< Psalms 74 >
1 AN INSTRUCTION OF ASAPH. Why, O God, have You cast off forever? Your anger smokes against the flock of Your pasture.
Zašto se, Bože, srdiš na nas dugo; dimi se gnjev tvoj na ovce paše tvoje?
2 Remember Your congregation [That] You purchased of old, You redeemed the rod of Your inheritance, This Mount Zion—You dwelt in it.
Opomeni se sabora svojega, koji si stekao od starine, iskupio sebi u našljednu državu, gore Siona, na kojoj si se naselio.
3 Lift up Your steps to the continuous desolations, Everything the enemy did wickedly in the sanctuary.
Podigni stope svoje na stare razvaline: sve je razrušio neprijatelj u svetinji.
4 Your adversaries have roared, In the midst of Your meeting-places, They have set their ensigns as ensigns.
Rièu neprijatelji tvoji na mjestu sabora tvojih, svoje obièaje postavljaju mjesto naših obièaja.
5 He is known as one bringing in on high Against a thicket of wood—axes.
Vidiš, oni su kao onaj koji podiže sjekiru na spletene grane u drveta.
6 And now they break down its engravings, Together, with axe and hatchet,
Sve u njemu što je rezano razbiše sjekirama i bradvama.
7 They have sent Your sanctuary into fire, They defiled the Dwelling Place of Your Name to the earth,
Ognjem sažegoše svetinju tvoju; na zemlju obalivši oskvrniše stan imena tvojega.
8 They said in their hearts, “Let us oppress them together,” They burned all the meeting-places of God in the land.
Rekoše u srcu svojem: potrimo ih sasvijem. Popališe sva mjesta sabora Božijih na zemlji.
9 We have not seen our ensigns, There is no longer a prophet, Nor with us is one knowing how long.
Obièaja svojih ne vidimo, nema više proroka, i nema u nas ko bi znao dokle æe to trajati.
10 Until when, O God, does an adversary reproach? Does an enemy despise Your Name forever?
Dokle æe se, Bože, rugati nasilnik? hoæe li dovijeka protivnik prkositi imenu tvojemu?
11 Why do You turn back Your hand, Even Your right hand? Remove [it] from the midst of Your bosom.
Zašto ustavljaš ruku svoju i desnicu svoju? Pruži iz njedara svojih, i istrijebi ih.
12 And God [is] my king of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth.
Bože, care moj, koji od starine tvoriš spasenje posred zemlje!
13 You have divided [the] sea by Your strength, You have shattered heads of dragons by the waters,
Ti si silom svojom raskinuo more, i satro glave vodenim nakazama.
14 You have broken the heads of leviathan, You make him food for the people of desert-dwellers.
Ti si razmrskao glavu krokodilu, dao ga onima koji žive u pustinji da ga jedu.
15 You have cleaved a fountain and a stream, You have dried up perennial flowings.
Ti si otvorio izvore i potoke, ti si isušio rijeke koje ne presišu.
16 The day [is] Yours, The night [is] also Yours, You have prepared a light-giver—the sun.
Tvoj je dan i tvoja je noæ, ti si postavio zvijezde i sunce.
17 You have set up all the borders of earth, Summer and winter—You have formed them.
Ti si utvrdio sve krajeve zemaljske, ljeto i zimu ti si uredio.
18 Remember this—an enemy reproached YHWH, And a foolish people have despised Your Name.
Opomeni se toga, neprijatelj se ruga Gospodu, i narod bezumni ne mari za ime tvoje.
19 Do not give up to a [wild] creature, The soul of Your turtle-dove, Do not forget the life of Your poor ones forever.
Ne daj zvijerima duše grlice svoje, nemoj zaboraviti stada stradalaca svojih zasvagda.
20 Look attentively to the covenant, For the dark places of earth, Have been full of habitations of violence.
Pogledaj na zavjet; jer su sve peæine zemaljske pune stanova bezakonja.
21 Do not let the oppressed turn back ashamed, Let the poor and needy praise Your Name,
Nevoljnik nek se ne vrati sramotan, ništi i ubogi neka hvale ime tvoje.
22 Arise, O God, plead Your plea, Remember Your reproach from a fool all the day.
Ustani, Bože, brani stvar svoju, opomeni se kako ti se bezumnik ruga svaki dan!
23 Do not forget the voice of Your adversaries, The noise of Your withstanders is going up continually!
Ne zaboravi obijesti neprijatelja svojih, vike, koju jednako dižu protivnici tvoji!