< Psalms 130 >
1 A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. I have called You from the depths, YHWH.
Pesem preizvrstna. Iz globočin sem te klical, Gospod:
2 Lord, listen to my voice, Your ears are attentive to the voice of my supplications.
Gospod, poslušaj glas moj; ušesa tvoja naj pazijo na prošinj mojih glas.
3 If You observe iniquities, Lord YAH, who stands?
Ako bodeš na krivice gledal, Gospod, kdo bi mogel obstati?
4 But forgiveness [is] with You, that You may be feared.
Ker pri tebi je odpuščenje, da te česté v svetem strahu.
5 I hoped [for] YHWH—my soul has hoped, And I have waited for His word.
Čakal sem Gospoda, čakala je duša moja; tudi v besedi njegovi imam nado.
6 My soul [is] for the Lord, More than those watching for morning, Watching for morning!
Srce moje hrepeni po Gospodu, bolj ko straže po jutru, ki čujejo noter do jutra.
7 Israel waits on YHWH, For kindness [is] with YHWH, And redemption [is] abundant with Him.
Nado imej Izrael v Gospodu, ker pri Gospodu je milost, in pri njem največ rešenja.
8 And He redeems Israel from all his iniquities!
In on bode rešil Izrael vseh krivic njegovih.