< Psalms 140 >
1 TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. Deliver me, O YHWH, from an evil man, Keep me from one of violence.
伶長にうたはしめたるダビデのうた ヱホバよねがはくは惡人よりわれを助けいだし 我をまもりて強暴人よりのがれしめたまへ
2 Who have devised evils in the heart, All the day they assemble [for] wars.
かれらは心のうちに残害をくはだて たえず戦闘をおこす
3 They sharpened their tongue as a serpent, Poison of a viper [is] under their lips. (Selah)
かれらは蛇のごとくおのが舌を利す そのくちびるのうちに蝮の毒あり (セラ)
4 Preserve me, YHWH, from the hands of the wicked, Keep me from one of violence, Who have devised to overthrow my steps.
ヱホバよ願くはわれを保ちてあしきひとの手よりのがれしめ 我をまもりてわが足をつまづかせんと謀るあらぶる人よりのがれしめ給へ
5 The proud hid a snare for me—and cords, They spread a net by the side of the path, They have set snares for me. (Selah)
高ぶるものはわがために羂と索とをふせ 路のほとりに網をはり かつ機をまうけたり (セラ)
6 I have said to YHWH, “You [are] my God, Hear, YHWH, the voice of my supplications.”
われヱホバにいへらく汝はわが神なり ヱホバよねがはくはわが祈のこゑをきき給へ
7 O YHWH, my Lord, strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of armor.
わが救のちからなる主の神よ なんぢはたたかひの日にわが首をおほひたまへり
8 Do not grant, O YHWH, the desires of the wicked, Do not bring forth his wicked scheme, They are high. (Selah)
ヱホバよあしきひとの欲のままにすることをゆるしたまふなかれ そのあしき企図をとげしめたまふなかれ おそらくは彼等みづから誇らん (セラ)
9 The chief of my surrounders, The perverseness of their lips covers them.
10 They cause burning coals to fall on themselves, He casts them into fire, Into deep pits—they do not arise.
もえたる炭はかれらのうへにおち かれらは火になげいれられ ふかき穴になげいれられて再びおきいづることあたはざるべし
11 A talkative man is not established in the earth, One of violence—evil hunts to overflowing.
惡言をいふものは世にたてられず 暴ぶるものはわざはひに追及れてたふさるべし
12 I have known that YHWH executes The judgment of the afflicted, The judgment of the needy.
13 Surely the righteous give thanks to Your Name, The upright dwell with Your presence!