< 1 Timothy 2 >

1 Now I exhort, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men;
مَمَ پْرَتھَمَ آدیشویَں، پْرارْتھَناوِنَیَنِویدَنَدھَنْیَواداح کَرْتَّوْیاح،
2 for kings, and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
سَرْوّیشاں مانَواناں کرِتے وِشیشَتو وَیَں یَتْ شانْتَتْوینَ نِرْوِّرودھَتْوینَ چیشْچَرَبھَکْتِں وِنِیتَتْوَنْچاچَرَنْتَح کالَں یاپَیامَسْتَدَرْتھَں نرِپَتِینامْ اُچَّپَدَسْتھانانْچَ کرِتے تے کَرْتَّوْیاح۔
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,
یَتوسْماکَں تارَکَسْییشْوَرَسْیَ ساکْشاتْ تَدیووتَّمَں گْراہْیَنْچَ بھَوَتِ،
4 who wills all men to be saved, and to come to an acknowledgment of the truth.
سَ سَرْوّیشاں مانَواناں پَرِتْرانَں سَتْیَجْنانَپْراپْتِنْچیچّھَتِ۔
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, --the man Christ Jesus,
یَتَ ایکودْوِتِییَ اِیشْوَرو وِدْیَتے کِنْچیشْوَرے مانَویشُ چَیکو دْوِتِییو مَدھْیَسْتھَح
6 who gave himself a ransom for all; --of which the testimony is in its proper season:
سَ نَراوَتارَح کھْرِیشْٹو یِیشُ رْوِدْیَتے یَح سَرْوّیشاں مُکْتے رْمُولْیَمْ آتْمَدانَں کرِتَوانْ۔ ایتینَ یینَ پْرَمانینوپَیُکْتے سَمَیے پْرَکاشِتَوْیَں،
7 for which I was appointed a herald and an Apostle, (I speak the truth, I do not falsify, ) a teacher to the Gentiles in faith and truth.
تَدْگھوشَیِتا دُوتو وِشْواسے سَتْیَدھَرْمّے چَ بھِنَّجاتِییانامْ اُپَدیشَکَشْچاہَں نْیَیُوجْیے، ایتَدَہَں کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ نامْنا یَتھاتَتھْیَں وَدامِ نانرِتَں کَتھَیامِ۔
8 I will, therefore, that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputings.
اَتو مَمابھِمَتَمِدَں پُرُشَیح کْرودھَسَنْدیہَو وِنا پَوِتْرَکَرانْ اُتّولْیَ سَرْوَّسْمِنْ سْتھانے پْرارْتھَنا کْرِیَتاں۔
9 I like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in decent apparel, with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly raiment:
تَدْوَتْ نارْیّوپِ سَلَجّاح سَںیَتَمَنَسَشْچَ سَتْیو یوگْیَماچّھادَنَں پَرِدَدھَتُ کِنْچَ کیشَسَںسْکارَیح کَنَکَمُکْتابھِ رْمَہارْگھْیَپَرِچّھَدَیشْچاتْمَبھُوشَنَں نَ کُرْوَّتْیَح
10 but (which becomes women professing godliness, ) with good works.
سْوِیکرِتیشْوَرَبھَکْتِیناں یوشِتاں یوگْیَیح سَتْیَرْمَّبھِح سْوَبھُوشَنَں کُرْوَّتاں۔
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission:
نارِی سَمْپُورْنَوِنِیتَتْوینَ نِرْوِرودھَں شِکْشَتاں۔
12 for I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over a man, but to be silent;
نارْیّاح شِکْشادانَں پُرُشایاجْنادانَں واہَں نانُجانامِ تَیا نِرْوِّرودھَتْوَمْ آچَرِتَوْیَں۔
13 for Adam was first formed, then Eve.
یَتَح پْرَتھَمَمْ آدَمَسْتَتَح پَرَں ہَوایاح سرِشْٹِ رْبَبھُووَ۔
14 Besides, Adam was not deceived: but the woman, being deceived, was in transgression.
کِنْچادَمْ بھْرانْتِیُکْتو نابھَوَتْ یوشِدیوَ بھْرانْتِیُکْتا بھُوتْواتْیاچارِنِی بَبھُووَ۔
15 However, she shall be saved through child-bearing, if they live in faith, and love, and holiness, with sobriety.
تَتھاپِ نارِیگَنو یَدِ وِشْواسے پْریمْنِ پَوِتْرَتایاں سَںیَتَمَنَسِ چَ تِشْٹھَتِ تَرْہْیَپَتْیَپْرَسَوَوَرْتْمَنا پَرِتْرانَں پْراپْسْیَتِ۔

< 1 Timothy 2 >