< Psalms 69 >
1 TO THE OVERSEER. [SET] ON “LILIES.” BY DAVID. Save me, O God, for waters have come to the soul.
Uniokoe, Mungu; maana maji yameweka uhai wangu hatarini.
2 I have sunk in deep mire, And there is no standing, I have come into the depths of the waters, And a flood has overflown me.
Ninazama kwenye kina cha matope, pasipo na hahari pa kusimama; nimekuja kwenye kina kirefu cha maji, ambako mafuriko yananifunika.
3 I have been wearied with my calling, My throat has been burned, My eyes have been consumed, waiting for my God.
Nimechoka sana kwa kulia kwangu; koo langu ni kavu; macho yangu yanafifia wakati namngoja Mungu wangu.
4 Those hating me without cause Have been more than the hairs of my head, Mighty have been my destroyers, My lying enemies, That which I did not take away—I bring back.
Wale wanichukiao bila sababu wako zaidi ya nywele za kichwa changu; wale ambao wangeweza kuniua, wakiwa adui zangu kwa sababu zisizo sahihi, ni wengi mno; wanalazimisha nirudishe kile ambacho sijaiba.
5 O God, You have known Concerning my overturn, And my desolations have not been hid from You.
Mungu, wewe unaujua ujinga wangu, na dhambi zangu hazifichiki kwako.
6 Do not let those waiting on You be ashamed because of me, O Lord, YHWH of Hosts, Do not let those seeking You Blush because of me, O God of Israel.
Usiwaache wale wanao kungoja wewe waaibishwe kwa sababu yangu, Bwana Yahwe wa majeshi; usiwaache wale wanaokutafuta wewe wadharauliwe kwa sababu yangu, Mungu wa Israeli.
7 For because of You I have borne reproach, Shame has covered my face.
Kwa ajili yako nimestahimili lawama; aibu imeufunika uso wangu.
8 I have been a stranger to my brother, And a foreigner to sons of my mother.
Nimekuwa mgeni kwa ndugu zangu, nisiye fahamika wala kuaminika kwa watoto wa mama yangu.
9 For [my] zeal for Your house has consumed me, And the reproaches of Your reproachers Have fallen on me.
Kwa maana bidii ya nyumba yako imenila, na laumu zao wanao kulaumu wewe zimeniangukia mimi.
10 And I weep in the fasting of my soul, And it is for a reproach to me.
Wakati nilipolia na kutokula chakula, walinitukana.
11 And I make my clothing sackcloth, And I am for an allegory to them.
Nilipoteneneza mavazi ya gunia, nikawa kituko kwao.
12 Those sitting at the gate meditate concerning me, And those drinking strong drink, Play on instruments.
Wale wakaao katika lango la mji huniseng'enya; mimi ni wimbo wa walevi.
13 And my prayer [is] to You, O YHWH, A time of good pleasure, O God, In the abundance of Your kindness, Answer me in the truth of Your salvation.
Lakini kwangu mimi, maombi yangu ni kwako, Yahwe, wakati ambao wewe utayapokea; unijibu katika uaminifu wa wokovu wako.
14 Deliver me from the mire, and do not let me sink, Let me be delivered from those hating me, And from deep places of waters.
Unitoe matopeni, na usiniache nizame; uniondoe mbali na wale wanaonichukia na uniokoe katika kina cha maji.
15 Do not let a flood of waters overflow me, Nor let the deep swallow me up, Nor let the pit shut her mouth on me.
Usiache mafuliko ya maji yanielemee, wala kina kisinimeze. Usiache mdomo wa shimo unimeze.
16 Answer me, O YHWH, for Your kindness [is] good, Turn to me according to the abundance of Your mercies,
Unijibu, Yahwe, maana uaminifu wa agano lako ni mwema; kwa maana rehema zako kwangu ni nyingi, unigeukie.
17 And do not hide Your face from Your servant, For I am in distress—hurry, answer me.
Usiufiche uso wako mbali na mtumishi wako, maana niko katika dhiki; unijibu haraka.
18 Be near to my soul—redeem it, Ransom me because of my enemies.
Uje kwangu na unikomboe. Kwa sababu ya adui zangu, uwe fidia yangu.
19 You have known my reproach, And my shame, and my blushing, All my adversaries [are] before You.
Wewe wajua kulaumiwa kwangu, kuaibishwa kwangu, na kudharauliwa kwangu; wapinzani wangu wote wako mbele yako.
20 Reproach has broken my heart, and I am sick, And I look for a bemoaner, and there is none, And for comforters, and I have found none.
Lawama imevunja moyo wangu; nimejawa na huzuni kubwa; nilitafuta mtu wa kunihurumia, lakini hakuwepo; nilitafuta wafariji, lakini sikupata.
21 And they give gall for my food, And cause me to drink vinegar for my thirst.
Walinipa sumu kwa ajili ya chakula changu; katika kiu yangu walinipa siki ninywe.
22 Their table before them is for a snare, And for a repayment—for a trap.
Meza yao mbele yao na iwe mtego; wafikiripo wako kwenye usalama, iwe kitanzi.
23 Their eyes are darkened from seeing, And their loins continually shake You.
Macho yao na yatiwe giza ili kwamba wasiweze kuona; uvifanye viuno vyao kutetemeka daima.
24 Pour Your indignation on them, And the fierceness of Your anger seizes them.
Wamwagie gadhabu yako, ukali wa hasira yako uwafikie wao.
25 Their tower is desolated, There is no dweller in their tents.
Sehemu yao na iwe ukiwa; mtu yeyote asiishi katika hema yao.
26 For they have pursued him [whom] You have struck, And recount of the pain of Your pierced ones.
Kwa kuwa walimtesa yule uliyempa adhabu. Mara kwa mara walihesabu maumivu ya wale walioumizwa.
27 Give punishment for their iniquity, And they do not enter into Your righteousness.
Wakiwashtaki kuwa wamefanya uovu juu ya uovu; usiwaache waje kwenye ushindi wa haki yako.
28 They are blotted out of the scroll of life, And are not written with the righteous.
Uwafute kwenye Kitabu cha Uzima na wasiandikwe pamoja na wenyehaki.
29 And I [am] afflicted and pained, Your salvation, O God, sets me on high.
Lakini mimi ni maskini na mwenye huzuni; uruhusu wokovu wako, Mungu, uniweke juu sana.
30 I praise the Name of God with a song, And I magnify Him with thanksgiving,
Nitalisifu jina la Mungu kwa wimbo na nitamtukuza yeye kwa shukrani.
31 And it is better to YHWH than an ox, A bullock—horned [and] hoofed.
Nitamsifu Yahwe zaidi kuliko ng'ombe au ndama aliye na mapembe na kwato.
32 The humble have seen—they rejoice, You who seek God—and your heart lives.
Wanyenyekevu wameona na kufurahi; ninyi mnao matafuta Mungu, mioyo yenu itiwe nguvu.
33 For YHWH listens to the needy, And He has not despised His bound ones.
Maana Yahwe husikia wenye uhitaji naye hawadharau wafungwa wake.
34 The heavens and earth praise Him, Seas, and every moving thing in them.
Mbingu na nchi zimsifu yeye, bahari na vyote vitembeavyo majini.
35 For God saves Zion, And builds the cities of Judah, And they have dwelt there, and possess it.
Kwa maana Mungu ataiokoa Sayuni na ataujenga tena mji wa Yuda; watu wataishi huko na kupata umiliki wao.
36 And the seed of His servants inherit it, And those loving His Name dwell in it!
Ukoo wa watumishi wake watairithi; nao walipendao jina lake wataishi humo.