< Mark 4 >

1 Afterwards Jesus began to teach by the seaside, and a vast multitude of people gathered about him, so that he went on board a boat on the sea, and sat there, while all the people stayed on shore, at the water’s edge.
In ponovno je začel učiti ob morski obali, in tam se je k njemu zbrala velika množica, tako da je vstopil na ladjo in [na njej] sedel na morju; celotna množica pa je bila ob morju na kopnem.
2 Then he began teaching them in parables many things. In his teaching he said to them.
In s prispodobami jih je učil mnoge stvari in jim s svojim naukom govoril:
3 "Listen! the Sower once went out to sow,
»Prisluhnite: ›Glejte, sejalec je odšel sejat,
4 and as he sowed, it happened that some seed fell on the road, and birds came and picked it up;
in pripetilo se je, medtem ko je sejal, da je nekaj padlo poleg poti in prišla je perjad neba in to pozobala.
5 some other seed fell on stony soil, where it had not much earth; and it sprang up quickly because it had no depth of soil,
In nekaj je padlo na kamnita tla, kjer ni imelo dovolj zemlje; in je takoj pognalo, ker ni imelo nobene globine zemlje,
6 but when the sun rose it was scorched and withered away because it had no root.
toda ko je sonce vzšlo, je bilo ožgano; in ker ni imelo korenine, se je posušilo.
7 Other seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked it, so that it yielded no crop.
In nekaj je padlo med trnje in trnje je zraslo in ga zadušilo in ni obrodilo sadu.
8 But some seed fell into good soil and yielded a crop that sprang up and increased, yielding thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold.
Drugo pa je padlo na dobro zemljo in rodilo sad, ki je pognal in se povečeval; in obrodilo, nekatero trideseterno in nekatero šestdeseterno in nekatero stoterno.‹«
9 "Any one who has ears to hear," he added, "let him listen to this."
In rekel jim je: »Kdor ima ušesa, da slišijo, naj posluša.«
10 When he was alone his followers and the Twelve began asking about the parables.
Ko je bil sam, so ga ti, ki so bili z dvanajsterimi okoli njega, vprašali o prispodobi.
11 He went on to say to them. "The secret truth concerning the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those outside everything is told in parables,
Rekel jim je: »Vam je dano, da poznate skrivnost Božjega kraljestva, toda tem, ki so zunaj, so vse te stvari prikazane v prispodobah,
12 so that, "for all their looking they may not see, and for all their hearing, they may not understand, lest perchance they should turn and be pardoned.
da bi z gledanjem lahko videli, pa ne zaznali; in s poslušanjem lahko slišali, pa ne razumeli; da se ne bi kadarkoli spreobrnili in bi jim bili njihovi grehi odpuščeni.«
13 "You do not understand this parable," said Jesus. "Then how will you understand the other parables?
In rekel jim je: »Ali ne razumete te prispodobe? In kako boste potem razumeli vse prispodobe?
14 "What the Sower sows is the Word. There are those ‘on the wayside’ where the Word is sown.
Sejalec seje besedo.
15 As soon as they hear it, Satan immediately comes and snatches away the Word which has been sown in them.
In ti so tisti ob poti, kjer je bila posejana beseda, toda ko so jo slišali, takoj pride Satan in vzame besedo, ki je bila posejana v njihova srca.
16 And like the sowing upon ‘stony ground’ are those who, whenever they hear the Word, at once receive it with joy,
In ti so prav tako tisti, ki so posejani na kamnita tla; ko so slišali besedo, jo takoj z veseljem sprejmejo,
17 but because they have no root in themselves they last for a time; but when suffering or persecution ensues because of the Word, they at once fall away.
v sebi pa nimajo korenine in tako zdržijo le nekaj časa. Kasneje, ko zaradi besede nastaneta stiska ali preganjanje, pa so takoj pohujšani.
18 There are others who are ‘sown among thorns.’
In ti so tisti, ki so posejani med trnje; tisti, ki slišijo besedo,
19 When they have heard the Word, the anxieties of life and the snares of wealth, and all sorts of other ambitions, come in to choke the Word, so that it proves unfruitful. (aiōn g165)
in skrbi tega sveta, zapeljivost bogastev in poželenja po drugih stvareh vstopijo, zadušijo besedo in ta postane brezplodna. (aiōn g165)
20 But those, on the other hand, who were sown on that good soil, are those who listen to the Word, and welcome it, and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold."
In ti so tisti, ki so posejani na dobra tla; takšni, ki slišijo besedo in jo sprejmejo ter obrodijo sad, nekateri trideseternega, nekateri šestdeseternega in nekateri stoternega.«
21 He went on to say. "Is the lamp brought in to be put under the bushel or the bed? Is it not rather to be put on the lamp-stand?
In rekel jim je: »Ali se sveča prinese, da se postavi pod mernik ali pod posteljo? In ali se ne postavi na svečnik?
22 There is nothing hidden except what is to be disclosed, and nothing concealed except what is to be revealed.
Kajti nič ni skrito, kar ne bo jasno pokazano; niti nič ni bilo obdržano tajno, razen da bi postalo znano.
23 If any man has ears to hear, let him hear."
Če ima katerikoli človek ušesa, da slišijo, naj posluša.«
24 And he said to them. "Take heed what you hear. With what measure you measure it will be measured to you, and more will be given to you.
Rekel jim je: »Pazite, kaj poslušate; s kakršno mero merite, tako vam bo odmerjeno; in vam, ki slišite, vam bo dano več.
25 For he who holds, to him will more be given, and he who holds not, from him will be taken even what he holds."
Kajti kdor ima, njemu bo dano; kdor pa nima, bo od njega vzeto celó to, kar ima.«
26 "It is with the kingdom of God," he continued, "as if a man should have sown seed in the earth;
In rekel je: »Božje kraljestvo je takšno, kot če bi človek v zemljo vrgel seme,
27 night and day he sleeps and wakes while the seed is sprouting and growing tall, he knows not how.
in bi spal in vstajal ponoči ter podnevi in seme bi pognalo in raslo, da sam ne ve kako.
28 Of its own accord the earth bears its crops; first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
Kajti zemlja sama od sebe prinaša sad; najprej bilko, potem klas in nató polno žita v klasu.
29 Then as soon as the crop is ready the man has the sickle put in at once, because harvest-time is come.
Toda ko sad obrodi, takoj pošlje srp, kajti prišla je žetev.«
30 "To what shall we compare the kingdom of God?" he said again. "in what parable shall we set it forth?
In rekel je: »S čim naj primerjamo Božje kraljestvo? Ali s kakšno primerjavo naj ga primerjamo?
31 It is like a mustard-seed, which, when sown in the soil, is the smallest seed in the world;
Podobno je zrnu gorčičnega semena, ki je, ko je posejano v zemljo, manjše od vseh semen, ki so v zemlji;
32 yet when sown shoots up and becomes larger than any plant, sending out such branches that the wild birds build their nests under its shadow."
toda ko je posejano, zraste in postane večje od vseh zelišč in poganja ven velike mladike, tako da lahko pod njegovo senco prenočuje perjad neba.«
33 With many such illustrations Jesus used to tell his message to people as far as they were able to receive it;
In z mnogimi takšnimi prispodobami jim je govoril besedo, kakor so jo bili zmožni slišati.
34 and to them it was his practice never to speak except in parables. But he used to explain everything in private to his disciples.
Toda brez prispodobe jim ni govoril. Ko pa so bili sami, je svojim učencem pojasnil vse besede.
35 On the evening of that same day Jesus said to them, "Let us go across to the other side."
In istega dne, ko je prišel večer, jim reče: »Prepeljimo se na drugo stran.«
36 So, leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them just as he was in the boat; and the other boats were with him.
Ko so množico odpustili, so ga vzeli na ladjo, tako kakor je bil. Z njim pa so bile tam tudi druge majhne ladje.
37 But a great gale of wind came up, and the waves were dashing into the boat so that it began to fill.
In vzdignil se je velik vetroven vihar in valovi so udarjali v ladjo, tako, da je bila v kratkem polna.
38 Now he himself was sleeping on the cushion in the stern, so they woke him up, saying, "Master, do you not care if we perish?"
On pa je bil na zadnjem delu ladje, speč na blazini in zbudili so ga ter mu rekli: »Učitelj, te ne skrbi, da ginemo?«
39 And he awoke, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!"
In vstal je, zapretil vetru in rekel morju: »Mir, bodi mirno.« In veter je ponehal in bil je velik mir.
40 The wind fell, and there ensued a great calm. Then he said to them. "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"
In rekel jim je: »Zakaj ste tako boječi? Kako to, da nimate vere?«
41 Then they were awestruck, and said one to another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey him!"
In silno so se ga bali in drug drugemu govorili: »Kakšne vrste človek je to, da ga ubogata celó veter in morje?«

< Mark 4 >