< Acts 2 >
1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all unanimously assembled in the same place:
aparañca nistārōtsavāt paraṁ pañcāśattamē dinē samupasthitē sati tē sarvvē ēkācittībhūya sthāna ēkasmin militā āsan|
2 and, on a sudden, there was a sound from heaven, as of a rushing violent wind; and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
ētasminnēva samayē'kasmād ākāśāt pracaṇḍātyugravāyōḥ śabdavad ēkaḥ śabda āgatya yasmin gr̥hē ta upāviśan tad gr̥haṁ samastaṁ vyāpnōt|
3 And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, distinctly separated, and it rested upon each of them,
tataḥ paraṁ vahniśikhāsvarūpā jihvāḥ pratyakṣībhūya vibhaktāḥ satyaḥ pratijanōrddhvē sthagitā abhūvan|
4 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
tasmāt sarvvē pavitrēṇātmanā paripūrṇāḥ santa ātmā yathā vācitavān tadanusārēṇānyadēśīyānāṁ bhāṣā uktavantaḥ|
5 Now there were sojourning in Jerusalem pious men; Jews from every nation under heaven;
tasmin samayē pr̥thivīsthasarvvadēśēbhyō yihūdīyamatāvalambinō bhaktalōkā yirūśālami prāvasan;
6 and when this report came abroad, the multitude assembled, and were confounded; for every one heard them speaking in his own dialect.
tasyāḥ kathāyāḥ kiṁvadantyā jātatvāt sarvvē lōkā militvā nijanijabhāṣayā śiṣyāṇāṁ kathākathanaṁ śrutvā samudvignā abhavan|
7 And they were all astonished, and wondered, saying one to another, Behold! are not all these that speak, Galileans?
sarvvaēva vismayāpannā āścaryyānvitāśca santaḥ parasparaṁ uktavantaḥ paśyata yē kathāṁ kathayanti tē sarvvē gālīlīyalōkāḥ kiṁ na bhavanti?
8 And how do we every one hear in his own native language:
tarhi vayaṁ pratyēkaśaḥ svasvajanmadēśīyabhāṣābhiḥ kathā ētēṣāṁ śr̥ṇumaḥ kimidaṁ?
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and those that inhabit Mesopotamia, and Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia,
pārthī-mādī-arāmnaharayimdēśanivāsimanō yihūdā-kappadakiyā-panta-āśiyā-
10 Phrygia, and Pamphilia, Egypt, and the parts of Africa which are about Cyrene: Roman strangers, also, both Jews and proselytes;
phrugiyā-pamphuliyā-misaranivāsinaḥ kurīṇīnikaṭavarttilūbīyapradēśanivāsinō rōmanagarād āgatā yihūdīyalōkā yihūdīyamatagrāhiṇaḥ krītīyā arābīyādayō lōkāśca yē vayam
11 Cretes, and Arabians; we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God!
asmākaṁ nijanijabhāṣābhirētēṣām īśvarīyamahākarmmavyākhyānaṁ śr̥ṇumaḥ|
12 And they were all in amazement and perplexity, and said one to another, What can this mean?
itthaṁ tē sarvvaēva vismayāpannāḥ sandigdhacittāḥ santaḥ parasparamūcuḥ, asya kō bhāvaḥ?
13 But others, mocking, said, Surely these men are filled with sweet wine.
aparē kēcit parihasya kathitavanta ētē navīnadrākṣārasēna mattā abhavan|
14 But, Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice, and said to them--Jews, and all you that sojourn in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and attend to my words;
tadā pitara ēkādaśabhi rjanaiḥ sākaṁ tiṣṭhan tāllōkān uccaiḥkāram avadat, hē yihūdīyā hē yirūśālamnivāsinaḥ sarvvē, avadhānaṁ kr̥tvā madīyavākyaṁ budhyadhvaṁ|
15 for these men are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is but the third hour of the day:
idānīm ēkayāmād adhikā vēlā nāsti tasmād yūyaṁ yad anumātha mānavā imē madyapānēna mattāstanna|
16 but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel,
kintu yōyēlbhaviṣyadvaktraitadvākyamuktaṁ yathā,
17 "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out a portion of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy; and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
īśvaraḥ kathayāmāsa yugāntasamayē tvaham| varṣiṣyāmi svamātmānaṁ sarvvaprāṇyupari dhruvam| bhāvivākyaṁ vadiṣyanti kanyāḥ putrāśca vastutaḥ|pratyādēśañca prāpsyanti yuṣmākaṁ yuvamānavāḥ| tathā prācīnalōkāstu svapnān drakṣyanti niścitaṁ|
18 Yes, in those days I will pour out of my Spirit upon my servants, and upon my handmaids; and they shall prophesy;
varṣiṣyāmi tadātmānaṁ dāsadāsījanōpiri| tēnaiva bhāvivākyaṁ tē vadiṣyanti hi sarvvaśaḥ|
19 and I will give prodigies in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire, and a cloud of smoke:
ūrddhvasthē gagaṇē caiva nīcasthē pr̥thivītalē| śōṇitāni br̥hadbhānūn ghanadhūmādikāni ca| cihnāni darśayiṣyāmi mahāścaryyakriyāstathā|
20 the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and illustrious day of the Lord come.
mahābhayānakasyaiva taddinasya parēśituḥ| purāgamād raviḥ kr̥ṣṇō raktaścandrō bhaviṣyataḥ|
21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall invoke the name of the Lord shall be saved."
kintu yaḥ paramēśasya nāmni samprārthayiṣyatē| saēva manujō nūnaṁ paritrātō bhaviṣyati||
22 Israelites, hear these words: Jesus, the Nazarene, a man recommended to you by God, by powerful operations, and wonders, and signs, which God wrought by him in the midst of you, (as you yourselves also know, )
atō hē isrāyēlvaṁśīyalōkāḥ sarvvē kathāyāmētasyām manō nidhaddhvaṁ nāsaratīyō yīśurīśvarasya manōnītaḥ pumān ētad īśvarastatkr̥tairāścaryyādbhutakarmmabhi rlakṣaṇaiśca yuṣmākaṁ sākṣādēva pratipāditavān iti yūyaṁ jānītha|
23 him you have apprehended, being given up by the declared counsel and foreknowledge of God, and by the hands of sinners have crucified and slain:
tasmin yīśau īśvarasya pūrvvaniścitamantraṇānirūpaṇānusārēṇa mr̥tyau samarpitē sati yūyaṁ taṁ dhr̥tvā duṣṭalōkānāṁ hastaiḥ kruśē vidhitvāhata|
24 whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, as it was impossible that he should be held under it.
kintvīśvarastaṁ nidhanasya bandhanānmōcayitvā udasthāpayat yataḥ sa mr̥tyunā baddhastiṣṭhatīti na sambhavati|
25 For David says, concerning him, "I have regarded the Lord as always before me; because he is at my right hand, that I might not be moved:
ētastin dāyūdapi kathitavān yathā, sarvvadā mama sākṣāttaṁ sthāpaya paramēśvaraṁ| sthitē maddakṣiṇē tasmin skhaliṣyāmi tvahaṁ nahi|
26 for this reason my heart is glad, and my tongue exults; moreover, too, my flesh shall rest in hope
ānandiṣyati taddhētō rmāmakīnaṁ manastu vai| āhlādiṣyati jihvāpi madīyā tu tathaiva ca| pratyāśayā śarīrantu madīyaṁ vaiśayiṣyatē|
27 that thou wilt not leave my soul in the unseen world, neither wilt thou permit thy Holy One to see corruption. (Hadēs )
paralōkē yatō hētōstvaṁ māṁ naiva hi tyakṣyasi| svakīyaṁ puṇyavantaṁ tvaṁ kṣayituṁ naiva dāsyasi| ēvaṁ jīvanamārgaṁ tvaṁ māmēva darśayiṣyasi| (Hadēs )
28 Thou hast made me to know the ways of life; thou wilt make me full of joy with thy countenance."
svasammukhē ya ānandō dakṣiṇē svasya yat sukhaṁ| anantaṁ tēna māṁ pūrṇaṁ kariṣyasi na saṁśayaḥ||
29 Brethren, permit me to speak freely to you concerning the patriarch David; the he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is among us to this day;
hē bhrātarō'smākaṁ tasya pūrvvapuruṣasya dāyūdaḥ kathāṁ spaṣṭaṁ kathayituṁ mām anumanyadhvaṁ, sa prāṇān tyaktvā śmaśānē sthāpitōbhavad adyāpi tat śmaśānam asmākaṁ sannidhau vidyatē|
30 therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn to him with an oath, that of the fruit of his loins he would raise up the Messiah to sit on his throne;
phalatō laukikabhāvēna dāyūdō vaṁśē khrīṣṭaṁ janma grāhayitvā tasyaiva siṁhāsanē samuvēṣṭuṁ tamutthāpayiṣyati paramēśvaraḥ śapathaṁ kutvā dāyūdaḥ samīpa imam aṅgīkāraṁ kr̥tavān,
31 he, foreseeing this, spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that his soul should not be left in the unseen world, nor his flesh see corruption. (Hadēs )
iti jñātvā dāyūd bhaviṣyadvādī san bhaviṣyatkālīyajñānēna khrīṣṭōtthānē kathāmimāṁ kathayāmāsa yathā tasyātmā paralōkē na tyakṣyatē tasya śarīrañca na kṣēṣyati; (Hadēs )
32 This Jesus, God has raised up, of which all we are witnesses:
ataḥ paramēśvara ēnaṁ yīśuṁ śmaśānād udasthāpayat tatra vayaṁ sarvvē sākṣiṇa āsmahē|
33 being exalted, therefore, to the right hand of God, and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he has shed forth this, which you see and hear.
sa īśvarasya dakṣiṇakarēṇōnnatiṁ prāpya pavitra ātmina pitā yamaṅgīkāraṁ kr̥tavān tasya phalaṁ prāpya yat paśyatha śr̥ṇutha ca tadavarṣat|
34 For David is not ascended into heaven, but he says, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand,
yatō dāyūd svargaṁ nārurōha kintu svayam imāṁ kathām akathayad yathā, mama prabhumidaṁ vākyamavadat paramēśvaraḥ|
35 till I make thy foes thy footstool.
tava śatrūnahaṁ yāvat pādapīṭhaṁ karōmi na| tāvat kālaṁ madīyē tvaṁ dakṣavārśva upāviśa|
36 Let, therefore, all the house of Israel assuredly know, that God has made this Jesus, whom you have crucified, Lord and Messiah.
atō yaṁ yīśuṁ yūyaṁ kruśē'hata paramēśvarastaṁ prabhutvābhiṣiktatvapadē nyayuṁktēti isrāyēlīyā lōkā niścitaṁ jānantu|
37 Now, when they heard these things, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter, and the rest of the Apostles, Brethren, what shall we do?
ētādr̥śīṁ kathāṁ śrutvā tēṣāṁ hr̥dayānāṁ vidīrṇatvāt tē pitarāya tadanyaprēritēbhyaśca kathitavantaḥ, hē bhrātr̥gaṇa vayaṁ kiṁ kariṣyāmaḥ?
38 And Peter said to them, Reform, and be each of you immersed in the name of Jesus Christ, in order to the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
tataḥ pitaraḥ pratyavadad yūyaṁ sarvvē svaṁ svaṁ manaḥ parivarttayadhvaṁ tathā pāpamōcanārthaṁ yīśukhrīṣṭasya nāmnā majjitāśca bhavata, tasmād dānarūpaṁ paritram ātmānaṁ lapsyatha|
39 For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off; as many as the Lord our God shall call.
yatō yuṣmākaṁ yuṣmatsantānānāñca dūrasthasarvvalōkānāñca nimittam arthād asmākaṁ prabhuḥ paramēśvarō yāvatō lākān āhvāsyati tēṣāṁ sarvvēṣāṁ nimittam ayamaṅgīkāra āstē|
40 And with many other words he testified, and exhorted, saying, Save yourselves from this perverse generation.
ētadanyābhi rbahukathābhiḥ pramāṇaṁ datvākathayat ētēbhyō vipathagāmibhyō varttamānalōkēbhyaḥ svān rakṣata|
41 They, therefore, who received his word with readiness, were immersed: and there were added to the disciples that very day, about three thousand souls.
tataḥ paraṁ yē sānandāstāṁ kathām agr̥hlan tē majjitā abhavan| tasmin divasē prāyēṇa trīṇi sahasrāṇi lōkāstēṣāṁ sapakṣāḥ santaḥ
42 And they continued steadfast in the teaching, in the fellowship, in the breaking of the load, and in the prayers of the Apostles.
prēritānām upadēśē saṅgatau pūpabhañjanē prārthanāsu ca manaḥsaṁyōgaṁ kr̥tvātiṣṭhan|
43 Fear also fell upon every soul, and many miracles and signs were wrought by the Apostles.
prēritai rnānāprakāralakṣaṇēṣu mahāścaryyakarmamasu ca darśitēṣu sarvvalōkānāṁ bhayamupasthitaṁ|
44 And all that believed were together, and had all things in common.
viśvāsakāriṇaḥ sarvva ca saha tiṣṭhanataḥ| svēṣāṁ sarvvāḥ sampattīḥ sādhāraṇyēna sthāpayitvābhuñjata|
45 They also sold their possessions and effects, and distributed them to every one according to his necessity.
phalatō gr̥hāṇi dravyāṇi ca sarvvāṇi vikrīya sarvvēṣāṁ svasvaprayōjanānusārēṇa vibhajya sarvvēbhyō'dadan|
46 Moreover, they continued unanimously in the temple every day; and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with joy and simplicity of heart,
sarvva ēkacittībhūya dinē dinē mandirē santiṣṭhamānā gr̥hē gr̥hē ca pūpānabhañjanta īśvarasya dhanyavādaṁ kurvvantō lōkaiḥ samādr̥tāḥ paramānandēna saralāntaḥkaraṇēna bhōjanaṁ pānañcakurvvan|
47 praising God, having favor with all the people: and the Lord daily added the saved to the congregation.
paramēśvarō dinē dinē paritrāṇabhājanai rmaṇḍalīm avarddhayat|