< Psalms 65 >

1 TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. A SONG. To You, silence [and] praise, O God, in Zion, And to You a vow is completed.
伶長にうたはしめたる歌ダビデの讃美なり ああ神よさんびはシオンにて汝をまつ 人はみまへにて誓をはたさん
2 Hearer of prayer, all flesh comes to You.
3 Matters of iniquities were mightier than I, Our transgressions—You cover them.
不義のことば我にかてり なんぢ我儕のもろもろの愆をきよめたまはん
4 O the blessedness of [him whom] You choose, And draw near, he inhabits Your courts, We are satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.
汝にえらぱれ汝にちかづけられて大庭にすまふ者はさいはひなり われらはなんぢの家なんぢの宮のきよき處のめぐみにて飽ことをえん
5 By fearful things in righteousness You answer us, O God of our salvation, The confidence of all far off The ends of the earth and sea.
われらが救のかみよ 地と海とのもろもろの極なるきはめて遠ものの恃とするなんぢは公義によりて畏るべきことをもて我儕にこたへたまはん
6 Establishing mountains by His power, He has been girded with might,
かみは大能をおび その權力によりてもろもろの山をかたくたたしめ
7 Restraining the noise of seas, the noise of their billows, And the multitude of the peoples.
海のひびき狂瀾のひびき もろもろの民のかしがましきを鎮めたまへり
8 And the inhabitants of the uttermost parts Are afraid from Your signs, You cause the outgoings of morning and evening to sing.
されば極遠にすめる人々もなんぢのくさぐさの豫兆をみておそる なんぢ朝夕のいづる處をよろこび謳はしめたまふ
9 You have inspected the earth, and water it, You make it very rich, the stream of God [is] full of water, You prepare their grain, When thus You prepare it,
なんぢ地にのぞみて漑そぎおほいに之をゆたかにしたまへり 神のかはに水みちたり なんぢ如此そなへをなして穀物をかれらにあたへたまへり
10 Its ridges have been filled, Its furrow has been deepened, You soften it with showers, Its springing up You bless.
なんぢ畎をおほいにうるほし畝をたひらにし白雨にてこれをやはらかにし その萌芽るを祝し
11 You have crowned the year of Your goodness, And Your paths drop fatness.
また恩恵をもて年の冕弁としたまへり なんぢの途には膏したたれり
12 The pastures of a wilderness drop, And You gird the hills with joy.
13 The meadows are clothed with the flock, And valleys are covered with grain, They shout—indeed, they sing!
牧場はみな羊のむれを衣もろもろの谷は穀物におほはれたり かれらは皆よろこびてよばはりまた謳ふ

< Psalms 65 >