< Psalms 19 >

1 TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. The heavens [are] recounting the glory of God, And the expanse [is] declaring the work of His hands.
Nebesa kazuju slavu Božiju, i djela ruku njegovijeh glasi svod nebeski.
2 Day to day utters speech, And night to night shows knowledge.
Dan danu dokazuje, i noæ noæi javlja.
3 There is no speech, and there are no words. Their voice has not been heard.
Nema jezika, niti ima govora, gdje se ne bi èuo glas njihov.
4 Their line has gone forth into all the earth, And their sayings to the end of the world, In them He placed a tent for the sun,
Po svoj zemlji ide kazivanje njihovo i rijeèi njihove na kraj vasiljene. Suncu je postavio stan na njima;
5 And he, as a bridegroom, goes out from his covering, He rejoices as a mighty one To run the path.
I ono izlazi kao ženik iz ložnice svoje, kao junak veselo teèe putem.
6 From the end of the heavens [is] his going out, And his revolution [is] to their ends, And nothing is hid from his heat.
Izlazak mu je nakraj neba, i hod mu do kraja njegova; i niko nije sakriven od toplote njegove.
7 The law of YHWH [is] perfect, refreshing the soul, The testimonies of YHWH [are] steadfast, Making the simple wise,
Zakon je Gospodnji svršen, krijepi dušu; svjedoèanstvo je Gospodnje vjerno, daje mudrost nevještome.
8 The precepts of YHWH [are] upright, Rejoicing the heart, The command of YHWH [is] pure, enlightening the eyes,
Naredbe su Gospodnje pravedne, vesele srce. Zapovijest je Gospodnja svijetla, prosvjetljuje oèi.
9 The fear of YHWH [is] clean, standing for all time, The judgments of YHWH [are] true, They have been righteous—together.
Strah je Gospodnji èist, ostaje dovijeka. Sudovi su njegovi istini, pravedni svikoliki.
10 They are more desirable than gold, Indeed, than much fine gold; and sweeter than honey, Even liquid honey of the comb.
Bolji su od zlata i dragog kamenja, slaði od meda koji teèe iz sata.
11 Also—Your servant is warned by them, “In keeping them [is] a great reward.”
I slugu tvojega oni su prosvijetlili; ko ih drži ima veliku platu.
12 [His] errors—who understands? Declare me innocent from hidden ones,
Ko æe znati sve svoje pogrješke? Oèisti me i od tajnijeh;
13 Also—keep back Your servant from presumptuous ones, Do not let them rule over me, Then I am perfect, And declared innocent of much transgression.
I od voljnijeh saèuvaj slugu svojega, da ne obladaju mnome. Tada æu biti svršen i èist od velikoga prijestupa.
14 Let the sayings of my mouth, And the meditation of my heart, Be for a pleasing thing before You, O YHWH, my rock, and my redeemer!
Da su ti rijeèi usta mojih ugodne, i pomisao srca mojega pred tobom, Gospode, krjeposti moja i izbavitelju moj!

< Psalms 19 >