< Ruth 4 >

1 And Boaz has gone up to the gate, and sits there, and behold, the redeemer is passing by of whom Boaz had spoken, and he says, “Turn aside, sit down here, such a one, such a one”; and he turns aside and sits down.
E thuolono Boaz nodhi e dhoranga dala mobet kanyo. Ka wat Ruth mahie mane owachocha ne kadho kanyo, Boaz noluonge kawacho niya, “Rawane ka, osiepna, kendo bed piny ka.” Omiyo ngʼatno nodhi ire mobet piny.
2 And he takes ten men from [the] elderly of the city, and says, “Sit down here”; and they sit down.
Boaz nokawo jodongo apar mag dala kendo nowachonegi niya, “Beduru ane ka,” mine gitimo kamano.
3 And he says to the redeemer, “A portion of the field which [is] to our brother, to Elimelech, has Naomi sold, who has come back from the fields of Moab;
Eka nowachone wat Ruth mahie niya, “Naomi ma yande odwogo koa Moab dwaro ngʼama ngʼiew puodho mane mar owadwa Elimelek.
4 and I said, I uncover your ear, saying, Buy before the inhabitants and before [the] elderly of my people; if you redeem—redeem, and if none redeems—declare [it] to me and I know, for there is none except you to redeem, and I after you.” And he says, “I redeem [it].”
Ne aneno ni ber mondo aket wachni e nyimi kendo aket parono e nyim joma obedo kagi kendo e nyim jodongo mag jowa, mondo ingʼiewe. Ka inyalo ware to ware, to ka ok inyal timo kamano to nyisa mondo angʼe. Nikech onge ngʼama chielo man-gi ratiro mar timo kamano makmana in kende, kendo an ema aluwi.” Nowacho niya, “Abiro ngʼiewo puodhono.”
5 And Boaz says, “In the day of your buying the field from the hand of Naomi, then from Ruth the Moabitess, wife of the dead, you have bought [it], to raise up the name of the dead over his inheritance.”
Eka Boaz nowacho niya, “E odiechiengʼ ma iningʼiewie puodhono kuom Naomi kendo kuom Ruth nyar Moab, ema inikawie chi ngʼat mothono, mondo ichung nying ngʼat mothono kaachiel gi mwandune.”
6 And the redeemer says, “I am not able to redeem [it] for myself, lest I destroy my inheritance; redeem for yourself—you—my right of redemption, for I am not able to redeem.”
Kane wat dhakono owinjo wachno, nowacho niya, “Ka kamano to kare ok anyal ware nikech mano nyalo miyo akel chandruok ne mwanduna awuon. In ema mondo iware in iwuon. An ok anyal timo mano.”
7 And this [is] formerly in Israel for redemption and for exchanging, to establish anything: a man has drawn off his sandal, and given [it] to his neighbor, and this [is] the Testimony in Israel.
E kinde machon e piny Israel, mondo ne gimoro owar ma mi ngʼat machielo, ne chuno ni ngʼato achiel kuom jogo nyaka lony wuochene kendo omi ngʼat machielo, mano ne miyo winjruogno ok nyal loki. Mano e yo mane igurogo gimoro amora mane iwilo gi chik e piny Israel.
8 And the redeemer says to Boaz, “Buy [it] for yourself,” and draws off his sandal.
Kuom mano, wat dhakono nowachone Boaz niya, “In, ema mondo ingʼiewe.” Kendo nolonyo wuochene.
9 And Boaz says to the elderly, and [to] all the people, “You [are] witnesses today that I have bought all that [belonged] to Elimelech, and all that [belonged] to Chilion and Mahlon, from the hand of Naomi;
Eka Boaz nolando ne jodongo gi ji duto kowacho niya, “Kawuono udoko joneno ka angʼiewo kuom Naomi mwandu duto mag Elimelek gi Kilion kod Malon.
10 and also Ruth the Moabitess, wife of Mahlon, I have bought to myself for a wife, to raise up the name of the dead over his inheritance; and the name of the dead is not cut off from among his brothers, and from the gate of his place; witnesses you [are] today.”
Ruth nyar Moab, ma chi Malon, bende asekawo kaka chiega, mondo achung-go nying ngʼat motho gi mwandune, mondo nyinge kik lal e dier anywolane, kata e kitabu mondikie nying joma odak e dala-ka. Kawuononi udoko joneno!”
11 And all the people who [are] in the gate say—also the elderly, “Witnesses! YHWH makes the woman who is coming to your house as Rachel and as Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and you do virtuously in Ephrathah, and proclaim the name in Beth-Lehem;
Eka jodongo kaachiel gi ji duto mane ni e rangach nowacho niya, “Wan joneno. Mad Jehova Nyasaye mi dhako mabiro e dalani ochal gi Rael gi Lea, ma nochungo dhood Israel, kargi ji ariyo. Mad ibed ngʼat maduongʼ ei Efratha kendo ibed ngʼat marahuma ei Bethlehem.
12 and let your house be as the house of Perez (whom Tamar bore to Judah), of the seed which YHWH gives to you of this young woman.”
Koa kuom nyithindo ma Jehova Nyasaye biro miyi kuom dhakoni ma pod tin-ni, mad odi bi chal gi mar Perez mane Tamar onywolo ne Juda.”
13 And Boaz takes Ruth, and she becomes his wife, and he goes in to her, and YHWH gives conception to her, and she bears a son.
Kuom mano Boaz nokawo Ruth mine odoko chiege. Bangʼe noriwore kode, kendo Jehova Nyasaye nomiyo omako ich, kendo nonywolo nyathi ma wuowi.
14 And the women say to Naomi, “Blessed [is] YHWH who has not let a redeemer cease to you today, and his name is proclaimed in Israel,
Mon nowachone Naomi niya, “Opak Jehova Nyasaye kawuononi nikech ok osejwangʼi, nimar osemiyi nyakwari. Mad obed ngʼat marahuma e piny Israel duto!
15 and he has been to you for a restorer of life, and for a nourisher of your old age, for your daughter-in-law who has loved you—who is better to you than seven sons—has borne him.”
Obiro duogo ngimani kendo obiro riti ndalo ma iti. Nikech chi wuodi moheri kendo maberni moloyo yawuowi abiriyo, ema osenywole.”
16 And Naomi takes the boy, and lays him in her bosom, and is to him for a nurse;
Eka Naomi nokawo nyathino mi noriwe e tiende, kendo ne orite.
17 and the neighboring women give a name to him, saying, “There has been a son born to Naomi,” and they call his name Obed; he [is] father of Jesse, father of David.
Mon mane odak kanyo nowacho niya, “Naomi nigi wuowi.” Kendo negichake ni Obed. En ema ne en wuon Jesse ma wuon Daudi.
18 And these are generations of Perez: Perez begot Hezron,
Koro ma e anywola joka Perez: Perez ne en wuon Hezron,
19 and Hezron begot Ram, and Ram begot Amminidab,
Hezron ne en wuon Ram, Ram ne en wuon Aminadab,
20 and Amminidab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon,
Aminadab ne en wuon Nashon, Nashon ne en wuon Salmon,
21 and Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed,
Salmon ne en wuon Boaz, Boaz ne en wuon Obed,
22 and Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.
Obed ne en wuon Jesse, to Jesse ne en wuon Daudi.

< Ruth 4 >