< Psalms 72 >

1 BY SOLOMON. O God, give Your judgments to the king, And Your righteousness to the king’s Son.
Zaburi ya Solomoni. Ee Mungu, mjalie mfalme aamue kwa haki yako, mwana wa mfalme kwa haki yako.
2 He judges Your people with righteousness, And Your poor with judgment.
Atawaamua watu wako kwa haki, watu wako walioonewa kwa haki.
3 The mountains bear peace to the people, And the heights by righteousness.
Milima italeta mafanikio kwa watu, vilima tunda la haki.
4 He judges the poor of the people, Gives deliverance to the sons of the needy, And bruises the oppressor.
Atawatetea walioonewa miongoni mwa watu na atawaokoa watoto wa wahitaji, ataponda mdhalimu.
5 They fear You with the sun, and before the moon, Generation—generations.
Atadumu kama jua lidumuvyo, kama mwezi, vizazi vyote.
6 He comes down as rain on mown grass, As showers—sprinkling the earth.
Atakuwa kama mvua inyeshayo juu ya shamba lililofyekwa, kama manyunyu yanyeshayo ardhi.
7 The righteous flourish in His days, And abundance of peace until the moon is not.
Katika siku zake wenye haki watastawi; mafanikio yatakuwepo mpaka mwezi utakapokoma.
8 And He rules from sea to sea, And from the river to the ends of the earth.
Atatawala kutoka bahari hadi bahari na kutoka Mto mpaka miisho ya dunia.
9 Desert-dwellers bow before Him, And His enemies lick the dust.
Makabila ya jangwani watamsujudia, na adui zake wataramba mavumbi.
10 Kings of Tarshish and of the islands send back a present. Kings of Sheba and Seba bring a reward near.
Wafalme wa Tarshishi na wa pwani za mbali watamletea kodi; wafalme wa Sheba na Seba watampa zawadi.
11 And all kings bow themselves to Him, All nations serve Him,
Wafalme wote watamsujudia na mataifa yote yatamtumikia.
12 For He delivers the needy who cries, And the poor when he has no helper,
Kwa maana atamwokoa mhitaji anayemlilia, aliyeonewa asiye na wa kumsaidia.
13 He has pity on the poor and needy, And He saves the souls of the needy,
Atawahurumia wanyonge na wahitaji na kuwaokoa wahitaji kutoka mauti.
14 He redeems their soul from fraud and from violence, And their blood is precious in His eyes.
Atawaokoa kutoka uonevu na ukatili, kwani damu yao ni ya thamani machoni pake.
15 And He lives, and the gold of Sheba [is] given to Him, And prayer is continually made for Him, All day He is continually blessed.
Aishi maisha marefu! Na apewe dhahabu ya Sheba. Watu wamwombee daima na kumbariki mchana kutwa.
16 There is a handful of grain in the earth, On the top of mountains, Its fruit shakes like Lebanon, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth.
Nafaka ijae tele katika nchi yote, juu ya vilele vya vilima na istawi. Tunda lake na listawi kama Lebanoni, listawi kama majani ya kondeni.
17 His Name is for all time, Before the sun is His Name continued, And they bless themselves in Him, All nations pronounce Him blessed.
Jina lake na lidumu milele, na lidumu kama jua. Mataifa yote yatabarikiwa kupitia kwake, nao watamwita aliyebarikiwa.
18 Blessed is YHWH God, God of Israel, He alone is doing wonders,
Bwana Mungu, Mungu wa Israeli, apewe sifa, yeye ambaye peke yake hutenda mambo ya ajabu.
19 And blessed [is] the Name of His glory for all time, And the whole earth is filled [with] His glory. Amen and amen!
Jina lake tukufu lisifiwe milele, ulimwengu wote ujae utukufu wake.
20 The prayers of David son of Jesse have been ended.
Huu ndio mwisho wa maombi ya Daudi mwana wa Yese.

< Psalms 72 >