< Mark 1 >

1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God.
Ici ecitatiko ca Mulumbe Waina ulambanga sha Yesu Klistu, Mwanendi Lesa.
2 As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet, "Behold, I send my messenger before thee, who shall prepare thy way:"
Walatatika mbuli ncewalalembwa mulibuku lya Yesaya mushinshimi, Lesa walambeti, “Ninkatume mutumwa wakame pantangu pakobe, uyo eti akabambe nshila yakobe,
3 "The voice of one proclaiming in the wilderness, Prepare a way for the Lord, make for him a straight passage:"
Pali liswi lya muntu labilikishinga mu cinyika limbangeti, Bambani mukwakwa mwakupita Mwami, Lulamikani nshila njoti akapitemo.”
4 thus came John immersing in the wilderness, and publishing the immersion of reformation for the remission of sins.
Neco, Yohane walashika mucinyika kakambauka nekubatisha bantu. Walambila bantu eti, “Shiyani bwipishi mubatishiwe, kayi Lesa namulekelele bwipishi bwenu.”
5 And all the country of Judea, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, resorted to him, and were immersed by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Neco, bantu bangi bekala mu cimpansha ca Yudeya ne mu Yelusalemu balaya kuli Yohane akunyumfwa. Abo balikulyambilila bwipishi bwabo walababatisha mu mulonga wa Yolodano.
6 Now John's clothing was of camel's hair, tied around his waist with a leather girdle: and he lived upon locusts and wild honey.
Yohane walikufwala mwinjila wa bweya bwa ngamila, kayi ne lamba wa cipaya mubukome. Byakulya byakendi byalikuba bikobo ne bwiki bwamucisuwa.
7 And he proclaimed, saying, One mightier than I comes after me, whose shoe-latchet I am unworthy to stoop down and untie.
Walikukambauketi, “Panyuma pakame, palesanga ukute ngofu kupita shakame. Ame nkandelela kukotameti nsungulule ntambo sha nkwabilo shakendi.
8 I, indeed, have immersed you in water; but he will immerse you in the Holy Spirit.
Ame ndamubatishanga ne menshi, nsombi nendi nakamubatishenga ne Mushimu Uswepa.”
9 At that time Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee to the Jordan, and was immersed by John.
Paliya kupita masuba angi, Yesu walafuma ku Nasaleti mucimpansha ca Galileya. Walabatishiwa ne Yohane mu mulonga wa Yolodano.
10 As soon as he arose out of the water, he saw the sky part asunder, and the Spirit descend upon him like a dove.
Mpwalikufuma mu menshi, walabona kwilu kwalacaluka, kayi Mushimu Uswepa waleseti nkulimba nekwikala palyendiye.
11 And a voice from heaven, which said, Thou art my Son, the beloved, in whom I delight.
Popelapo palanyumfwika liswi kwilu lyakwambeti, “Obe njobe Mwaname ngondayandishisha, ndakondwa muli njobe.”
12 Immediately after this, the spirit conveyed him into the wilderness;
Popelapo Mushimu Uswepa walapesheti enga mucinyika.
13 and he continued in the wilderness forty days tempted by Satan; and was among the wild beasts; and the heavenly messengers ministered to him.
Walekalako masuba makumi ana, kasunkwa ne Satana. Walikuba pakati pa banyama, nsombi bangelo balikumunyamfwilisha.
14 But after John's imprisonment, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the good tidings of the Reign of God.
Pacindi Yohane mpwalabikwa mujele, panyuma pakendi Yesu walaya ku Galileya kuya kukambauka Mulumbe Waina wa Lesa.
15 The time, he said, is accomplished, the Reign of God approaches; reform, and believe the good tidings.
Walikwambeti, “Cindi cilashiki, Bwami bwa Lesa bulaseng'ene pepi! Kamulapani, kayi kamushomani Mulumbe Waina.”
16 Then walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, and Andrew, Simon's brother, casting a drag net into the sea, for they were fishers.
Nomba pacindi ncalikwenda mu mbali mwa lwenje lwa Galileya, walabona Shimoni ne Ndileya pabukwabo, kabawala tombe mulwenje, pakwinga balikuba basulishi banswi.
17 Jesus said to them, Come with me, and I will cause you to be fishers of men.
Neco Yesu walabambileti, “Kamunkonkani, ninkamwiyishe kuba basulishi ba bantu.”
18 Immediately they left their nets, and followed him.
Popelapo balashiya tombe twabo ne kumukonkela.
19 Passing on a little, and seeing James, son of Zebedee, with John his brother, who were mending their nets in a bark,
Kayi mpwalendako pang'ana, walabona Jemusi ne Yohane banabendi Sebedayo, mu bwato kababamba tombe twabo.
20 he immediately called them; and leaving their father Zebedee in the bark with the hired servants, they accompanied him.
Naboyo pacindi copeleco Yesu walabakuwa. Balashiya mushali wabo Sebedayo mubwato pamo ne basebenshi, balo balaya pamo ne Yesu.
21 And they went to Capernaum; and on the Sabbath he repaired directly to the synagogue, and instructed the people,
Yesu pamo ne beshikwiya bakendi balaya ku Kapelenao, mpobwalashika busuba bwa Sabata bwakupumwina, Yesu walengila mung'anda yakupaililamo ne kutatika kwiyisha.
22 who were filled with admiration at his manner of teaching; for he taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
Nomba bantu balamunyumfwa ncalikwiyisha balakankamana, pakwinga nkalikwiyisheti beshikwiyisha ba milawo ya Mose, nsombi nendi walikwiyisha ne ngofu sha bwendeleshi.
23 Now there was in their synagogue a man possessed with an unclean spirit, who cried out,
Pacindi copeleco muntu wekatwa ne mushimu waipa, neye walesa mu ng'anda yakupaililamo, muntuyo walabilikisheti,
24 Ah! Jesus of Nazareth, what hast thou to do with us? Art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art, the Holy One of God.
“Tukute mulandu cini kuli njamwe Yesu wa ku Nasaleti? Sena waleshila kutushina? Ame ndimwinshi, njamwe Waswepa wa Lesa.”
25 Jesus rebuking him, said, Be silent, and come out of him.
Nomba Yesu walaucancilila mushimu waipa ne kuwambileti “Komwena, pula mu muntuyu.”
26 Then the unclean spirit threw him into convulsions; and, raising loud cried, came out of him:
Panyuma pa kumuwishila panshi kanyukuma, mushimu waipa walabilikisha cangofu, ne kufumamo popelapo.
27 at which they were all so amazed, that they asked one another, What does this mean? For he commands with authority even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.
Bantu bonse balakankamana ne kutatika kwipushana pa lwabo bene, “Inga ici nicani? Cakubinga ni ciyisho censu cangofu! Ha, lacancililinga ne mishimu yaipa yonse mwangofu, nayo ilamunyumfwilinga!”
28 And thenceforth his fame spread through all the region of Galilee.
Neco, impuwo yakendi lwalamwaikila bwangu mu misena yonse ya mu cimpansha ca Galileya.
29 As soon as they were come out of the synagogue, they went with James and John into the house of Simon and Andrew,
Yesu pamo ne beshikwiya bakendi pamo ne Jemusi ne Yohane, mpobalapula mung'anda yakupaililamo, balaya kung'anda ya Shimoni ne Ndileya.
30 where Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, of which they immediately acquainted Jesus.
Kumakwendi Shimoni batukashi balikuba bona kabanyumfwa mubili kulungula, Yesu mpwalashika mwakufwambana balamwinshibisha.
31 And he came, and taking her by the hand, raised her; instantly the fever left her, and she entertained them.
Yesu walaya mpobalikuba bona walabekata kucikasa ne kubapundusha. Popelapo bulwashi bwalapwa, balatatika kubabambila cakulya.
32 In the evening, after sunset, they brought to him all the sick, and the demoniacs;
Mansailo, lisuba mpolyalebila, bantu balatatika kumuletela Yesu balwashi bonse, ne abo bekatwa ne mishimu yaipa.
33 the whole city being assembled at the door.
Bantu bonse bamu munshi balabungana pa lubansa.
34 And he healed many persons affected with various diseases, and expelled many demons, whom he permitted not to speak, because they knew him.
Yesu walabasengula balikukolwa malwashi apusana pusana, walapulisha mishimu yaipa, kayi nkali kwisuminisha kwambapo, pakwinga yaliku mwinshiba.
35 On the morrow, having risen before dawn, he went out, and retired to a solitary place, and prayed there.
Kumaca kapacili pashipuluka, Yesu walapunduka mung'anda ne kuya kumusena kwabula bantu nkwalaya kupaila.
36 And Simon and his company went in quest of him,
Nomba Shimoni ne banendi balatatika kumulangaula.
37 and having found him, said to him, Every person seeks you.
Mpobalamucana balambeti “Bantu bonse balamulangaulunga.”
38 Jesus said, Let us go to the neighboring boroughs, to make proclamation there also: for I came out with this design.
Nomba Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Katuyani kumbi ku minshi ili pepi, kwambeti enkambaukeko, pakwinga encondaleshila.”
39 Accordingly he proclaimed in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and expelled demons.
Kayi walaya mu manda abo akupaililamo mu Galileya monse, kaya kukambauka ne kupulisha mishimu yaipa.
40 And a leper came to him, and on his knees entreated him, saying, If you will, you can cleanse me.
Shimankuntu walesa kuli Yesu ne kumusuntamina ne kumusengeti, “Nakamuyanda, inga munswepesha.”
41 Jesus had compassion, and stretching out his hand and touching him, said, I will, be you clean.
Yesu walepilwa moyo neco, walatandabula cikasa cakendi ne kumwikata ne kumwambileti, “Ee ndayandishishinga, swepesha.”
42 This he had no sooner uttered, than the leprosy departed from the man, and he was cleansed.
Pacindi copeleco, mankuntu alashimangana, walaswepa.
43 Then Jesus strictly charging him, and dismissing him,
Nomba Yesu walamwambileti enga kwabo, ne kumucenjesheti,
44 said, See you tell nothing of this to any man; but go, show yourself to the priest; and offer for your cleansing the things prescribed by Moses, that it may be notified to the people.
“Konyumfwa, kotaya wambile muntu naba umo sobwe, nsombi uye uliboneshe kuli Shimilumbo, ne kubenga milumbo ilayandikinga mu milawo ya Mose pacebo ca kuswepeshewa kwakobe kwambeti kube bukamboni kubantu.”
45 But the man, as soon as he was gone, began to blaze this story, talking openly everywhere, insomuch that Jesus could no longer publicly appear in the city; but remained without in solitary places, whither the people resorted to him from all parts.
Nomba mpwalafumapo, nendi walatatika kwambila uliyense ne kumwaya makani mumisena ingi, neco Yesu calamwalila kwingila mu minshi mwakubonekela. Nsombi walapitilisha kwikala enka ku musena kwabula bantu. Nikukabeco bantu balikabesa nkwalikuba kufuma mu mbasu shapusana pusana.

< Mark 1 >