< Psalms 32 >
1 AN INSTRUCTION OF DAVID. O the blessedness of him whose transgression [is] forgiven, Whose sin is covered.
Dāvida pamācīšana. Svētīgs ir tas, kam pārkāpumi piedoti, kam grēki apklāti.
2 O the blessedness of a man, To whom YHWH does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Svētīgs tas cilvēks, kam Tas Kungs noziegumus nepielīdzina, un kura garā viltības nav.
3 When I have kept silence, my bones have become old, Through my roaring all the day.
Kad es klusu cietu, tad panīka mani kauli caur manu kaukšanu cauru dienu.
4 When by day and by night Your hand is heavy on me, My moisture has been changed Into the droughts of summer. (Selah)
Jo Tava roka dienām naktīm bija grūta uz manis, ka mans zaļums nokalta kā vasaras bullā. (Sela)
5 I cause You to know my sin, And I have not covered my iniquity. I have said, “I confess to YHWH concerning My transgressions,” And You have taken away the iniquity of my sin. (Selah)
Savus grēkus es Tev sūdzu un neapklāju savus noziegumus; es sacīju: es izteikšu Tam Kungam savus pārkāpumus, tad Tu piedevi manu grēku noziegumus. (Sela)
6 For every saintly one prays this to You, In the time to find [You]. Surely at an overflowing of many waters, They do not come to him.
Par to Tevi pielūgs visi svētie īstenā atrašanas laikā; tādēļ jebšu lieli ūdens plūdi nāktu, taču tie tos neaizņems.
7 You [are] a hiding place for me, You keep me from distress, Surround me [with] songs of deliverance. (Selah)
Tu esi mans patvērums, no bailēm Tu mani pasargāsi; Tu liksi atskanēt ap mani pestīšanas gavilēm. (Sela)
8 I cause you to act wisely, And direct you in the way that you go, I cause My eye to take counsel concerning you.
“Es tev došu saprašanu un tev mācīšu to ceļu, pa kuru jāiet; Es došu padomu, Mana acs būs pār tevi.
9 Do not be as a horse—as a mule, Without understanding, With bridle and bit, its ornaments, to curb, Not to come near to you.
Neesiet kā zirgi un zirgēzeļi, kam prāta nav, kam iemaukti un laužņi jāliek mutē, kad negrib nākt pie tevis.”
10 Many [are] the pains of the wicked; As for him who is trusting in YHWH, Kindness surrounds him.
Bezdievīgam ir daudz sāpes, bet kas uz To Kungu cer, to žēlastība apkamps.
11 Be glad in YHWH, and rejoice, you righteous, And sing, all you upright of heart!
Priecājaties iekš Tā Kunga un līksmojaties, jūs taisnie, un slavējiet, visi jūs sirds skaidrie.