< Revelation 15 >

1 And I saw another sign in the sky, great and wonderful: seven messengers having the seven last plagues, because in these the wrath of God was completed,
tataḥ param ahaṁ svargē 'param ēkam adbhutaṁ mahācihnaṁ dr̥ṣṭavān arthatō yai rdaṇḍairīśvarasya kōpaḥ samāptiṁ gamiṣyati tān daṇḍān dhārayantaḥ sapta dūtā mayā dr̥ṣṭāḥ|
2 and I saw as a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who gain the victory over the beast, and his image, and his mark, [and] the number of his name, standing by the sea of the glass, having harps of God,
vahnimiśritasya kācamayasya jalāśayasyākr̥tirapi dr̥ṣṭā yē ca paśōstatpratimāyāstannāmnō 'ṅkasya ca prabhūtavantastē tasya kācamayajalāśayasya tīrē tiṣṭhanta īśvarīyavīṇā dhārayanti,
3 and they sing the song of Moses, servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and wonderful [are] Your works, O LORD God, the Almighty, righteous and true [are] Your ways, O King of holy ones!
īśvaradāsasya mūsasō gītaṁ mēṣaśāvakasya ca gītaṁ gāyantō vadanti, yathā, sarvvaśaktiviśiṣṭastvaṁ hē prabhō paramēśvara|tvadīyasarvvakarmmāṇi mahānti cādbhutāni ca| sarvvapuṇyavatāṁ rājan mārgā nyāyyā r̥tāśca tē|
4 Who may not fear You, O LORD, and glorify Your Name? Because You alone [are] holy, because all the nations will come and worship before You, because Your righteous acts were revealed.”
hē prabhō nāmadhēyāttē kō na bhītiṁ gamiṣyati| kō vā tvadīyanāmnaśca praśaṁsāṁ na kariṣyati| kēvalastvaṁ pavitrō 'si sarvvajātīyamānavāḥ| tvāmēvābhipraṇaṁsyanti samāgatya tvadantikaṁ| yasmāttava vicārājñāḥ prādurbhāvaṁ gatāḥ kila||
5 And after these things I saw, and behold, the temple of the Dwelling Place of the Testimony was opened in Heaven;
tadanantaraṁ mayi nirīkṣamāṇē sati svargē sākṣyāvāsasya mandirasya dvāraṁ muktaṁ|
6 and the seven messengers having the seven plagues came forth out of the temple, clothed in linen, pure and radiant, and girded around the breasts with golden girdles:
yē ca sapta dūtāḥ sapta daṇḍān dhārayanti tē tasmāt mandirāt niragacchan| tēṣāṁ paricchadā nirmmalaśr̥bhravarṇavastranirmmitā vakṣāṁsi ca suvarṇaśr̥ṅkhalai rvēṣṭitānyāsan|
7 and one of the four living creatures gave to the seven messengers seven golden bowls, full of the wrath of God, who is living through the ages of the ages; (aiōn g165)
aparaṁ caturṇāṁ prāṇinām ēkastēbhyaḥ saptadūtēbhyaḥ saptasuvarṇakaṁsān adadāt| (aiōn g165)
8 and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power, and no one was able to enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven messengers may be completed.
anantaram īśvarasya tējaḥprabhāvakāraṇāt mandiraṁ dhūmēna paripūrṇaṁ tasmāt taiḥ saptadūtaiḥ saptadaṇḍānāṁ samāptiṁ yāvat mandiraṁ kēnāpi pravēṣṭuṁ nāśakyata|

< Revelation 15 >