< James 3 >

1 Do not become many teachers, my brothers, because you know well that we teachers shall be judged by a severer standard than others.
Yaa obboloota ko, baayʼeen keessan barsiistota hin taʼinaa; nu warra barsiisnutti murtii cimaan akka muramu ni beektuutii.
2 For in many respects we often stumble. If any man never stumbles in speech, the same is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well.
Nu hundinuu karaa baayʼeedhaan gufanna. Namni waan dubbatu keessatti hin gufanne kam iyyuu nama hirʼina hin qabnee dha; dhagna isaas guutummaatti toʼachuu dandaʼa.
3 When we put bits in the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we control their whole body also.
Fardi akka nuuf ajajamuuf yoo afaan isaa luugamne dhagna isaa guutuu gara barbaanne geessuu dandeenya.
4 Look at the ships too, though they are so large, even when driven by fierce winds they are turned by a very small rudder, wherever the impulse of the helmsman wills.
Mee doonii illee ilaalaa! Dooniin yoo akka malee guddaa taʼee bubbee jabaadhaan oofame illee namichi isa oofu batoo xinnoo isheetiin gara barbaadetti geessa.
5 So also the tongue is a small member and makes great boasts. Behold, how great a forest is set on fire by a little spark!
Akkasuma immoo arrabni kutaa dhagnaa xinnoo dha; waan gurguddaadhaan of jaja. Bosonni hammam guddaa taʼu iyyuu qaanqee ibiddaa xinnaadhaan akka gubatu hubadhaa.
6 And the tongue is a fire; it is a very world of iniquity among our members, defiling the whole body, and setting on fire the wheel of nature, and is itself set on fire by hell. (Geenna g1067)
Arrabni ibidda; kutaawwan dhagnaa keessattis addunyaa hamminaa ti. Inni dhagna guutuu xureessa; adeemsa uumamaattis ibidda qabsiisa; ofii isaatii immoo ibidda gahaannamiitiin gubama. (Geenna g1067)
7 For while every kind of beast and bird, and of reptiles and sea- creatures are tamable, and actually have been tamed by mankind,
Bineensonni gosa hundaa, simbirroonni, uumamawwan lafa irra looʼanii fi galaana keessa jiraatan hundinuu namaan madaqfamu; madaqfamaniirus;
8 no man can tame the tongue, restless evil that it is, full of deadly poison.
arraba garuu namni tokko iyyuu leenjisuu hin dandaʼu. Arrabni hamaa boqonnaa hin qabnee dha; summii nama ajjeesuunis kan guutamee dha.
9 With it we continually bless our Lord and Father, and with it we are accustomed to curse men made in the image of God.
Nu arrabaan Gooftaa fi Abbaa eebbifna; isumaan immoo nama bifa Waaqaatiin uumame abaarra.
10 From out of the same mouth pour forth blessings and cursings! My brothers, this ought not to be so.
Afaanuma tokko keessaa eebbii fi abaarsi baʼa. Yaa obboloota ko, wanni kun akkas taʼuu hin qabu.
11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter?
Bishaan miʼaawaa fi hadhaaʼaan burqaa tokko keessaa ni baʼaa?
12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives; or a grape-vine, figs? No more can salt water yield fresh water.
Yaa obboloota ko, mukni harbuu ija ejersaa naqachuu yookaan wayiniin ija harbuu naqachuu dandaʼaa? Akkasuma immoo burqaan bishaan soogiddaa bishaan miʼaawaa kennuu hin dandaʼu.
13 Who among you is wise and intelligent? Let him show his deeds by his good life, in the meekness of wisdom.
Isin keessaa ogeessii fi hubataan eenyu? Kanas inni jireenya isaa gaariidhaan, hojii ogummaa kan gad of qabuudhaan hojjetamuun haa argisiisu.
14 But if you have bitter jealousy and faction in your heart, do not be boasting of that, and be false to the truth.
Isin garuu yoo hinaaffaa hadhaaʼaa fi hawwii ofittummaa garaa keessan keessaa qabaattan of hin jajinaa; dhugaa irrattis soba hin dubbatinaa.
15 Such wisdom is not that which is descending from on high, but is earthly, sensual, demonlike.
Ogummaan kun kan lafaa ti; kan foonii ti; kan hafuura hamaati malee kan samii irraa dhufu miti.
16 For wherever jealousy and faction exist, there is confusion and every evil deed.
Iddoo hinaaffaa fi hawwiin ofittummaa jiru, jeequmsaa fi hojii hamminaa hundumatu jira.
17 But the wisdom which comes from on high is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, conciliatory, overflowing with mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without insincerity.
Ogummaan samii irraa dhufu garuu duraan dursee qulqulluu dha; akkasumas nagaa qabeessa; garraamii dha; ajajamaa dha; kan araaraa fi ija gaariin guutamee dha; wal caalchisuu fi itti fakkeessuus of keessaa hin qabu.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is being sown in peace by those who are working peace.
Iji qajeelummaa warra nagaa buusaniin nagaadhaan facaafama.

< James 3 >