< Psalms 141 >
1 A PSALM OF DAVID. O YHWH, I have called You, hurry to me, Give ear [to] my voice when I call to You.
Dāvida dziesma. Kungs, Tevi es piesaucu, steidzies pie manis, klausies uz manu balsi, kad es Tevi piesaucu.
2 My prayer is prepared—incense before You, The lifting up of my hands—the evening present.
Lai mana lūgšana Tavā priekšā top cienīta kā kvēpināmais upuris, manu roku pacelšana kā vakara upuris.
3 Set, O YHWH, a watch for my mouth, Watch over the door of my lips.
Kungs, sargi manu muti un pasargi manas lūpas.
4 Do not incline my heart to an evil thing, To habitually do actions in wickedness, Working iniquity with men, Indeed, I do not eat of their pleasant things.
Nedod manai sirdij griezties uz ļaunu, bezdievīgu darbu darīt ar ļaundarītājiem, ka nebaudu no viņu kārumiem.
5 The righteous beat me [in] kindness. And reprove me, My head does not disallow oil of the head, For my prayer [is] still about their distress.
Lai taisnais mani sit, tā būs žēlastība, un lai viņš mani pārmāca, tā būs eļļa uz manu galvu, tam lai mana galva neliedzās; bet es vienmēr lūdzu pret viņu ļauniem darbiem.
6 Their judges have been released by the sides of a rock, And they have heard my sayings, For they have been pleasant.
No akmens kalniem viņu soģi lai top nogāzti; tad dzirdēs manus vārdus, ka tie mīlīgi.
7 As one tilling and ripping up in the land, Have our bones been scattered at the command of Saul. (Sheol )
Kā zemi uzplēš un uzar, tā mūsu kauli ir izkaisīti līdz pašam kapam. (Sheol )
8 But to You, O YHWH, my Lord, [are] my eyes, In You I have trusted, Do not make my soul bare.
Bet uz Tevi, Kungs, Dievs, manas acis raugās, uz Tevi paļaujos, neatstum manu dvēseli.
9 Keep me from the trap they laid for me, Even snares of workers of iniquity.
Pasargi mani no tā valga, ko tie man ir izmetuši, un no ļauna darītāju slazdiem.
10 The wicked fall in their dragnets together, until I pass over!
Bezdievīgie kritīs savos tīklos, kamēr es iešu garām.