fo rae raꞌatutudꞌaꞌ E, te ara nda hambu salan saa saꞌ boe. Mae onaꞌ naa o, ara roꞌe hofernor Pilatus fo tao risa E.
29 When they had fulfilled all things that were written about him, they took him down from the tree, and placed him in a tomb.
Hofernor o naꞌaheiꞌ boe, de mbaku E mia hau ngganggeꞌ, losa mate. Basa ia ra o, ndaa no saa fo mana ola-ola ra suraꞌ hela ena. Ara raꞌondaꞌ Yesus Ao sisin mia hau ngganggeꞌ, de oꞌo rendi E tao rates rala neu.
30 But God raised him from the dead,
Te Lamatualain pake koasan fo tao nasodꞌa baliꞌ E.
31 and he was seen for many days by those who came up with him from Galila to Urishlim, who are his witnesses to the people.
Yesus nasodꞌa baliꞌ ma, Ana natudꞌu Ao Na nasafafali neu atahori ra. Sira ia, mana rema ro E mia nusa Galilea risiꞌ Yerusalem. Ma sira o, mana dadꞌi sakasii fee atahori Israꞌel ra oras ia.
32 We bring you good news of the promise made to the fathers,
Paulus olaꞌ seluꞌ nae, “Taꞌo ia! Hai ruꞌa nggi, au o Barnabas, ima mia dodꞌooꞌ mae mifadꞌe hei, fo mihine mae, saa fo Lamatualain helu neu hita bei-baꞌi nara, ia naa dadꞌi ena. Lamatualain tao nasodꞌa baliꞌ Yesus ena. Sia Sosodꞌa Koa-kio tatadꞌaꞌ karua na, Lamatualain pake atahori fo suraꞌ soꞌal Yesus, naeni Atahori fo Ana helu nae fee nemaꞌ a, nae: ‘Ho ia, Au ana Ngga, Faiꞌ ia, Au soꞌu Nggo toꞌu parendaꞌ.’
33 that God has fulfilled for us, their children, in that he raised up Yeshua. As it is also written in the second psalm, 'You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.'
34 "Concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he has spoken thus: 'I will give to you the faithful sacred things of Dawid.'
Mia dalahulu na, Lamatualain helu nae, dei fo Eni tao nasodꞌa baliꞌ Atahori fo nae haituaꞌ a. Ma Atahori naa nda afi mate sa ena. Huu naa, Lamatualain pake mana ola-ola Na fo sura nae, ‘Feꞌe saꞌa naa Au helu-fuli neu mane Daud ae fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu e. De ia naa, Au ae helu-fuli hehelu-fufuliꞌ naa neu nggo, huu ho dadꞌi Daud tititi-nonosi na.’
35 Therefore he says also in another psalm, 'You will not allow your Holy One to see decay.'
Sosodꞌa Koa-kio esa fai nae, ‘Lamatualain nda hela Eni Atahori Meumare Na ao sisin nambalulutu sia rates Na rala sa.’
36 For Dawid, after he had in his own generation served the counsel of God, fell asleep, and was placed with his fathers, and saw decay.
Matetu na taꞌo ia: Sosodꞌa Koa-kioꞌ ia nda olaꞌ soꞌal Daud sa! Hita bubꞌulu taꞌo naa, huu mane Daud tao dala maloleꞌ naeꞌ fee neu atahori nara tungga Lamatualain hihii-nanaun. Basa ma ana mate, de raꞌoi e. Boe ma, ao sisi na nambalulutu. Naa de hita bubꞌulu tae Sosodꞌa Koa-kioꞌ ia nda olaꞌ soꞌal Daud sa, te olaꞌ soꞌal atahori feaꞌ. Mete ma atahori naa mate, Lamatualain tao nasodꞌa baliꞌ E. Dadꞌi ao sisi Na nda nambalulutu sa.
37 But he whom God raised up saw no decay.
38 Be it known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man is proclaimed to you forgiveness of sins,
Toronoo nggare, rena malolole! Atahori naa, naeni Yesus! Mete ma hita tamahere neu E, na, ana lemba hita sala-singgo tara. Matetu na, hita musi lemba ao tara. Te mete ma hita tamahere neu Yesus, Lamatualain fee ambon neu sala-singgo tara. Hita o bubꞌuluꞌ onaꞌ mae hita tungga basa baꞌi Musa hohoro-lalane adat nara o, naa nda feꞌe tao hita ndos sia Lamatualain mata Na sa.
39 and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the Law of Mushe.
40 So beware, lest what is said in the Prophets should come about:
Naa de, hei musi duꞌa malolole. Afiꞌ losa, saa fo Lamatualain mana ola-ola Nara rafadꞌe eniꞌ a maꞌahulu na, tudꞌa neu nggi. Ara suraꞌ memaꞌ rae, ‘Hei mana maꞌaeꞌeiꞌ, hiiꞌ a miloe-midae atahori ra, ama besa-bꞌesa! Huu Au, Lamatualain, tao dalaꞌ ra, fo atahori titindindi. Dei fo hei simbo hahambu mara, ma mate. Au tao dalaꞌ esa leleꞌ hei feꞌe masodꞌaꞌ, te hei nda nau simbo sa. Mae atahori rafadꞌe hei ena o, hei nda nau mihine sa. Malole lenaꞌ hei duꞌa malolole dalaꞌ ia ra, fo hei tungga titindindi boe. Dadꞌi toronoo nggare. Dꞌuꞌa malolole saa fo au ufadꞌe faꞌ ra. Afi nggari hendi sa fo hei renaꞌ a, onaꞌ mana maꞌaeꞌeiꞌ ra tatao nara. Baꞌu a naa, au oꞌola ngga. Makasi naeꞌ!”
41 'Look, you scoffers, and be amazed, and perish; for I am working a work in your days, a work which you will not believe, if one tells it to you.'"
42 So when they went out they urged them to speak about these things on the next Sabbath.
Olaꞌ basa ma, Paulus no Barnabas rambari rae lao hela ume hule-oꞌeꞌ a. Atahori naa ra roe fo nggarei nasafali na rema, fo rafadꞌe lutuꞌ-leloꞌ saa fo sira olaꞌ faꞌ ra.
43 Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Bar-Naba; who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.
Paulus no Barnabas lao hela ume hule-oꞌeꞌ a ma, atahori hetar tungga se. Ruꞌa se ranori se, rae “Hita bubꞌuluꞌ tae Lamatualain rala Na maloleꞌ seli neu hita. Naa de, hei musi toꞌu mihereꞌ E.”
44 The next Sabbath almost the whole city was gathered together to hear the word of the Lord.
Nggarei mana nemaꞌ ma, nandaa no atahori Yahudi ra fai hahae na, naeꞌ a basa atahori sia kota naa rema rae rena Lamatualain Dedꞌea-oꞌola Na.
45 But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy, and contradicted the things which were spoken by Paul, and reviled him.
Atahori Yahudi ra malangga nara rita atahori naeꞌ rema rae rena Paulus se, de rala nara mera. Leleꞌ Paulus olaꞌ, ara labꞌan poke-mbake e, ma olaꞌ raꞌatutudꞌaꞌ Paulus se.
46 Paul and Bar-Naba spoke out boldly, and said, "It was necessary that God's word should be spoken to you first. Since indeed you thrust it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, look, we turn to the non-Jewish people. (aiōnios )
Te Paulus se nda raꞌadꞌedꞌeaꞌ sa, ma ara olaꞌ nda bambi-bambiꞌ sa. Ara oi, “Lamatualain soi dalaꞌ naꞌahuluꞌ fee hita atahori Yahudi ra, ma Ana o fee naꞌahuluꞌ Dudꞌui Malole Na neu hita boe. Memaꞌ nandaa! Te hei nda nau simbo sa. No taꞌo naa, hei mitudꞌu mae hei nda mindaa misodꞌa mikindoo mo Lamatualain sa. De ia naa, hai mae mendi Dudꞌui Maloleꞌ neu atahori nusa feaꞌ ra, huu hei nda nau simbo e sa. (aiōnios )
47 For so has the Lord commanded us, saying, 'I have set you as a light to the nations, that you may bring salvation to the farthest part of the earth.'"
Lamatualain denu hai, onaꞌ a Yesaya suraꞌ nae, ‘Au soꞌu hei dadꞌi onaꞌ lambu lantera fo mendi manggareloꞌ fee atahori feaꞌ, nda atahori Yahudi ra sa, fo hei delo minggirelo dalaꞌ mana nisiꞌ Au, fo Au mboꞌi hendi se mia sala nara. Hei musi mitudꞌu dalaꞌ naa neu basa atahori ndule raefafoꞌ ia.’”
48 As the non-Jewish people heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord. As many as were appointed to everlasting life believed. (aiōnios )
Sia naa, hambu atahori feaꞌ fo nda atahori Yahudi ra sa. Leleꞌ ara rena taꞌo naa ma, ramahoꞌo seli. Ara koa-kio Lamatualain rae, “Koa-kio Lamatualain! Dudꞌui Malole Na, malole na seli!” Mia sira hambu atahori fo Lamatualain naꞌetuꞌ basa ma doo na, fo rasodꞌa rakandoo ro E. Basa se ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus. (aiōnios )
49 The Lord's word was spread abroad throughout all the region.
Lamatualain Dedꞌea-oꞌola Na nenedꞌui-bꞌenggaꞌ ndule basa mamanaꞌ sia nusa naa.
50 But the Jews stirred up the devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city, and stirred up a persecution against Paul and Bar-Naba, and threw them out of their borders.
Sia kota naa, hambu atahori monaen touꞌ-inaꞌ. Ruma hii nau Lamatuaꞌ. Te atahori Yahudi ra malangga nara reu ratatale atahori monaen naa ra, fo mbuu Paulus no Barnabas mia sira nusaꞌ na.
51 But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came to Iconium.
Naa de, ruꞌa se rae lao hela mamanaꞌ naa. Ara tao mataꞌ esa naeni ngganggafur afu mia ei nara, dadꞌi bukti, rae atahori sia kota naa nda rena sira sa. De ruꞌa se rasadea lao hela kota naa. Ara risiꞌ kota sa, naran Ikonium.
52 The disciples were filled with joy with the Rukha d'Qudsha.
Te atahori mana ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus sia Antiokia, ramahoꞌo, huu Lamatualain Dula-dale Meumare Na tao manggatee rala nara.