< Song of Solomon 2 >
1 As a lily among the thorns,
Jaz sem vrtnica Šaróna in dolinska lilija.
2 So [is] my friend among the daughters!
Kakor lilija med trnjem, tako je moja ljubezen med hčerami.
3 As a citron among trees of the forest, So [is] my beloved among the sons, In his shade I delighted, and sat down, And his fruit [is] sweet to my palate.
Kakor jablana med gozdnimi drevesi, tak je moj ljubljeni med sinovi. Z velikim veseljem sem se usedla pod njeno senco in njen sad je bil sladek mojemu okusu.
4 He has brought me to a house of wine, And his banner over me [is] love,
Privedel me je v hišo gostije in njegov prapor nad menoj je bila ljubezen.
5 Sustain me with grape-cakes, Support me with citrons, for I [am] sick with love.
Potešite me s flaškoni, tolažite me z jabolki, kajti jaz sem bolna od ljubezni.
6 His left hand [is] under my head, And his right embraces me.
Njegova leva roka je pod mojo glavo in njegova desnica me objema.
7 I have adjured you, daughters of Jerusalem, By the roes or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor wake the love until she pleases!
Naročam vam, oh ve hčere jeruzalemske, pri srnah in pri poljskih košutah, da ne razvnamete niti ne zbudite moje ljubezni, dokler njemu ugaja.
8 The voice of my beloved! Behold, this—he is coming, Leaping on the mountains, skipping on the hills.
Glas mojega ljubljenega! Glej, prihaja, skače na gorah, poskakuje po hribih.
9 My beloved [is] like to a roe, Or to a young one of the harts. Behold, this—he is standing behind our wall, Looking from the windows, Blooming from the lattice.
Moj ljubljeni je podoben srni ali mlademu jelenu. Glej, stoji za našim zidom, gleda pri oknih, kaže se skozi mrežo.
10 My beloved has answered and said to me, “Rise up, my friend, my beautiful one, and come away,
Moj ljubljeni je spregovoril in mi rekel: »Vstani, moja ljubezen, moja lepotica in odleti.
11 For behold, the winter has passed by, The rain has passed away—it has gone.
Kajti glej, zima je minila, dež je mimo in je izginil.
12 The flowers have appeared in the earth, The time of the singing has come, And the voice of the turtle was heard in our land,
Cvetlice se pojavljajo na zemlji, prišel je čas petja ptic in glas grlice se sliši v naši deželi,
13 The fig tree has ripened her green figs, And the sweet-smelling vines have given forth fragrance, Rise, come, my friend, my beautiful one, indeed, come away.
figovo drevo poganja svoje zelene fige in trte z nežnim grozdjem dajejo dober vonj. Vstani, moja ljubezen, moja lepotica in odleti.
14 My dove, in clefts of the rock, In a secret place of the ascent, Cause me to see your appearance, Cause me to hear your voice, For your voice [is] sweet, and your appearance lovely.”
Oh moja golobica, ki si v skalnih razpokah, na skrivnih krajih stopnic, naj vidim tvoje obličje, naj slišim tvoj glas, kajti tvoj glas je prijeten in tvoje obličje je ljubko.«
15 Seize for us foxes, Little foxes—destroyers of vineyards, Even our sweet-smelling vineyards.
Ujemite nama lisice, majhne lisice, ki plenijo trte, kajti najine trte imajo nežno grozdje.
16 My beloved [is] mine, and I [am] his, Who is delighting among the lilies,
Moj ljubljeni je moj in jaz sem njegova, on pase med lilijami.
17 Until the day breaks forth, And the shadows have fled away, Turn, be like, my beloved, To a roe, or to a young one of the harts, On the mountains of separation!
Dokler se ne zdani in sence [ne] odletijo, se obrni, moj ljubljeni in bodi podoben srni ali mlademu jelenu na gorah Beterja.