< Psalms 15 >

1 A PSALM OF DAVID. YHWH, who sojourns in Your tent? Who dwells in Your holy hill?
Un salmo de David. Yahvé, ¿quién habitará en tu santuario? ¿Quién vivirá en tu santa colina?
2 He who is walking uprightly, And working righteousness, And speaking truth in his heart.
El que camina intachablemente y hace lo que es correcto, y dice la verdad en su corazón;
3 He has not slandered by his tongue, He has not done evil to his friend; And he has not lifted up reproach Against his neighbor.
el que no calumnia con su lengua, ni hace el mal a su amigo, ni lanza calumnias contra sus semejantes;
4 A rejected one [is] despised in his eyes, And he honors those fearing YHWH. He has sworn to endure evil, and does not change;
a cuyos ojos se desprecia al hombre vil, sino que honra a los que temen a Yahvé; el que mantiene un juramento aunque le duela, y no cambia;
5 He has not given his silver in usury, And has not taken a bribe against the innocent; Whoever is doing these is not moved for all time!
el que no presta su dinero por usura, ni aceptar un soborno contra el inocente. El que hace estas cosas nunca será sacudido.

< Psalms 15 >