< Psalms 70 >

1 TO THE OVERSEER. BY DAVID. “TO CAUSE TO REMEMBER.” O God, [hurry] to deliver me, O YHWH, hurry to help me.
Zborovođi. Davidov. Za spomen. O Bože, spasi me, Jahve, u pomoć mi pohitaj!
2 Let them be ashamed and confounded Who are seeking my soul, Let them be turned backward and blush Who are desiring my evil.
Nek' se postide i smetu svi koji mi o glavi rade! Nek' odstupe i nek' se posrame koji se nesreći mojoj raduju!
3 Let them turn back because of their shame, Who are saying, “Aha, aha.”
Nek' uzmaknu u sramoti svojoj koji zlurado na me grohoću!
4 Let all those seeking You rejoice and be glad in You, And let those loving Your salvation Continually say, “God is magnified.”
Neka kliču i nek' se vesele u tebi svi koji tebe traže! Neka govore svagda: “Velik je Bog!” svi koji spasenje tvoje ljube!
5 And I [am] poor and needy, O God, hurry to me, You [are] my help and my deliverer, O YHWH, do not linger!
A bijedan sam ja i nevoljan, o Bože, u pomoć mi pohitaj! Ti si pomoć moja i spasitelj; Jahve, ne kasni!

< Psalms 70 >