< Ruth 2 >

1 And Naomi has an acquaintance of her husband’s, a man mighty in wealth, of the family of Elimelech, and his name [is] Boaz.
Y TENÍA Noemi un pariente de su marido, varón poderoso y de hecho, de la familia de Elimelech, el cual se llamaba Booz.
2 And Ruth the Moabitess says to Naomi, “Please let me go into the field, and I gather among the ears of grain after him in whose eyes I find grace”; and she says to her, “Go, my daughter.”
Y Ruth la Moabita dijo á Noemi: Ruégote que me dejes ir al campo, y cogeré espigas en pos de aquel á cuyos ojos hallare gracia. Y ella le respondió: Ve, hija mía.
3 And she goes and comes and gathers in a field after the reapers, and her chance happens—the portion of the field is Boaz’s who [is] of the family of Elimelech.
Fué pues, y llegando, espigó en el campo en pos de los segadores: y aconteció por ventura, que la suerte del campo era de Booz, el cual era de la parentela de Elimelech.
4 And behold, Boaz has come from Beth-Lehem, and says to the reapers, “YHWH [is] with you”; and they say to him, “YHWH blesses you.”
Y he aquí que Booz vino de Beth-lehem, y dijo á los segadores: Jehová sea con vosotros. Y ellos respondieron: Jehová te bendiga.
5 And Boaz says to his young man who is set over the reapers, “Whose [is] this young person?”
Y Booz dijo á su criado el sobrestante de los segadores: ¿Cúya es esta moza?
6 And the young man who is set over the reapers answers and says, “A young woman—Moabitess—she [is], who came back with Naomi from the fields of Moab,
Y el criado, sobrestante de los segadores, respondió y dijo: Es la moza de Moab, que volvió con Noemi de los campos de Moab;
7 and she says, Please let me glean and I have gathered among the sheaves after the reapers; and she comes and remains since the morning and until now; she sat in the house a little [while].”
Y ha dicho: Ruégote que me dejes coger y juntar tras los segadores entre las gavillas: entró pues, y está desde por la mañana hasta ahora, menos un poco que se detuvo en casa.
8 And Boaz says to Ruth, “Have you not heard, my daughter? Do not go to glean in another field, and also, do not pass over from here, and thus you cleave to my young women:
Entonces Booz dijo á Ruth: Oye, hija mía, no vayas á espigar á otro campo, ni pases de aquí: y aquí estarás con mis mozas.
9 your eyes [are] on the field which they reap, and you have gone after them; have I not charged the young men not to touch you? When you are thirsty then you have gone to the vessels, and have drunk from that which the young men draw.”
Mira bien al campo que segaren, y síguelas: porque yo he mandado á los mozos que no te toquen. Y si tuvieres sed, ve á los vasos, y bebe del [agua] que sacaren los mozos.
10 And she falls on her face, and bows herself to the earth, and says to him, “Why have I found grace in your eyes, to discern me, and I a stranger?”
Ella entonces bajando su rostro inclinóse á tierra, y díjole: ¿Por qué he hallado gracia en tus ojos para que tú me reconozcas, siendo yo extranjera?
11 And Boaz answers and says to her, “It has been thoroughly declared to me all that you have done with your mother-in-law, after the death of your husband, and you leave your father, and your mother, and the land of your birth, and come to a people which you have not known before.
Y respondiendo Booz, díjole: Por cierto se me ha declarado todo lo que has hecho con tu suegra después de la muerte de tu marido, y que dejando á tu padre y á tu madre y la tierra donde naciste, has venido á pueblo que no conociste antes.
12 YHWH repays your work, and your reward is complete from YHWH, God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.”
Jehová galardone tu obra, y tu remuneración sea llena por Jehová Dios de Israel, que has venido para cubrirte debajo de sus alas.
13 And she says, “Let me find grace in your eyes, my lord, because you have comforted me, and because you have spoken to the heart of your maidservant, and I am not as one of your maidservants.”
Y ella dijo: Señor mío, halle yo gracia delante de tus ojos; porque me has consolado, y porque has hablado al corazón de tu sierva, no siendo yo como una de tus criadas.
14 And Boaz says to her, “At meal-time come near here, and you have eaten of the bread, and dipped your morsel in the vinegar.” And she sits at the side of the reapers, and he reaches to her roasted grain, and she eats, and is satisfied, and leaves.
Y Booz le dijo á la hora de comer: Allégate aquí, y come del pan, y moja tu bocado en el vinagre. Y sentóse ella junto á los segadores, y él le dió del potaje, y comió hasta que se hartó y le sobró.
15 And she rises to glean, and Boaz charges his young men, saying, “Even between the sheaves she gleans, and you do not cause her to blush;
Levantóse luego para espigar. Y Booz mandó á sus criados, diciendo: Coja también espigas entre las gavillas, y no la avergoncéis;
16 and also you surely cast to her of the handfuls—and have left, and she has gleaned, and you do not push against her.”
Antes echaréis á sabiendas de los manojos, y la dejaréis que coja, y no la reprendáis.
17 And she gleans in the field until the evening, and beats out that which she has gleaned, and it is about an ephah of barley;
Y espigó en el campo hasta la tarde, y desgranó lo que había cogido, y fué como un epha de cebada.
18 and she takes [it] up, and goes into the city, and her mother-in-law sees that which she has gleaned, and she brings out and gives to her that which she left from her satiety.
Y tomólo, y vínose á la ciudad; y su suegra vió lo que había cogido. Sacó también luego lo que le había sobrado después de harta, y dióselo.
19 And her mother-in-law says to her, “Where have you gleaned today? And where have you worked? May he who is discerning you be blessed.” And she declares to her mother-in-law with whom she has worked, and says, “The name of the man with whom I have worked today [is] Boaz.”
Y díjole su suegra: ¿Dónde has espigado hoy? ¿y dónde has trabajado? bendito sea el que te ha reconocido. Y ella declaró á su suegra lo que le había acontecido con aquél, y dijo: El nombre del varón con quien hoy he trabajado es Booz.
20 And Naomi says to her daughter-in-law, “Blessed [is] he of YHWH who has not forsaken His kindness with the living and with the dead”; and Naomi says to her, “The man is a relation of ours; he [is] of our redeemers.”
Y dijo Noemi á su nuera: Sea él bendito de Jehová, pues que no ha rehusado á los vivos la benevolencia que tuvo para con los finados. Díjole después Noemi: Nuestro pariente es aquel varón, y de nuestros redentores es.
21 And Ruth the Moabitess says, “Also he surely said to me, Near the young people whom I have you cleave until they have completed the whole of the harvest which I have.”
Y Ruth Moabita dijo: A más de esto me ha dicho: Júntate con mis criados, hasta que hayan acabado toda mi siega.
22 And Naomi says to her daughter-in-law Ruth, “Good, my daughter, that you go out with his young women, and they do not come against you in another field.”
Y Noemi respondió á Ruth su nuera: Mejor es, hija mía, que salgas con sus criadas, que no que te encuentren en otro campo.
23 And she cleaves to the young women of Boaz to glean, until the completion of the barley-harvest, and of the wheat-harvest, and she dwells with her mother-in-law.
Estuvo pues junta con las mozas de Booz espigando, hasta que la siega de las cebadas y la de los trigos fué acabada; mas con su suegra habitó.

< Ruth 2 >