< Luke 4 >
1 Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Eta Iesus Spiritu sainduaz bethea parti cedin Iordanetic, eta eraman cedin Spiritu beraz desertura,
2 where he continued forty days, and was tempted by the devil. Having eaten nothing all that time, when it was ended he was hungry:
Eta han tenta cedin deabruaz berroguey egunez: eta etzeçan deus ian egun hec cirauteno, baina hec iragan eta, guero gosse cedin.
3 and the devil said to him, If thou be God's Son, command this stone to become bread.
Orduan erran cieçón deabruac, baldin Iaincoaren Semea bahaiz, erróc harri huni ogui bilha dadin.
4 Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, "Man does not live by bread only, but by whatever God pleases."
Eta ihardets cieçón Iesusec, cioela, Scribatua duc, ecen eztela ogui berez vicico guiçona, baina Iaincoaren hitz guciaz.
5 Then the devil, having brought him to the top of a high mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant,
Orduan eramanic hura deabruac mendi gora batetara, eracuts cietzon munduco resuma guciac dembora moment batez.
6 and said to him, All this power and glory I will give thee; for it is delivered to me, and to whomsoever I will, I give it;
Eta diotsa deabruac, Emanen drauat bothere hori gucia, eta resuma horien gloriá: ecen niri eman içan ciaitadac, eta nahi dudanari emaiten diarocat.
7 if, therefore, thou wilt worship me, it shall all be thine.
Hic bada baldin adora baneçac, hire içanen dituc guciac.
8 Jesus answering, said, It is written, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and shalt serve him only."
Eta ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran cieçón, Guibelerat adi eneganic Satán: ecen scribatua duc, Adoraturen duc eure Iainco Iauna, eta hura bera cerbitzaturen duc.
9 Then he brought him to Jerusalem, and placing him on the battlement of the temple, said to him, If thou be God's Son, throw thyself down hence;
Orduan eraman ceçan Ierusalemera, eta eçar ceçan templeco pinacle gainean: eta erran cieçón, Baldin Iaincoaren Semea bahaiz, egotzac eure buruä hemendic beherera.
10 for it is written, "He will give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee;
Ecen scribatua duc, bere Ainguèruey cargu emanen drauela hiçaz, hire beguiratzeco:
11 and, in their arms they shall uphold thee, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."
Eta escuetan eramanen autela, eure oinaz harrian behaztopa ezadinçát.
12 Jesus answered, It is said, "Thou shalt not put the Lord thy God to the proof."
Baina ihardesten duela Iesusec diotsa, Errana duc, Eztuc tentaturen eure Iainco Iauna.
13 When the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a time.
Guero tentatione gucia acabatu eta, deabrua parti cedin harenganic dembora batetaranocotz.
14 Then Jesus, by the impulse of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and his renown spread throughout the whole country,
Eta itzul cedin Iesus Spirituaren verthutez Galileara: eta haren famá ioan cedin inguruco comarca orotara.
15 and he taught in their synagogues with universal applause.
Eta hura ari cen iracasten hayén synagoguetan, guciéc ohoratzen çutela.
16 Being come to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he entered the synagogue, as his custom was, on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
Ethor cedin bada Nazarethera non haci içan baitzén: eta sar cedin bere costumaren araura Sabbath egunean synagogán: eta iaiqui cedin iracurtzera.
17 And they put into his hands the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and having opened the book, he found the place where it is written,
Eta eman cequión Esaias prophetaren liburuä: eta desplegatu çuenean liburuä, eriden ceçan lekua, non scribatua baitzén,
18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, inasmuch as he has anointed me to publish glad tidings to the poor, to announce liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed,
Iaunaren Spiritua da ene gainean, ceren vnctatu bainau: paubrey euangelizatzera igorri nau, bihotzez hautsien sendatzera,
19 to proclaim the year of acceptance with the Lord."
Captiuoey largançaren, eta itsuey ikustearen recubramenduaren predicatzera, eta çaurthuén deliurançatan eçartera, eta Iaunaren vrthe bozcariotacoaren predicatzera.
20 And having closed the book, and returned it to the servant, he sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.
Eta plegaturic liburuä rendatu ceraucanean ministreari, iar cedin: eta synagogaco gucién beguiac haren gainera fincatuac ciraden.
21 And he began with saying to them, This very day, the scripture which you have just now heard, is fulfilled.
Orduan has cequién erraiten, egungo egunean complitu da Scriptura haur çuen beharrietan.
22 And all extolled him; but being astonished at the gracious words which he uttered, they said, Is not this Joseph's son?
Eta guciéc testimoniage emaiten ceraucaten, eta miraz ceuden haren ahotic ilkiten ciraden hitz gratiazcoéz, eta erraiten çuten, Ezta haur Iosephen semea?
23 He said to them, You will doubtless apply to me this proverb, "Physician, cure yourself." Do as great things here in your own country, as we hear you have done in Capernaum.
Eta erran ciecén, Frangoqui erranen drautaçue comparatione haur, Medicuá, senda eçac eure buruä: cerere gauça ençun baitugu eguin içan diradela Capernaum-en, eguin itzac hemen-ere eure hirian.
24 But in fact, added he, No prophet was ever well received in his own country.
Eta dioste, Eguiaz diotsuet, ecen Prophetaric batre eztela gogaracoric bere herrian.
25 I tell you of a truth, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when heaven was shut up for three years and a half, so that there was great famine throughout all the land;
Baina eguiaz erraiten drauçuet, anhitz ema alhargun cen Eliasen egunetan Israelen, ceruä ertsi içan cenean hirur vrthe eta sey hilebethetacotz, hala non eguin baitzedin gossete handia lur guciaren gainean.
26 yet to none of them was Elijah sent, but to a widow in Sarepta, of Sidonia.
Baina hetaric batetara-ere etzén igorri içan Elias, Sarepta Sidoniaco hirira baicen, emazte alhargun batgana.
27 There were likewise many lepers in Israel, in the days of Elisha the prophet; and Naaman the Syrian was cleansed, but none of those.
Eta anhitz sorhayo cen Israelen Eliseo prophetaren demborán, baina hetaric batre etzén chahutu içan Naaman Syriacoa baicen.
28 On hearing this, the whole synagogue were enraged,
Orduan bethe citecen guciac asserretassunez synagogán, gauça hauc ençuten cituztenean.
29 and breaking up, drove him out of the city, and brought him to the brow of the mountain on which their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.
Eta iaiquiric egotz ceçaten hura hiritic campora, eta eraman ceçaten mendi gainera (ceinen gainean hayen hiria edificatua baitzen) gainetic behera egotz leçatençat.
30 But he, passing through the midst of them, went away.
Baina hura hayén artetic iraganic, ioan cedin.
31 Then he came to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath.
Eta iauts cedin Capernaum Galileaco hirira, eta han iracasten cituen Sabbathoetan.
32 And they were struck with awe at his manner of teaching; for he spoke with authority.
Eta spantatuac ceuden haren doctrinaren gainean: ecen authoritaterequin cen haren hitza.
33 Now there was in the synagogue a man possessed by the spirit of an unclean demon, who roared out, saying,
Eta cen synagogán guiçombat deabru satsuaren spiritua çuenic, eta iar cedin oihuz ocengui,
34 Ah! Jesus of Nazareth, what hast thou to do with us? Art thou come to destroy us? I know who thou art--the Holy One of God.
Cioela, Ah, cer da hire eta gure artean, Iesus Nazarenoa? gure deseguitera ethorri aiz? baceaquiat nor aicen: hi aiz Iaincoaren saindua.
35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be silent, and come out of him. On this, the demon, having thrown him into the middle of the assembly, came out without harming him.
Eta mehatcha ceçan hura Iesusec, cioela, Ichil adi, eta ilki adi horrenganic. Eta deabrua, hura artera egotziric, ilki cedin harenganic, eta calteric batre etzieçon eguin.
36 And they were all in amazement, and said one to another, What does this mean, that with authority and power he command the unclean spirits, and they come out?
Eta spantamendu iar cedin gucietan, eta minço ciraden elkarren artean, cioitela, Cer hitz da haur, authoritaterequin eta bothererequin manatzen baititu spiritu satsuac, eta ilkiten baitirade?
37 From that time, his fame was published in every corner of the country.
Eta io citzan haren famác herriaren inguruco comarca guciac.
38 When he was gone out of the synagogue, he entered the house of Simon, whose wife's mother had a violent fever, and they entreated him on her behalf.
Eta iaiquiric Iesus synagogatic, sar cedin Simonen etchean: eta Simonen ama-guinharreba eduquiten cen helgaitz handi batez: eta othoitz ceguioten harengatic.
39 Jesus, standing near her, rebuked the fever, and it left her, and she instantly arose, and served them.
Eta haren garaitic cegoela mehatcha ceçan helgaitza: eta vtzi ceçan hura helgaitzac: eta harc bertan iaiquiric cerbitza citzan.
40 After sunset, all they who had any sick, of whatever kind of disease, brought them to him; and he, laying his hands on every one, cured them.
Eta iguzqui sartzean, anhitz eritassun motaz eriric çuten guciéc ekar citzaten harengana: eta harc escuac hetaric batbederari gainera eçarriric senda citzan.
41 Demons also came out of many, crying out, Thou art the Son of God. But he rebuked them, and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that he was the Messiah.
Deabruac-ere ilkiten ciraden anhitzenganic, oihuz ceudela, eta cioitela, Hi aiz Christ Iaincoaren Semea. Baina harc mehatchatzen cituela, etzituen vtziten erraitera, ecen baceaquitela hura cela Christ.
42 When it was day, he retired into a desert place; and the multitude sought him out, and came to him, and urged him not to leave them;
Eta arguitu cenean ilkiric ioan cedin leku desertu batetara, eta gendetzeac haren bilha çabitzan, eta ethor citecen hura baitharano: eta baçaducaten hura hetaric parti ezledinçát.
43 but he said to them, I must publish the good tidings of the Reign of God in other cities also, because for this purpose I am sent.
Baina harc erran ciecén, Berce hiriey-ere euangelizatu behar drauet Iaincoaren resumá: ecen hartacotzat igorri içan naiz.
44 Accordingly, he made this publication in the synagogues of Galilee.
Eta predicatzen çuen Galileaco synagoguetan.