< Mark 9 >

1 "In solemn truth I tell you," he said, "there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God, come with power."
Okv nw minbwngla minto, “Ngo nonua mindunv, ho mego si doodu hv vdwloka simare Pwknvyarnv gv Karv nga jwkrw nga lvkobv aaku nama bunu kaama dvdvlo.”
2 Six days later Jesus took with him Peter and Jamesand John, and brought them by themselves up a high mountain apart from the rest.
Alu lokv kochingbv Jisu, Pitar, Jems, okv Jon, bunua aonv moodw golo chaagvto, ho kvvbinyi kaama bunu mwng. Ho Jisu bunugv kaakulo akusubv ritoku,
3 Here in their presence he was transfigured; and his clothes also became glistering with a radiant whiteness, such as no bleaching on earth could give.
Okv ninyigv vjiv Yapung toji toku—nyia mooku so yvvgv vji a nukakjeka hung yapung yanv kaamare.
4 Moreover there appeared to them Elijah, with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus.
Vbvrikunamv lvbwlaksu aom v kaapato Elija okv Moses Jisunyi lvkobv raami sidubv.
5 "Master," said Peter, addressing Jesus, "it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three tents one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
Pitar milinla Jisunyi minto, “Tamsarnv, ngonugv soka doonam si achialvbv alvnamgo! Ngonu so taabio aomgo mvre akonyi noogv lvgabv, akonyi Moses gvbv okv akonyi Elija gvbv.”
6 (For he did not know what to say, they were so awestruck.)
Pitar la kvgonv achialv busuto ho nw ogugo minsedw chingkumato.
7 Then there came a cloud overshadowing them; and there came a voice out of the cloud. "This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him."
Vbvrikunamv haapum ako kaklwkla okv bunua doonyum lokv nyumrumto, okv haapum lokv gaam gamgo milinto, “Si ngo atugv paknam Kuunyilo ngv—ninyia tvvyato!”
8 And suddenly as they looked around, they saw no one any more beside them, but Jesus alone.
Bunu baapu alvbv kaitkarto vbvritola yvvnyika kaapamato; Jisu mwng bunugv lvkobv dooto.
9 As they came down the mountain he strictly forbade them to narrate to any one what they had seen, until after the Son of man had risen from the dead.
Bunu moodw lokv iku nvngv, Jisu bunua minto, “Yvvnyika minpa mabvka nonu ogugo kaapvdw, nyia kuunyilo ngv sinam lokv turkurma dvdvlo.”
10 This order they faithfully kept, questioning among themselves what "rising again from the dead" meant.
Bunu ninyigv minamtvto, vbvritola bunugv arwnglo bunu rarap minsuto ho gaam am, “Sinam lokv turkurkunam’ si ogu a mindu nvgubvre?”
11 So they asked him, "How is it that the Scribes say that Elijah must first come?"
Okv bunu Jisunyi tvvkato, “Ogubv Pvbv tamsar nvngv mindu ho Elija aacho yinvpv?”
12 "Elijah does indeed first come," he said, "and restores all things, But how is it written about the Son of Man, that he will endure great suffering, and be rejected?
Nw gv mirwknamv, “Elija jvjvklvbv aachoreku ogumvnwng nga alvbv ripv reku. Vbvritola Darwknv Kitaplo ogubv mindu ho Nyia Kuunyilo ngv achialvbv hinching reku okv toanam gobv rireku?
13 "Elijah indeed has already come," he added, "and they have done to him whatever they pleased, even as it is written of him."
Ngo nonua mindunv, ogubvrijeka, Elija aapvku okv ho nyi vdwv Darwknv Kitaplo ninyigv lvkwng nga minam jvbv ninyia bunugv mvngkubv rinyato.”
14 When they rejoined the disciples they saw a great crowd surrounding them, and some Scribes disputing with them.
Vdwlo bunu lvbwlaksu kvgonyi vngdum sitokudw, bunu nyitwng go bunua vngyum dubv kaapato Pvbv tamsarnv megonv lvkobv larkwng minsuto bunuam.
15 As soon as they saw him, all the people were astounded and ran up to greet him.
Vdwlo nyi vdwv Jisunyi kaatodw, bunu maatar alvbv lamkato, ho ninyia jokrwkto okv naarwk sila luurwkto.
16 He asked them, "What are you discussing with them?"
Jisu lvbwlaksu vdwa tvvkato, “Ogugola nonugv bonuam larmisinam hv?”
17 "Master," answered one of the crowd, "I brought my son to you; he has a dumb spirit in him;
Nyitwng lokv nyi akonv mirwkto, “Tamsarnv, ngo ngoogv kuunyilo nga no gvlo aagv jipvnv, ogulvgavbolo ninyigvlo alvmanv dow v dootola okv milin nyumado.
18 and wherever it seizes him it dashes him down; he foams at the mouth, and grinds his teeth, and is wasting away. I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not."
Vdwlo ninyia dow v aalwk ridw, hv ninyia dookulo taba modu, okv ninyigv gaam lokv sipiktait v lindu, ninyigv hijung ngv hitwkkrwkdu, okv mvnwnglo kamdaramda lwkdu. Ngo noogv lvbwlaksu vdwa darwkmanv dowa charlin jilabvkv vkwto, vbvritola bunu rila nyumato.”
19 "O unbelieving generation!" replied Jesus; "how long must I be with you? How long must I be patient with you? Bring him to me."
Jisu bunuam minto, “Vdwgo mvngjwng manv nyi vla nonu! Vdwgo ngo nonua lvkobv doobamre? Vdwgo ngo nonua lvkobv mindin minbiayare? Vminyilo nga ngo dookuso bvnglwkto!”
20 So they brought the boy to him, and when he saw Jesus, the spirit at once convulsed him, and he fell to the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth.
Ninyia bunu Jisu gvlo bvnglwkto. Vjakgobv dow v Jisunyi kaapa sopikda, ung vminyilo nga dvato, vkvlvgabv nw kvdw lo hopvto okv gaam lokv svpiktait linla, gwchargwyarto.
21 Then Jesus asked the father, "How long has he been like this?"
Jisu abua tvvkato, “Vdwlokv nyi si svbv ripvnv?” Abu v mirwkto, “Nw gv vmi anga lokv.”
22 "From childhood," he answered; "and often it has thrown him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."
“Achialvgo darwkmanv dow v ninyia mvkidubv gwngkwto vmvlo nw joklwkla okv isi loka. Ngonua aya labvka okv ringlabvka, no riso mvngbolo rilare!”
23 Jesus said to him. "‘If you can’! All things can be for one who believes."
“Vm,” Jisu minto, “No ogubv mindunv, no rilabolo vla! Ogumvnwng a riladu nyi v yvv mvngjwng pvdw.”
24 The boy’s father with a cry said instantly. "I do believe; help my unbelief."
Abu v vjakgobv kapkok linto, “Ngo mvngjwngdu, vbvritola mvngchima. Awgo doodubv ngam ridur labvka!”
25 And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit. "You dumb and deaf spirit," he said, "come out of him, I command you, and never enter him again."
Jisu chintoku nyitwng gv bunua nvchilo jokkum kunam a, vkvlvgabv nw alvmanv dowa gamkito. “Rungji okv gangkaknv dow,” nw minto, “Ngo nam mindunv so vminyilo sokv linro tokuka okv lvkodv nw gvlo aakur kuyoka!”
26 So with a loud shriek it came out, after throwing the boy into convulsion after convulsion. The boy looked like a corpse, so that most of them said that he was dead.
Dow v svgok toku, vminyilo anga alvmabv jinjin mola gipv motokula, okv lintoku. Vminyilo angv sipvkunv aingbv kaato, okv mvnwngngv mintoku, “Nw sipvku!”
27 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he stood up.
Vbvritola Jisu vminyilo anga laakbv gagbwng toku okv ninyia godung dubv ridurto, okv nw godung toku.
28 When Jesus had gone into the house, his disciples asked him in private, "Why could not we cast it out?"
Jisu arwnglo aaro kochingbv, ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv ninyia tvvrwsula tvvkato, “Ogulvgabv ngonu dowa charlin nyuma dunv?”
29 "This kind can only be cast out by prayer," he replied.
Jisu mirwkto, “Kumnam mvngchik lokv vkv nvnga charlin nyure; ogu gunvka rinyu mare.”
30 Jesus and his disciples, after leaving that place, passed through Galilee; but he was unwilling that any one should know it,
Jisu okv ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv ho mooku a kayupikula okv Galili nga vngpikla vngtoku. Jisu nw atu hv ogolodw um yvvnyika chimmuso mvngmato,
31 for he was explaining to his disciples that the Son of man was to be betrayed into the hands of men, and that they would put him to death, but that after he had been put to death, he would rise again after three days,
vkvlvgabv ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwa nw tamsarto: “Nyia Kuunyilo nga nyi gv laaklo laklwk reku bunu ninyia mvki riku. Alu loum kochinglo, ogubvrijeka, nw turkur reku.”
32 But they did not understand his words, and were afraid to ask him the meaning.
Vbvritola bunu tvvchin mato so tamsarnam si ogu vdw, okv bunu busu nyato ninyia tvvka svnga.
33 Then they came to Capernaum; and when he got into the house he asked them, "What were you discussing on the road?"
Bunu Kaparnaum lo aatoku, okv arwnglo aachinam kochingbv Jisu ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwa tvvkato, “Nonuno lamtv vngtunglo ogubv lardung minsupvnv?”
34 But they were silent, for on the road they were disputing together which one was greatest.
Vbvritola bunu ninyia mirwkmato, ogulvgavbolo bunugv pingkolo yvvbvri kaiyachok jinv ngv vla lamtv vngtunglo lardung minsu kunam lvgabv.
35 So he sat down and called the Twelve, and said to them, "If any one wishes to be first, he must be last of all, and the servant of all."
Jisu dootokula, lvbwlaksu vring gola anyia goklwkto, okv bunuam minto, “Yvvdw vngcho nvpv mvngdunv v atubongv mvnwng gv kochinglo vngtoka okv mvnwng gv pakbu bv ritoka.”
36 Then Jesus took a little child, set it among them, and folding it in his arms, he said,
Vbvrikunamv nw vmi ako gakbwng toku okv ninyia mvnwng gv atuklo dakmu toku. Nw gv laak hv vmi anga chegapto okv bunuam minto,
37 "Whoever in my name receives one such little child, receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me, but Him who sent me."
“Yvvdw so vmi vdw sokv ako gonyika ngoogv amin bv naarwk bongv, hv ngaaka naarwk sidunv; okv yvvdw ngam naarwk sidunv, hv ngam mvngma vbvritola ngam so jilwkbu angaka naarwk dunv.”
38 "Master," said John, "we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him because he did not follow us."
Jon Jisunyi minto, “Tamsarnv, ngonu nyi ako noogv amin bv uyuvram vdwa charkak dubv kaato, okv ngonu ninyia rima bvkv vla minto, ogulvgavbolo nw ngonugv apum lokvma.”
39 "Do not try to stop him," Jesus answered, "for there is no one who performs a miracle in my name who can soon speak evil of me.
“Ninyia mintor dubv rikw mabvka,” Jisu bunuam minto, “Ogulvgavbolo yvvdw ngoogv amin bv lamrwpadubv rinv ngv hv koching nga baapubv ngoogv amina minyingminsu mimare.
40 He who is not against us is for us.
Yvvdw ngonua rinik madunv v ngonu gvbvku.
41 For whoever gives you even a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, in solemn truth I tell you, that he shall certainly not lose his reward.
Ngo nonua jvjvbv mindunv yvvdw nonua isi tvngse go jidunv hv ninyigv jijo amina paarungre ogulvgavbolo nonu ngo gvngv.
42 "And if any one shall cause one of these little ones who believe on me to stumble, it would be better for him if he were thrown out into the sea with a great millstone about his neck.
“Yvvdw akonvnga mvngjwng doonv vmi sum gwngka riadunv, v alvyare ho nyi angv vlwng pwktv nvlo atugv lvngpolo yiklwk sutola okv svmasa lo poklwk sunam v.”
43 "If your hand cause you to stumble, cut it off! It is better to be maimed and to enter into life than to have two hands and go away into hell, into the fire that cannot be put out. (Geenna g1067)
Vkvlvgabv nogv laak gonv noogv mvngjwng nga ngoomu dvbolo, ung paato! Si alvyare laak gonv kamabv singkulo aalwknamv okv laak laknyia gvgvrila uyumooku bolo vmv ngapma kolo vngmam svnga. (Geenna g1067)
Hoka bunuam tapum vdwv chedu v vdwloka simare, okv vmv ngv bunuam gudu v vdwloka ngapmare.
45 If your foot cause you to stumble, cut it off! It is better to enter into the life a cripple, than to have two feet and be cast into hell. (Geenna g1067)
Okv noogv lvpa gonv noogv mvngjwng nga ngoomu dvbolo, ung paato! Si alvyare lvpa gonv kamabv singkulo aalwknamv okv lvpa lvnyia gvvgvrila uyumooku bolo japlwk kosenga. (Geenna g1067)
Hoka bunuam Tapum v chedu v vdwloka simare, okv vmv ngv bunuam gudu v vdwloka ngapmare.
47 If your eye cause you to stumble, tear it out! It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God one-eyed that to keep both your eyes and be cast into hell, (Geenna g1067)
Okv noogv nyik gonv noogv mvngjwng nga ngoomu dvbolo, hung kolinto! Si alvyare noogv lvgabv nyik nyikin tvla Pwknvyarnv gv karvlo aalwknamv okv nyiknyi ha gvgvrila uyumooku bolo japlwk kosenga. (Geenna g1067)
48 where their worm never dies and the fire does not go out.
Hoka bunuam Tapum v chedu v vdwloka simare, okv vmv ngv bunuam gudu hv vdwloka ngapmare.
49 For by fire every one will be salted;
“Mvnwngnga vmv lokv ramdarre oguaingbv erinpeelwk nama alu lokv piakdar dvdw.
50 salt is excellent, but if the salt has lost its savor, what will you use to restore its saltness? Then have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."
“Alu v alvnvgo; vbvritola ho gv tinam v ngeku bolo, oguaingbv lvkodv ung tidukubv mvnyure? “Alu jvbv nonugv pinkolo ajin jinla, okv sarsopoyo bv ribam dakbam laka.”

< Mark 9 >