< Ephesians 4 >

1 I summon you then, I the prisoner in the Lord, to live lives worthy of the calling to which you were called.
Kanaafuu ani kan Gooftaaf jedhee hidhame, isin waamicha itti waamamtan sanaaf akka malutti akka jiraattan isin nan kadhadha.
2 With all humility and gentleness and long-suffering forbear with one another in love;
Guutumaan guutuutti gad of qabaa; garraamota taʼaa; obsa qabaadhaa; jaalalaanis wal dandaʼaa.
3 and endeavor to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace.
Hidhaa nagaatiin tokkummaa Hafuuraa eeguuf carraaqaa.
4 There is one body and one spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of your calling.
Akkuma yeroo waamamtanitti gara abdii tokkootti waamamtan sana, dhagna tokkoo fi Hafuura tokkotu jira;
5 There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Gooftaa tokko, amantii tokkoo fi cuuphaa tokkotu jira;
6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.
Waaqaa fi Abbaan waan hundaa, inni waan hundaa ol taʼe, kan waan hunda keessatti hojjetuu fi kan waan hunda keessa jiru tokkichatu jira.
7 And to each one of us was grace given according to the measure of the munificence of Christ.
Garuu akkuma safara kennaa Kiristoositti tokkoo tokkoo keenyaaf ayyaanni kennameera.
8 Thus it is said, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men.
Kanaafuu, “Inni yommuu ol gubbaa baʼetti, boojuu boojiʼe; namootaafis kennaa kenne” jedha.
9 Now surely this "he ascended" implies that he also descended into the lower part of the earth.
Egaa, “Inni ol baʼe” jechuun isaa dhidhima lafaatti gad buʼe jechuu malee maal jechuu isaa ti?
10 He who descended is he who ascended above the highest heaven, that he might fill the universe.
Inni gad buʼe sun isuma waan hunda guutuuf jedhee samiiwwan hundaa olitti ol baʼee dha.
11 It is he who made some men apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,
Innis namoota tokko tokko ergamoota, kaan raajota, kaan lallabdoota wangeelaa, kaan immoo tiksootaa fi barsiistota taasisee kenne;
12 in order to equip the saints for the work of serving, for the building up of the Body of Christ -
waan kanas akka dhagni Kiristoos ijaaramuuf qulqulloota hojii tajaajilaatiif qopheessuuf jedhee godhe;
13 till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to the maturity of manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
kunis waan hamma hundi keenya tokkummaa amantiitii fi tokkummaa Ilma Waaqaa beekuu bira geenyutti, akka guddannee sadarkaa guutama Kiristoos bira gaʼuudhaan namoota bilchaatoo taanuuf.
14 So we shall no longer be children, tossed up and down, and blown about by every wind of teaching, tricked by the craft of men in the snares of misleading error;
Egaa nu siʼachi duraa duubatti dadarbatamaa bubbee barsiisa gosa hundaatiin, haxxummaa fi jalʼina marii gowwoomsitootaatiin asii fi achi oofamaa daaʼimman hin taanu.
15 but holding the truth in love we shall grow up in every part into him who is our Head, even Christ.
Qooda kanaa jaalalaan dhugaa dubbachaa gara isa mataa taʼe sanaatti waan hundaan ni guddanna; innis Kiristoos.
16 From him the whole body (knit together and compacted by all its joints) makes continual growth of the body so as to build itself up in love, through the energy of his bounteous provision, according to the need of each several part.
Isumaanis kutaaleen dhagnaa guutuun ribuu walitti isaan qabuun hidhamaniiru; yommuu kutaaleen dhagnaa sun hundi hojii isaanii hojjetanittis dhagni sun jaalalaan guddatee of ijaara.
17 This then I tell you and implore you in the Master’s name, to pass your lives no longer as the Gentiles do in the perverseness of their minds;
Kanaafuu ani waan kana isinitti nan hima; maqaa Gooftaatiinis jabeessee isinitti nan dubbadha; isin siʼachi akka Namoonni Ormaa warri yaadni isaanii faayidaa hin qabne sun jiraatanitti hin jiraatinaa.
18 having their understanding darkened, alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening of their hearts.
Sababii mata jabina isaaniitiinis waan wallaalummaan isaan keessa jiruuf hubannaan isaanii dukkaneeffameera; jireenya Waaqaa keessaas baʼaniiru.
19 These being past feeling have given themselves over to sensuality, in order to practise every form of impurity with greedy zest.
Isaanis waan qalbiin isaanii hadoodeef hamma xuraaʼummaa gosa hundaa keessa galanitti sassattummaan guutaman.
20 But you have not so learned Christ,
Isin garuu akkasitti Kiristoosin hin barre;
21 if indeed you have listened to him, and in him been taught the truth as it is in Jesus.
isin dhugumaan akkuma dhugaa Yesuus keessa jiru sanaatti waaʼee Kiristoos dhageessanii isumaanis barsiifamtaniirtu.
22 You have learned to lay aside, with your former manner of living, the old self who was on his way to ruin, as he followed the desires which deceive;
Haala jireenya keessan kan durii, eenyummaa keessan moofaa hawwii gowwoomsaa isaatiin xuraaʼe sana dhabamsiisaa;
23 and to be made new in the spirit of your mind,
hafuura yaada keessaniitiinis haaromfamaa;
24 and to put on the new self, created after God’s likeness, in the uprightness and holiness of the truth.
namummaa haaraa isa qajeelummaa fi qulqullina dhugaatiin fakkeenya Waaqaatiin uumame sana uffadhaa.
25 So then put away falseness and speak every man the truth to his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
Kanaafuu waan nu hundi miseensa walii taaneef tokkoon tokkoon keessan soba of keessaa baastanii ollaa keessanitti dhugaa dubbachuu qabdu.
26 "Be angry and sin not"; let not the sun go down upon your anger.
“Aaraa malee cubbuu hin hojjetinaa;” utuma aartanii jirtaniis aduun hin lixin;
27 Give the devil no place.
diiyaabiloosiifis carraa hin kenninaa.
28 Let him who stole steal no more, but let him work, and in honest industry toil with his hands, so that he may have something to give to the needy.
Namni kanaan dura hataa ture siʼachi hin hatin; qooda kanaa akka warra rakkatan gargaaruu dandaʼuuf harkuma ofii isaatiin waan faayidaa qabu haa hojjetu.
29 From your lips let no evil words come forth, but such as occasion warrants, such as are good for upbuilding and give a blessing to the hearers.
Waan nama ijaaruuf gargaaru, akkuma barbaachisaa taʼettis waan warra dhaggeeffataniif ayyaana kennu malee dubbiin hamaan tokko iyyuu afaan keessanii hin baʼin.
30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption.
Hafuura Qulqulluu Waaqaa kan guyyaa furamaatiif ittiin chaappeffamtan sana hin gaddisiisinaa.
31 Banish from among you all bitterness and passion and anger and clamor and slander, as well as all malice;
Hadhaaʼummaan, dheekkamsii fi aariin, wacnii fi maqaa nama balleessuun hundinuu hammina hundumaa wajjin isin irraa haa fagaatu.
32 and be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ has forgiven you.
Akkuma Waaqni karaa Kiristoosiin dhiifama isinii godhe sana, isinis dhiifama walii godhaa; walii naʼaa; garaas walii laafaa.

< Ephesians 4 >