< Psalms 68 >
1 TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM. A SONG OF DAVID. God rises [and] His enemies are scattered! And those hating Him flee from His face.
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He himene, he waiata na Rawiri. Kia ara te Atua, kia marara ona hoariri: kia whati hoki i tona aroaro te hunga e kino ana ki a ia.
2 You drive them away as the driving away of smoke, As the melting of wax before fire, The wicked perish at the presence of God.
Aia atu ratou, peratia me te paowa e aia ana: kia rite ki te ware pi e rewa ana i te kapura te ngaromanga o te hunga kino i te aroaro o te Atua.
3 And the righteous rejoice, they exult before God, And they rejoice with gladness.
Kia koa ia te hunga tika; kia hari i te aroaro o te Atua: ae ra, kia tino hari pu ratou.
4 Sing to God—praise His Name, Raise up a highway for Him who is riding in deserts, In YAH [is] His Name, and exult before Him.
Waiata ki te Atua, himenetia tona ingoa; opehia ake he huanui mo tana hariata i nga koraha; tona ingoa ko IHA; kia hari hoki ki tona aroaro.
5 Father of the fatherless, and judge of the widows, [Is] God in His holy habitation.
Hei matua mo nga pani, hei kaiwhakarite mo nga pouaru, te Atua i tona nohoanga tapu.
6 God—causing the lonely to dwell at home, Bringing out bound ones into prosperity, Only—the stubborn have inhabited a dry place.
E whakanohoia ana e te Atua te mokemoke ki te whare; e whakaputaina ana e ia nga herehere ki te ora: ko te hunga tutu ia e noho i te wahi waikore.
7 O God, in Your going forth before Your people, In Your stepping through the wilderness, (Selah)
E te Atua, i tou haerenga atu i mua i tau iwi: i tou haerenga i te koraha; (Hera)
8 The earth has shaken, Indeed, the heavens have dropped before God, This Sinai—before God, the God of Israel.
I wiri te whenua, i tuturu iho ano nga rangi i te aroaro o te Atua; me taua Hinai ano i te aroaro o te Atua, o te Atua o Iharaira.
9 You shake out a shower of free-will gifts, O God. Your inheritance, when it has been weary, You have established it.
I taia mai, e koe, e te Atua, he ua nui; a i tou kainga e ruwha ana ka whakaukia e koe.
10 Your creature has dwelt in it, You prepare for the poor in Your goodness, O God.
I noho tau whakaminenga ki reira: na tou pai, e te Atua, i mea kai ai koe ma nga rawakore.
11 The Lord gives the saying, The female proclaimers [are] a numerous host.
Ka homai e Ihowa te kupu: he ope nui nga wahine whakapuaki.
12 Kings of hosts utterly flee away, And a female inhabitant of the house apportions spoil.
Whati rawa nga kingi o nga taua: a ko te wahine i noho i te whare, kei te tuwha i nga parakete.
13 Though you lie between two boundaries, Wings of a dove covered with silver, And her pinions with yellow gold.
I a koutou ka takoto noa i nga takotoranga hipi, he rite ki nga pakau o te kukupa kua paparuatia nei ki te hiriwa, ona hou ki te koura whero.
14 When the Mighty spreads kings in it, it snows in Salmon.
I te whakamararatanga a te Kaha Rawa i nga kingi i reira, koia ano kei te hukarere o Taramono te ma.
15 A hill of God [is] the hill of Bashan, A hill of heights [is] the hill of Bashan.
He maunga Atua a Maunga Pahana; he maunga tiketike a Maunga Pahana.
16 Why do you envy, O high hills, The hill God has desired for His seat? YHWH also dwells forever.
He aha koutou ka titiro titaha ai, e nga maunga tiketike, ki te maunga i hiahiatia nei e te Atua kia nohoia e ia? ae, ka nohoia e Ihowa ake ake.
17 The chariots of God [are] myriads, thousands of changes, The Lord [is] among them, in Sinai, in the sanctuary.
Ko nga hariata a te Atua, e rua tekau mano, mano mano iho; kei roto i a ratou te Ariki, me te mea ko Hinai, ko te wahi tapu.
18 You have ascended on high, You have taken captivity captive, You have taken gifts for men, That even the stubborn may rest, O YAH God.
Kua kake koe ki runga, kua whakaraua e koe te whakarau: kua riro i a koe he ohaoha mo te tangata; ae, mo te hunga tutu ano, kia noho ai a Ihowa, te Atua ki a ratou.
19 Blessed [is] the Lord, day by day He lays on us. God Himself [is] our salvation. (Selah)
Kia whakapaingia te Ariki, e whakawaha nei i ta tatou pikaunga i tenei ra, i tenei ra, te Atua o to tatou whakaoranga. (Hera)
20 God Himself [is] to us a God for deliverances, And YHWH Lord has the outgoings of death.
Ko to tatou Atua te Atua o te whakaoranga: na Ihowa ano, na te Ariki, nga putanga ake i te mate.
21 Only—God strikes The head of His enemies, The hairy crown of a habitual walker in his guilt.
Ka maru ia i te Atua te matenga o ona hoariri: me te tumuaki huruhuru o te tangata e haere tonu ana i ana kino.
22 The Lord said: “From Bashan I bring back, I bring back from the depths of the sea.
I mea te Ariki, Ka whakahokia mai e ahau i Pahana, ka whakahokia mai e ahau taku iwi i nga rire o te moana:
23 So that you dash your foot In the blood of enemies—the tongue of Your dogs.”
Kia toua ai tou waewae ki te toto, kia whiwhi ai te arero o au kuri ki tana wahi o ou hoariri.
24 They have seen Your goings, O God, Goings of my God, my king, in the sanctuary.
I kite ratou, e te Atua, i ou haerenga, i nga haerenga o toku Atua, o toku Kingi, i te wahi tapu.
25 Singers have been before, Behind [are] players on instruments, Virgins playing with timbrels in the midst.
Ko nga kaiwaiata i haere i mua, i muri ko nga kaiwhakatangi, i waenganui o nga kotiro e patupatu ana i nga timipera.
26 In assemblies bless God, The Lord—from the fountain of Israel.
Whakapaingia te Atua i roto i nga whakaminenga, te Ariki hoki, e nga mea i puta mai i te matapuna o Iharaira.
27 There [is] little Benjamin, their ruler, Heads of Judah their defense, Heads of Zebulun—heads of Naphtali.
Kei reira a Pineamine, te whakaotinga, to ratou ariki, nga rangatira o Hura, me to ratou ropu, nga rangatira o Hepurona, me nga rangatira o Napatari.
28 Your God has commanded your strength, Be strong, O God, You have worked this for us.
Kua oti he kaha mou te whakahau iho e tou Atua: whakaukia, e te Atua, tau i mea ai mo matou.
29 Because of Your temple at Jerusalem, Kings bring a present to You.
Ka maua mai e nga kingi he hakari ki a koe, mo tou temepara i Hiruharama.
30 Rebuke a beast of the reeds, a herd of bulls, With calves of the peoples, Each humbling himself with pieces of silver, You scatter peoples delighting in conflicts.
Riria te kirehe o nga kakaho, te huinga puru, me nga kuao kau a nga iwi, me te takahi i nga pihi hiriwa ki raro: whakamararatia nga iwi e ahuareka ana ki te whainga.
31 Fat ones come out of Egypt, Cush causes her hands to run to God.
E puta mai nga rangatira i Ihipa: meake hohoro te totoro o nga ringa o Etiopia ki te Atua.
32 Kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, Praise the Lord! (Selah)
Waiata ki te Atua, e nga rangatiratanga o te whenua: himene ki te Ariki: (Hera)
33 To Him who is riding on the heavens of the heavens of old, Behold, He gives with His voice a strong voice.
Ki a ia, ko tona hariata nei ko nga rangi o nga rangi, nonamata: na, ka puaki tona reo, he reo kaha.
34 Ascribe strength to God, His excellence [is] over Israel, and His strength in the clouds.
Waiho te kaha i te Atua, kei runga nei i a Iharaira tana mahi rangatira: kei nga kapua hoki tona kaha.
35 Fearful, O God, out of Your sanctuaries, The God of Israel Himself, Giving strength and might to the people. Blessed [is] God!
Ka wehingia koe, e te Atua, i roto i ou wahi tapu: ko te Atua o Iharaira te kaihomai i te kaha, i te mana, ki tona iwi. Whakapaingia te Atua.