< Romans 4 >
1 What do we then say that Abraham our father obtained by the flesh?
Zvino tichati Abhurahama, tateguru wedu, panyama akawaneiko pazviri?
2 for if Abraham were justified by works, he might boast; but not before God.
Nokuti dai Abhurahama akaruramisirwa namabasa, angadai aine chinhu chokuzvirumbidza nacho, asi kwete pamberi paMwari.
3 For what says the scripture? "And Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness."
Ko, Rugwaro runoti kudiniko? “Abhurahama akatenda Mwari, uye kukanzi kwaari ndiko kururama.”
4 Now, to him who works, the reward is not counted as a favor, but as a debt.
Zvino kana munhu achiita basa, mubayiro wake hautorwi sechipo chokungopiwa, asi somubayiro wakamufanira.
5 But to him who does not work, but believes on him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Asi kumunhu asingashandi, asi achitenda Mwari uyo anoruramisira munhu akaipa, kutenda kwake kuchanzi kwaari ndiko kururama.
6 In like manner, also, David describes the blessedness of the man to whom God counts righteousness without works: saying,
Dhavhidhi anotaura pamusoro pechinhu chimwe chete ichi paanotaura zvokuropafadzwa kwomunhu anonzi naMwari akarurama kunze kwamabasa, achiti:
7 "Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
“Vakaropafadzwa avo vakaregererwa zvakaipa zvavo, vakafukidzirwa zvivi zvavo.
8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not count sin."
Akaropafadzwa munhu ane chivi chisingazombobvunzwi naIshe pamusoro pake.”
9 Does this blessedness come, then, on the circumcision only, or on the uncircumcision, also? for we affirm that faith was counted to Abraham for righteousness.
Ko, kuropafadzwa uku ndokwavakadzingiswa chete here? Kana kuti navasina kudzingiswawo? Nokuti tati kuna Abhurahama kutenda kwake kwakanzi kwaari ndiko kururama.
10 How, then, was it counted? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
Zvino zvakanzarwo seiko? Akanga adzingiswa here, kana kuti asati? Haana kunzarwo adzingiswa, asi kuti asati adzingiswa!
11 And he received the mark of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness of the faith, which he had whilst uncircumcised; that he might be the father of all uncircumcised believers, that righteousness might be counted even to them.
Uye akagamuchira chiratidzo chokudzingiswa, sechisimbiso chokururama kwaakawana nokutenda asati adzingiswa. Saka naizvozvo ndiye baba wavose vanotenda, asi vasina kudzingiswa, kuitira kuti kururama kugopiwa kwavari.
12 And a father to the circumcised, who are not only circumcised, but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith of our father Abraham, which he had whilst in uncircumcision.
Uye ndiyewo baba wavakadzingiswa, avo vasina kudzingiswa bedzi, asi vanofambawo mumakwara okutenda kwakanga kuna baba vedu Abhurahama vasati vadzingiswa.
13 For the promise to Abraham, that he should be the heir of a world, was not to him, nor to his seed, through law; but through a righteousness of faith.
Nokuti Abhurahama, nezvizvarwa zvake, haana kupiwa chipikirwa chokuti achava mugari wenhaka yenyika, kubudikidza nomurayiro, asi kubudikidza nokururama kunobva pakutenda.
14 For if they who are of law are heirs; faith is rendered vain, and the promise is made of no effect.
Nokuti dai vaya vanorarama nomurayiro vari ivo vadyi venhaka, kutenda hakuna maturo uye nechipikirwa chinokoneswa,
15 Farther, the law works out wrath; but where law is not, there is no transgression.
nokuti murayiro unouyisa kutsamwa. Uye pasina murayiro hapanawo kudarika.
16 For this reason, it is through faith that it might be by favor, that the promise might be sure to all the seed: not to that only which is of the law; but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all:
Naizvozvo chipikirwa chinouya nokutenda, kuitira kuti zvive zvenyasha uye kuti chisimbiswe kuzvizvarwa zvose zvaAbhurahama, kwete avo vari vomurayiro voga, asi nokuna avo vari vokutenda kwaAbhurahama. Ndiye baba vedu tose.
17 (as it is written, "Surely a father of many nations have I constituted you,") in the presence of him whom he believed, even of God, who makes alive the dead, and calls things which exist not, as though they existed.
Sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: “Ndakakuita baba vendudzi zhinji.” Ndiye baba vedu pamberi paMwari, uyo waakatenda kwaari, iye Mwari anopa upenyu kuvakafa uye anodana zvisipo sokunge zviripo.
18 He, contrary to hope, believed with hope, that he should be a father of many nations, according to what was spoken, "So shall your seed be."
Pasina kana tariro, Abhurahama netariro akatenda uye akava baba vendudzi zhinji, sezvazvakanga zvarehwa kwaari zvichinzi, “Zvizvarwa zvako zvichadarowo.”
19 And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body now dead, being about a hundred years old; neither the deadness of Sarah's womb.
Haana kushayiwa simba mukutenda kwake, paakaona kuti muviri wake wakanga watofa hawo, sezvo akanga ava namakore anenge zana okuzvarwa, uye kuti chizvaro chaSara chakanga chafawo.
20 Therefore, against the promise of God, through unbelief, he did not dispute; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.
Asi haana kukahadzika nokuda kwokusatenda pamusoro pechipikirwa chaMwari, asi akasimbiswa mukutenda kwake uye akakudza Mwari,
21 And was fully persuaded that what was promised, he was able to perform.
achinyatsogutsikana kuti Mwari ane simba rokuita zvaakanga avimbisa.
22 Therefore, also, it was counted to him for righteousness.
Ndokusaka “zvakanzi kwaari ndiko kururama.”
23 Now it was not written for his sake only, that it was so counted,
Mashoko okuti, “zvakanzi kwaari,” haana kunyorerwa iye oga,
24 even to those who believe on him who raised up Jesus, our Lord, from the dead;
asi kwatiriwo, kuna avo vachanzi naMwari vakarurama, kunesu vanotenda kwaari iye akamutsa Jesu Ishe wedu kubva kuvakafa.
25 who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised up again for our justification.
Akaiswa kurufu nokuda kwezvivi zvedu uye akamutswa kuvapenyu nokuda kwokururamisirwa kwedu.