< Psalms 96 >

1 Sing to YHWH a new song, Sing to YHWH all the earth.
Canticum ipsi David, quando domus ædificabatur post captivitatem. [Cantate Domino canticum novum; cantate Domino omnis terra.
2 Sing to YHWH, bless His Name, Proclaim His salvation from day to day.
Cantate Domino, et benedicite nomini ejus; annuntiate de die in diem salutare ejus.
3 Declare His glory among nations, His wonders among all the peoples.
Annuntiate inter gentes gloriam ejus; in omnibus populis mirabilia ejus.
4 For YHWH [is] great, and greatly praised, He [is] fearful over all gods.
Quoniam magnus Dominus, et laudabilis nimis: terribilis est super omnes deos.
5 For all the gods of the peoples [are] nothing, And YHWH made the heavens.
Quoniam omnes dii gentium dæmonia; Dominus autem cælos fecit.
6 Splendor and majesty [are] before Him, Strength and beauty in His sanctuary.
Confessio et pulchritudo in conspectu ejus; sanctimonia et magnificentia in sanctificatione ejus.
7 Ascribe to YHWH, O families of the peoples, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength.
Afferte Domino, patriæ gentium, afferte Domino gloriam et honorem;
8 Ascribe to YHWH the glory of His Name, Lift up a present and come into His courts.
afferte Domino gloriam nomini ejus. Tollite hostias, et introite in atria ejus;
9 Bow yourselves to YHWH, In the honor of holiness, Be afraid of His presence, all the earth.
adorate Dominum in atrio sancto ejus. Commoveatur a facie ejus universa terra;
10 Say among nations, “YHWH has reigned, Also—the world is established, unmoved, He judges the peoples in uprightness.”
dicite in gentibus, quia Dominus regnavit. Etenim correxit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur; judicabit populos in æquitate.
11 The heavens rejoice, and the earth is joyful, The sea and its fullness roar.
Lætentur cæli, et exsultet terra; commoveatur mare et plenitudo ejus;
12 The field exults, and all that [is] in it, Then all trees of the forest sing,
gaudebunt campi, et omnia quæ in eis sunt. Tunc exsultabunt omnia ligna silvarum
13 Before YHWH, for He has come, For He has come to judge the earth. He judges the world in righteousness, And the peoples in His faithfulness!
a facie Domini, quia venit, quoniam venit judicare terram. Judicabit orbem terræ in æquitate, et populos in veritate sua.]

< Psalms 96 >