< Romans 8 >

1 There is, then, now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit;
yE janAH khrISTaM yIzum Azritya zArIrikaM nAcaranta AtmikamAcaranti tE'dhunA daNPArhA na bhavanti|
2 for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set me free from the law of sin and of death;
jIvanadAyakasyAtmanO vyavasthA khrISTayIzunA pApamaraNayO rvyavasthAtO mAmamOcayat|
3 for what the Law was not able to do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God, His own Son having sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
yasmAcchArIrasya durbbalatvAd vyavasthayA yat karmmAsAdhyam IzvarO nijaputraM pApizarIrarUpaM pApanAzakabalirUpanjca prESya tasya zarIrE pApasya daNPaM kurvvan tatkarmma sAdhitavAn|
4 that the righteousness of the Law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
tataH zArIrikaM nAcaritvAsmAbhirAtmikam AcaradbhirvyavasthAgranthE nirddiSTAni puNyakarmmANi sarvvANi sAdhyantE|
5 For those who are according to the flesh, mind the things of the flesh; and those according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit;
yE zArIrikAcAriNastE zArIrikAn viSayAn bhAvayanti yE cAtmikAcAriNastE AtmanO viSayAn bhAvayanti|
6 for the mind of the flesh [is] death, and the mind of the Spirit—life and peace;
zArIrikabhAvasya phalaM mRtyuH kinjcAtmikabhAvasya phalE jIvanaM zAntizca|
7 because the mind of the flesh [is] enmity to God, for to the Law of God it does not subject itself,
yataH zArIrikabhAva Izvarasya viruddhaH zatrutAbhAva Eva sa Izvarasya vyavasthAyA adhInO na bhavati bhavitunjca na zaknOti|
8 for neither is it able; and those who are in the flesh are not able to please God.
EtasmAt zArIrikAcAriSu tOSTum IzvarENa na zakyaM|
9 And you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you; and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ—this one is not His;
kintvIzvarasyAtmA yadi yuSmAkaM madhyE vasati tarhi yUyaM zArIrikAcAriNO na santa AtmikAcAriNO bhavathaH| yasmin tu khrISTasyAtmA na vidyatE sa tatsambhavO nahi|
10 and if Christ [is] in you, the body, indeed, [is] dead because of sin, and the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness,
yadi khrISTO yuSmAn adhitiSThati tarhi pApam uddizya zarIraM mRtaM kintu puNyamuddizyAtmA jIvati|
11 and if the Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus out of the dead dwells in you, He who raised up the Christ out of the dead will also quicken your dying bodies, through His Spirit dwelling in you.
mRtagaNAd yIzu ryEnOtthApitastasyAtmA yadi yuSmanmadhyE vasati tarhi mRtagaNAt khrISTasya sa utthApayitA yuSmanmadhyavAsinA svakIyAtmanA yuSmAkaM mRtadEhAnapi puna rjIvayiSyati|
12 So, then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh;
hE bhrAtRgaNa zarIrasya vayamadhamarNA na bhavAmO'taH zArIrikAcArO'smAbhi rna karttavyaH|
13 for if according to the flesh you live, you are about to die; and if, by the Spirit, the deeds of the body you put to death, you will live;
yadi yUyaM zarIrikAcAriNO bhavEta tarhi yuSmAbhi rmarttavyamEva kintvAtmanA yadi zarIrakarmmANi ghAtayEta tarhi jIviSyatha|
14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God;
yatO yAvantO lOkA IzvarasyAtmanAkRSyantE tE sarvva Izvarasya santAnA bhavanti|
15 for you did not receive a spirit of bondage again for fear, but you received [the] Spirit of adoption in which we cry, “Abba! Father!”
yUyaM punarapi bhayajanakaM dAsyabhAvaM na prAptAH kintu yEna bhAvEnEzvaraM pitaH pitariti prOcya sambOdhayatha tAdRzaM dattakaputratvabhAvam prApnuta|
16 [This] One—the Spirit—testifies with our spirit, that we are children of God;
aparanjca vayam Izvarasya santAnA Etasmin pavitra AtmA svayam asmAkam AtmAbhiH sArddhaM pramANaM dadAti|
17 and if children, also heirs, heirs, indeed, of God, and heirs together of Christ—if, indeed, we suffer together, that we may also be glorified together.
ataEva vayaM yadi santAnAstarhyadhikAriNaH, arthAd Izvarasya svattvAdhikAriNaH khrISTEna sahAdhikAriNazca bhavAmaH; aparaM tEna sArddhaM yadi duHkhabhAginO bhavAmastarhi tasya vibhavasyApi bhAginO bhaviSyAmaH|
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory about to be revealed in us;
kintvasmAsu yO bhAvIvibhavaH prakAziSyatE tasya samIpE varttamAnakAlInaM duHkhamahaM tRNAya manyE|
19 for the earnest looking out of the creation expects the revelation of the sons of God;
yataH prANigaNa Izvarasya santAnAnAM vibhavaprAptim AkAgkSan nitAntam apEkSatE|
20 for to vanity was the creation made subject—not of its will, but because of Him who subjected [it]—in hope,
aparanjca prANigaNaH svairam alIkatAyA vazIkRtO nAbhavat
21 that also the creation itself will be set free from the servitude of the corruption to the liberty of the glory of the children of God;
kintu prANigaNO'pi nazvaratAdhInatvAt muktaH san Izvarasya santAnAnAM paramamuktiM prApsyatItyabhiprAyENa vazIkartrA vazIcakrE|
22 for we have known that all the creation groans together, and travails in pain together until now.
aparanjca prasUyamAnAvad vyathitaH san idAnIM yAvat kRtsnaH prANigaNa ArttasvaraM karOtIti vayaM jAnImaH|
23 And not only [so], but also we ourselves, having the first-fruit of the Spirit, we also ourselves groan in ourselves, expecting adoption—the redemption of our body;
kEvalaH sa iti nahi kintu prathamajAtaphalasvarUpam AtmAnaM prAptA vayamapi dattakaputratvapadaprAptim arthAt zarIrasya muktiM pratIkSamANAstadvad antarArttarAvaM kurmmaH|
24 for in hope we were saved, and hope beheld is not hope; for what anyone beholds, why does he also hope for [it]?
vayaM pratyAzayA trANam alabhAmahi kintu pratyakSavastunO yA pratyAzA sA pratyAzA nahi, yatO manuSyO yat samIkSatE tasya pratyAzAM kutaH kariSyati?
25 And if what we do not behold we hope for, through continuance we expect [it].
yad apratyakSaM tasya pratyAzAM yadi vayaM kurvvImahi tarhi dhairyyam avalambya pratIkSAmahE|
26 And in like manner also, the Spirit helps our weaknesses; for what we may pray for, as it is necessary, we have not known, but [this] One—the Spirit—makes intercession for us with unutterable groanings,
tata AtmApi svayam asmAkaM durbbalatAyAH sahAyatvaM karOti; yataH kiM prArthitavyaM tad bOddhuM vayaM na zaknumaH, kintvaspaSTairArttarAvairAtmA svayam asmannimittaM nivEdayati|
27 and He who is searching the hearts has known what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because according to God He intercedes for holy ones.
aparam IzvarAbhimatarUpENa pavitralOkAnAM kRtE nivEdayati ya AtmA tasyAbhiprAyO'ntaryyAminA jnjAyatE|
28 And we have known that to those loving God all things work together for good, to those who are called according to purpose;
aparam IzvarIyanirUpaNAnusArENAhUtAH santO yE tasmin prIyantE sarvvANi militvA tESAM maggalaM sAdhayanti, Etad vayaM jAnImaH|
29 because whom He foreknew, He also foreordained, conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be firstborn among many brothers;
yata IzvarO bahubhrAtRNAM madhyE svaputraM jyESThaM karttum icchan yAn pUrvvaM lakSyIkRtavAn tAn tasya pratimUrtyAH sAdRzyaprAptyarthaM nyayuMkta|
30 and whom He foreordained, these also He called; and whom He called, these also He declared righteous; and whom He declared righteous, these also He glorified.
aparanjca tEna yE niyuktAsta AhUtA api yE ca tEnAhUtAstE sapuNyIkRtAH, yE ca tEna sapuNyIkRtAstE vibhavayuktAH|
31 What, then, will we say to these things? If God [is] for us, who [is] against us?
ityatra vayaM kiM brUmaH? IzvarO yadyasmAkaM sapakSO bhavati tarhi kO vipakSO'smAkaM?
32 He who indeed did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him grant to us all things?
AtmaputraM na rakSitvA yO'smAkaM sarvvESAM kRtE taM pradattavAn sa kiM tEna sahAsmabhyam anyAni sarvvANi na dAsyati?
33 Who will lay a charge against the chosen ones of God? God [is] He that is declaring righteous;
IzvarasyAbhirucitESu kEna dOSa ArOpayiSyatE? ya IzvarastAn puNyavata iva gaNayati kiM tEna?
34 who [is] he that is condemning? Christ [is] He that died, indeed, rather also, was raised up; who is also on the right hand of God—who also interceded for us.
aparaM tEbhyO daNPadAnAjnjA vA kEna kariSyatE? yO'smannimittaM prANAn tyaktavAn kEvalaM tanna kintu mRtagaNamadhyAd utthitavAn, api cEzvarasya dakSiNE pArzvE tiSThan adyApyasmAkaM nimittaM prArthata EvambhUtO yaH khrISTaH kiM tEna?
35 Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
asmAbhiH saha khrISTasya prEmavicchEdaM janayituM kaH zaknOti? klEzO vyasanaM vA tAPanA vA durbhikSaM vA vastrahInatvaM vA prANasaMzayO vA khaggO vA kimEtAni zaknuvanti?
36 According as it has been written: “For Your sake we are put to death all the day long; we were reckoned as sheep of slaughter.”
kintu likhitam AstE, yathA, vayaM tava nimittaM smO mRtyuvaktrE'khilaM dinaM| balirdEyO yathA mESO vayaM gaNyAmahE tathA|
37 But in all these we more than conquer, through Him who loved us;
aparaM yO'smAsu prIyatE tEnaitAsu vipatsu vayaM samyag vijayAmahE|
38 for I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present,
yatO'smAkaM prabhunA yIzukhrISTEnEzvarasya yat prEma tasmAd asmAkaM vicchEdaM janayituM mRtyu rjIvanaM vA divyadUtA vA balavantO mukhyadUtA vA varttamAnO vA bhaviSyan kAlO vA uccapadaM vA nIcapadaM vAparaM kimapi sRSTavastu
39 nor things about to be, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God that [is] in Christ Jesus our Lord.
vaitESAM kEnApi na zakyamityasmin dRPhavizvAsO mamAstE|

< Romans 8 >