< Romans 7 >

1 Are you ignorant, brothers—for to those knowing law I speak—that the law has lordship over the man as long as he lives?
Ili zar ne znate, braćo - poznavaocima zakona govorim - da zakon gospodari čovjekom samo za vrijeme njegova života.
2 For the married woman to the living husband has been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she has been free from the law of the husband;
Doista, udana je žena vezana zakonom dok joj muž živi; umre li joj muž, riješena je zakona o mužu.
3 so then, the husband being alive, she will be called an adulteress if she may become another man’s; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man’s.
Dakle: dok joj muž živi, zvat će se, očito, preljubnicom pođe li za drugoga. Ako li joj pak muž umre, slobodna je od zakona te nije preljubnica pođe li za drugoga.
4 So that, my brothers, you also were made dead to the law through the body of the Christ, for your becoming another’s, who was raised up out of the dead, that we might bear fruit to God;
Tako, braćo moja, i vi po tijelu Kristovu umrijeste Zakonu da pripadnete drugomu, Onomu koji je od mrtvih uskrišen, te plodove donosimo Bogu.
5 for when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, that [are] through the Law, were working in our members, to bear fruit to death;
Doista, dok bijasmo u tijelu, grešne su strasti, Zakonom izazvane, djelovale u našim udovima te smrti donosile plodove;
6 and now we have ceased from the Law, that being dead in which we were held, so that we may serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter.
sada pak umrijevši onomu što nas je sputavalo, riješeni smo Zakona te služimo u novosti Duha, a ne u stareži slova.
7 What, then, will we say? The Law [is] sin? Let it not be! But I did not know sin except through law, for also the covetousness I had not known if the Law had not said:
Što ćemo dakle reći? Je li Zakon grijeh? Nipošto! Nego: grijeha ne spoznah doli po Zakonu jer za požudu ne bih znao da Zakon nije govorio: Ne poželi!
8 “You will not covet”; and sin having received an opportunity, through the command, worked in me all covetousness—for apart from law sin is dead.
A grijeh je, uhvativši priliku, po zapovijedi u meni prouzročio svakovrsnu požudu. Ta bez zakona grijeh je mrtav.
9 And I was alive apart from law once, and the command having come, sin revived, and I died;
Da, ja sam nekoć živio bez zakona. Ali kad je došla zapovijed, grijeh oživje.
10 and the command that [is] for life, this was found by me for death;
Ja pak umrijeh i ustanovi se: zapovijed dana za život bi mi na smrt.
11 for sin, having received an opportunity, through the command, deceived me, and through it, slew [me],
Doista grijeh, uhvativši priliku, zapovijeđu me zavede, njome me i ubi.
12 so that the Law, indeed, [is] holy, and the command holy, and righteous, and good.
Tako: Zakon je svet, i zapovijed je sveta, i pravedna, i dobra.
13 That which is good then, has it become death to me? Let it not be! But sin, that it might appear sin, through the good, working death to me, that sin might become exceedingly sinful through the command.
Pa zar se to dobro meni u smrt prometnu? Nipošto! Nego: grijeh, da se grijehom očituje, po tom dobru uzrokuje mi smrt - da grijeh po zapovijedi postane najvećim grešnikom.
14 For we have known that the Law is spiritual, and I am fleshly, sold by sin;
Zakon je, znamo, duhovan; ja sam pak tjelesan, prodan pod grijeh.
15 for that which I work, I do not acknowledge; for not what I will, this I practice, but what I hate, this I do.
Zbilja ne razumijem što radim: ta ne činim ono što bih htio, nego što mrzim - to činim.
16 And if what I do not will, this I do, I consent to the Law that [it is] good,
Ako li pak činim što ne bih htio, slažem se sa Zakonom, priznajem da je dobar.
17 and now it is no longer I that work it, but sin dwelling in me,
Onda to ne činim više ja, nego grijeh koji prebiva u meni.
18 for I have known that there does not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh, good: for to will is present with me, and I do not find to work that which is right,
Doista znam da dobro ne prebiva u meni, to jest u mojem tijelu. Uistinu: htjeti mi ide, ali ne i činiti dobro.
19 for the good that I will, I do not do; but the evil that I do not will, this I practice.
Ta ne činim dobro koje bih htio, nego zlo koje ne bih htio - to činim.
20 And if what I do not will, this I do, it is no longer I that work it, but sin that is dwelling in me.
Ako li pak činim ono što ne bih htio, nipošto to ne radim ja, nego grijeh koji prebiva u meni.
21 I find, then, the law, that when I desire to do what is right, the evil is present with me,
Nalazim dakle ovaj zakon: kad bih htio činiti dobro, nameće mi se zlo.
22 for I delight in the Law of God according to the inward man,
Po nutarnjem čovjeku s užitkom se slažem sa Zakonom Božjim,
23 and I behold another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin that [is] in my members.
ali opažam u svojim udovima drugi zakon koji vojuje protiv zakona uma moga i zarobljuje me zakonom grijeha koji je u mojim udovima.
24 A wretched man I [am]! Who will deliver me out of the body of this death?
Jadan li sam ja čovjek! Tko će me istrgnuti iz ovoga tijela smrtonosnoga?
25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord; so then, I myself indeed serve the Law of God with the mind, and with the flesh, the law of sin.
Hvala Bogu po Isusu Kristu Gospodinu našem! Ja, dakle, umom ja služim zakonu Božjemu, a tijelom zakonu grijeha.

< Romans 7 >