< Zechariah 4 >

1 And the messenger who is speaking with me turns back, and stirs me up as one who is stirred up out of his sleep,
Un tas eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja, atkal nāca un mani modināja, kā vīru, kas no sava miega top uzmodināts.
2 and he says to me, “What are you seeing?” And I say, “I have looked, and behold, a lampstand of gold—all of it, and its bowl [is] on its top, and its seven lamps [are] on it, and twice seven pipes [are] to the lights that [are] on its top,
Un viņš uz mani sacīja: ko tu redzi? Un es sacīju: es redzu, un raugi, tur ir lukturis no tīra zelta ar eļļas kausu virsgalā, un viņa septiņi eļļas lukturīši uz viņa, un tiem eļļas lukturīšiem ir pa septiņiem zariem (caurulītēm savienotas) viņa virsgalā;
3 and two olive-trees [are] by it, one on the right of the bowl and one on its left.”
Un tur klāt divi eļļas koki, viens tam eļļas kausam pa labo un otrs viņam pa kreiso roku.
4 And I answer and speak to the messenger who is speaking with me, saying, “What [are] these, my lord?”
Un es atbildēju un runāju uz to eņģeli, kas ar mani runāja, un sacīju: mans kungs, kas tie ir?
5 And the messenger who is speaking with me answers and says to me, “Have you not known what these [are]?” And I say, “No, my lord.”
Un tas eņģelis, kas ar mani runāja, atbildēja un sacīja uz mani: vai tu nezini, kas tie ir? Un es sacīju: nē, mans kungs!
6 And he answers and speaks to me, saying, “This [is] a word of YHWH to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by a force, nor by power, But—by My Spirit, said YHWH of Hosts.
Tad viņš atbildēja un runāja uz mani un sacīja: šis ir Tā Kunga vārds uz Zerubabeli, sacīdams: ne caur spēku, nedz caur varu, bet caur manu Garu (tas notiks), saka Tas Kungs Cebaot.
7 Who [are] you, O great mountain Before Zerubbabel—for a plain! And he has brought forth the top-stone, Cries of Grace, grace—[are] to it.”
Kas tu tāds esi, tu lielais kalns? Priekš Zerubabela tu tapsi par klajumu. Jo viņš uzliks to gala akmeni, ka tur visā spēkā sauks: žēlastība, žēlastība viņam!
8 And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
Un Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
9 “Hands of Zerubbabel founded this house, And his hands finish it, And you have known that YHWH of Hosts Has sent Me to you.
Zerubabela rokas šo namu sākušas, viņa rokas to arī pabeigs, ka jūs saprotat, ka Tas Kungs Cebaot mani pie jums sūtījis.
10 For who trampled on the day of small things, They have rejoiced, And seen the tin weight in the hand of Zerubbabel, These seven [are] the eyes of YHWH, They are going to and fro in all the land.”
Jo kas nicina sīka iesākuma dienu? Jo priecīgi ierauga to loti Zerubabela rokā šie septiņi, kas ir Tā Kunga acis, kas iet pa visu pasauli.
11 And I answer and say to him, “What [are] these two olive-trees, on the right of the lampstand, and on its left?”
Tad es atbildēju un uz viņu sacīju: kas tie tādi divi eļļas koki pa labo roku tam lukturim un pa kreiso roku?
12 And I answer a second time, and say to him, “What [are] the two branches of the olive trees that, by means of the two golden pipes, are emptying out of themselves the oil?”
Un es atkal atbildēju un uz viņu sacīju: kas tie tādi divi eļļas koka zari, kas sānis tiem diviem zelta kausiem, kas zeltu izlej
13 And he speaks to me, saying, “Have you not known what these [are]?” And I say, “No, my lord.”
Un viņš uz mani runāja un sacīja: vai tu nezini, kas tie ir? Un es sacīju: nē, mans kungs!
14 And he says, “These [are] the two sons of the oil, who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth.”
Un viņš sacīja: šie ir tie divi svaidītie, kas stāv priekš visas pasaules valdītāja.

< Zechariah 4 >