< Zechariah 12 >
1 The burden of a word of YHWH on Israel. A declaration of YHWH, Stretching out the heavens, and founding earth, And forming the spirit of man in his midst:
Et Udsagn; HERRENs Ord om Israel. Det lyder fra HERREN; som udspændte Himmelen, grundfæstede Jorden og dannede Menneskets Ånd i dets Indre:
2 “Behold, I am making Jerusalem a cup of reeling To all the surrounding peoples, And it is also against Judah, In the siege against Jerusalem.
Se, jeg gør Jerusalem til et berusende Bæger for alle Folkeslag trindt om; også Juda skal være med til at belejre Jerusalem.
3 And it has come to pass in that day, I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the peoples, All loading it are completely pressed down, And gathered against it have been all nations of the earth.
På hin Dag gør jeg Jerusalem til Løftesten for alle Folkeslag - enhver, som løfter den, skal rive sig på den! Og alle Jordens Folk skal samle sig imod det.
4 In that day,” a declaration of YHWH, “I strike every horse with astonishment, And its rider with madness, And on the house of Judah I open My eyes, And every horse of the peoples I strike with blindness.
På hin Dag, lyder det fra HERREN, slår jeg alle Heste med Angst og Rytterne med Vanvid; Judas Hus åbner jeg Øjnene på, men alle Folkeslagene slår jeg med Blindhed.
5 And leaders of Judah have said in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusalem [are] strength to me, In YHWH of Hosts their God.
Og Judas Stammer skal tænke: "Jerusalems Indbyggere er stærke i Hærskarers HERRE, deres Gud."
6 In that day I make the leaders of Judah As a hearth of fire among trees, And as a torch of fire in a sheaf, And they have consumed—on the right and on the left—all the surrounding peoples, And Jerusalem has again inhabited her place in Jerusalem.
På hin Dag gør jeg Judas Stammer til en Ildgryde mellem Brændestykker, et brændende Blus mellem Neg, og de skal æde til højre og venstre alle Folkeslag trindt om, og Jerusalem bliver roligt på sit Sted, i Jerusalem.
7 And YHWH has saved the tents of Judah first, So that the beauty of the house of David does not become great against Judah, And the beauty of the inhabitant of Jerusalem.
Så giver HERREN først Judas Telte Sejr, for at Davids Hus og Jerusalems Indbyggere ikke skal vinde større Ry end Juda.
8 In that day YHWH covers over the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And the stumbling among them has been in that day as David, And the house of David as God—As the Messenger of YHWH—before them.
På hin Dag værner HERREN om Jerusalems Indbyggere, og den skrøbeligste iblandt dem skal på hin Dag blive som David, men Davids Hus som Gud, som HERRENs Engel foran dem.
9 And it has come to pass in that day, I seek to destroy all the nations Who are coming in against Jerusalem,
På hin Dag vil jeg søge at tilintetgøre alle de Folk, som kommer imod Jerusalem.
10 And I have poured on the house of David, And on the inhabitant of Jerusalem, The Spirit of grace and supplications, And they have looked to Me whom they pierced, And they have mourned over Him, Like a mourning over the only one, And they have been in bitterness for Him, Like a bitterness over the firstborn.
Og så udgyder jeg over Davids Hus og Jerusalems Indbyg- gere Nådens og Bønnens Ånd, så de ser hen til ham, de har gennemstunget, og sørger over ham, som man sørger over en enbåren Søn, og holder Klage over ham, son1 man holder Klage over den førstefødte.
11 In that day, great is the mourning of Jerusalem, As the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon,
På hin Dag skal Sorgen blive stor i Jerusalem som Sorgen over Hadadrimmon i Megiddos Dal.
12 And the land has mourned—every family apart, The family of the house of David apart, And their women apart; The family of the house of Nathan apart, And their women apart;
Landet skal sørge, hver Slægt for sig, Davids Hus's Slægt for sig og deres Kvinder for sig, Natans Hus's Slægt for sig og deres Kvinder for sig,
13 The family of the house of Levi apart, And their women apart; The family of Shimei apart, And their women apart,
Levis Hus's Slægt for sig og deres Kvinder for sig, Sjim'iternes Slægt for sig og deres Kvinder for sig,
14 All the families that are left, Every family apart, and their women apart!”
alle de tiloversblevne Slægter hver for sig og deres Kvinder for sig.