< Mark 13 >
1 As he was going out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Rabbi, look what prodigious stones and stately buildings are here!
In ko je šel iz tempeljna, reče mu eden učencev njegovih: Učenik, glej, kakošno kamenje in kakošne zidine!
2 Jesus answering, said to him, You see these great buildings. They shall be so razed, that one stone will not be left upon another.
In odgovarjajoč Jezus, reče mu: Vidiš té-le zidine velike? Ne bo ostal kamen na kamenu, kteri se ne bi podrl.
3 Afterward, as he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, opposite the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, asked him privately,
In ko je sedel na Oljskej gori tempeljnu nasproti, vpraševali so ga posebej Peter in Jakob in Janez in Andrej:
4 Tell us, when will this happen? and what will be the sign, when all this is to be accomplished?
Povéj nam, kedaj bo to? in kaj bo znamenje, kedar se ima vse to izpolniti?
5 Jesus answering them, took occasion to say, Take heed that no man seduce you;
Jezus jim pa odgovorí in začne praviti: varujte se, da vas kdo ne premoti!
6 for many will assume my character, saying, I am the person, and will seduce many.
Kajti veliko jih bo prišlo v ime moje, govoreč: Jaz sem Kristus; in veliko jih bodo premotili.
7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not alarmed; for this must happen, but the end is not yet.
Kedar pa zaslišite boje in glasove o bojih, ne ustrašite se! Kajti to mora biti. Ali to še ni konec.
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be earthquakes in sundry places, and there will be famines and commotions. These are the prelude of woes.
Kajti vstal bo narod na narod, in kraljestvo na kraljestvo; in potresi bodo po krajih, in lakote bodo in prekucije.
9 But take heed to yourselves; for they will deliver you to councils; and you will be beaten in the synagogues, and brought before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony to them.
Začetek nadlogam je to. A vi se varujte! Kajti izročevali vas bodo sodnijam in shajališčem; bičali vas bodo, in pred vladarje in kralje vas popeljejo za voljo mene, njim za pričo.
10 The good tidings, however, must first be published among all nations.
In pri vseh narodih se mora poprej oznaniti evangelj.
11 But when they conduct you, to deliver you up, have no anxiety beforehand, nor premeditate what you shall speak: but whatever shall be suggested to you in that moment, speak; for it is not you that shall speak, but the Holy Spirit.
Kedar vas pa popeljejo, da vas izročé, ne skrbite naprej, kaj bi govorili, in ne premišljujte! nego kar vam se bo dalo tisto uro, to govorite: ker ne boste govorili vi, nego Duh sveti.
12 Then the brother will deliver up the brother to death; and the father the child; and children will arise against their parents, and procure their death.
Izdajal bo pa brat brata na smrt, in oče sina; in otroci bodo vstali zoper roditelje, in morili jih bodo.
13 And on my account you shall be universally hated; but the man who perseveres to the end, shall be saved.
In sovražili vas bodo vsi za voljo imena mojega; kdor pa pretrpí do konca, ta se bo zveličal.
14 But when you shall see standing on forbidden ground, the desolating abomination, (reader, attend!) then let those in Judea flee to the mountains;
A kedar ugledate "gnjusobo razdevanja," za ktero je povedal prerok Danijel, da stojí, kjer ne bi imela, (kdor bere, naj ume!) tedaj naj tisti, kteri so v Judeji, zbežé na gore.
15 and let not him who shall be on the roof, go down into the house, nor enter it, to carry anything out of his house:
A kdor je na strehi, ne stopaj dol v hišo, in ne hódi noter, da bi kaj vzel iz hiše svoje.
16 and let not him who shall be in the field, turn back to fetch his mantle.
In kdor je na polji, naj se ne vrača, da vzeme plašč svoj.
17 But alas for the women with child, and for them who give suck in those days!
Gorjé pa nosečim in doječim v tistih dnéh!
18 Pray, then, that your flight happen not in the winter;
Molite pa, naj ne bo beg vaš po zimi.
19 because there shall be such affliction in those days, as has not been before, from the beginning of the world, which God created, nor shall be ever after.
Kajti tisti dnevi bodo stiska, kakoršne ni bilo od začetka stvarjenja, ktero je stvaril Bog, doslej, in je tudi ne bo.
20 Had the Lord assigned it a long duration, no soul could escape; but for the sake of the people whom he had elected, he has made its duration the shorter.
In ko ne bi bil Gospod prikrajšal dnî, to se ne bi noben človek zveličal; ali za voljo izvoljencev, ktere je izvolil, prikrajšal je dní.
21 Then if any one shall say to you, Lo! the Messiah is here, or Lo! he is yonder, believe it not.
In če vam tedaj kdo reče: Glej, tu je Kristus; ali: Glej, ondej je, ne verjemite.
22 For false Messiahs and false prophets will arise, who will perform wonders and prodigies, in order to impose, if possible, even on the elect.
Kajti vstali bodo lažnjivi kristusi in lažnjivi preroki, in delali bodo znamenja in čudeže, da bi premotili, ko bi bilo mogoče, tudi izvoljence.
23 Be you, therefore, upon your guard: remember, I have warned you of everything.
A vi se varujte; glej, povedal sem vam vse poprej.
24 But in those days, after that affliction, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall withhold her light,
Tiste dní pa, po tej stiski, otemnelo bo solnce in mesec ne bo dajal svetlobe svoje,
25 and the stars of heaven shall fall; and the powers which are in heaven shall be shaken.
In zvezde nebeške bodo padale, in sile, ktere so na nebesih, pregibale se bodo.
26 Then they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
In tedaj bodo ugledali sina človečjega, da gre na oblakih z veliko močjó in slavo.
27 Then he will send his messengers, and assemble his elect from the four quarters of the world, from the extremities of heaven and earth.
In tedaj bo poslal angelje svoje, in zbral bo izvoljence svoje od čveterih vetrov, od konca zemlje do kraja neba.
28 Learn now a similitude from the fig tree. When its branches become tender, and put forth leaves, you know that the summer is nigh.
A od smokve se naučite priliko: Kedar se veja njena pomladí, in požene liste, véste, da je blizu pomlad;
29 In like manner, when you shall see these things happen, know that he is near, even at the door.
Tako tudi vi, kedar ugledate, da se te reči godé, védite, da je blizu pri vratih.
30 Indeed, I say to you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be accomplished.
Resnično vam pravim, da ne bo prešel ta rod, dokler se vse te reči ne zgodé.
31 For heaven and earth shall fail: but my words shall not fail.
Nebo in zemlja bosta prešla; a besede moje ne bodo nikoli prešle.
32 But of that day, or of that hour, knows none, (not the angels; no, not the Son, ) but the Father.
Za tisti dan in uro pa nihče ne vé, tudi angelji na nebu ne, tudi sin ne, razen oče.
33 Be circumspect, be vigilant, and pray; for you know not when that time will be.
Pazite, čujte in molite, ker ne véste, kedaj je čas.
34 When a man intends to travel, he leaves his household in charge to his servants, assigns to every one his task, and orders the porter to watch.
Kakor je človek, kteri je odpotoval, zapustil dom svoj, in dal hlapcem svojim oblast, in vsakemu svoje delo, in zapovedal vratarju, da naj čuje.
35 Watch you, therefore; for you know not when the master of the house will return, (whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning; )
Čujte torej, (ker ne véste, kedaj bo prišel hišni gospodar zvečer, ali o polnoči, ali o petelinjem petji, ali zjutraj; )
36 lest coming suddenly, he find you asleep.
Da ne pride nenadoma, in vas ne najde spéčih.
37 Now what I say to you, I say to all, Watch.
Kar pa vam pravim, pravim vsem: Čujte!